
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 287

At this moment, Uchiha Tsuki has no fear of desperate situation at all, and some are just the pleasure of the hand to hand combat!

So, when Uchiha Tsuki noticed the extremely high Lightning-Style Ninjutsu attainments owned by the hunter, Uchiha Tsuki immediately spent a lot of spiritual energy, concentrated on Chakra, and launched the Wind Attribute Chakra's Nature Transformation. Undoubtedly, the best way to restrain the hunter's Lightning-Style is to improve the Attainments of its Wind-Style.

Now, Uchiha Tsuki is able to complete the Wind Attribute Chakra Nature Transformation, but to accumulate the Attainments of Wind-Style Ninjutsu, not the ultimate in Wind Attribute Chakra Nature Transformation. Almost all of Jonin Level ninja is able to accomplish some of the best of Chakra Nature Transformation. In such a case, if you want to create a win, you must have a higher Ninjutsu level attainments!

Just like Uchiha Tsuki and Namikaze Minato, it is also able to complete the ultimate of Wind Attribute Chakra Nature Transformation.

However, Uchiha Tsuki, who has just completed the Wind Attribute Chakra Nature Transformation, can use Wind Attribute Chakra to defeat Namikaze Minato?

So, I noticed that the hunter Lightning-Style Ninjutsu attainments is extremely high, and Uchiha Tsuki immediately thinks of the way to master the stronger Wind-Style!

Followed by…

After Uchiha Tsuki completed the Nature Transformation of Wind Attribute Chakra, he was able to see Katana's knives, all full of the rich Wind Attribute Chakra. Just watching the edge of the ghost, you can feel the sharpness of today's ghosts. Then, Uchiha Tsuki saw the time of maturity, condensed the moon and the sword, and then launched a storm on the hunter in front!

"Looking at the moon! Sword slash!"


At this time, Uchiha Tsuki came close to the hunter and slashed his knife to the hunter. Moreover, when Uchiha Tsuki used the Blade Technique, he also used the basic steps of the night god clan. If this happens then, Uchiha Tsuki's offense is not enough, but he can still affirm the hunter's counterattack when he uses the basic steps.

The hunter saw the pace of Uchiha Tsuki underfoot, and suddenly flashed a glimpse of surprise.

Obviously, even if the hunter absolutely did not think that Uchiha Tsuki could actually use the unskilled foundation to break the steps!

However, the hunter quickly thought about the key to the matter, knowing that Uchiha Tsuki should be the same as Mo Shenfeng. Only in this way, Uchiha Tsuki was able to use the Sharingan copy to take the foundation of Mo Shenfeng and apply it to the battle. Immediately after the brief surprise, the expression in the eyes of the hunter suddenly changed. Moreover, when the looks-at Uchiha Tsuki used the night god clan to break the attack, the hunter's mouth was raised with a scornful smile, indifferently said: "Uchiha Tsuki, you are stupid!"

"Do you think that with your rough foundation, can you really avide my attack?"


Tough barely fell, the hunter just gently leaned over, and actually avoided Uchiha Tsuki's offense!

Then, just as Uchiha Tsuki used the scorpion clear sight of the hunter's offensive routine, he used the moment to avoid the hunter. The hunter actually came out and directly closed Uchiha Tsuki's evasive route. At the same time, the kunai in the hands of the hunter was stabbed in front of Uchiha Tsuki, allowing Uchiha Tsuki to bend over the sharp kunai.

However, seeing Uchiha Tsuki bending over and barely avoiding, the hunter underfoot kicked directly on Uchiha Tsuki's ankle!


Was kicked to the ankle, Uchiha Tsuki instantly lost his balance, and his body fell heavily on the ground.

The hunter saw Uchiha Tsuki fall to the ground, holding a kunai in his left hand, condensing Lightning Attribute Chakra and stabbing Uchiha Tsuki's chest!

"Lifting the Moon · Afterimage Boxing!"

Life is in jeopardy, Uchiha Tsuki is also calm, and one-handed hand seals use the moonlight · afterimage punch to dodge.

However, the hunter has long held the information of Uchiha Tsuki. How can I not know Uchiha Tsuki's moonfall Secret Jutsu?

Use your own sense ability, and instantly activate the main body of Uchiha Tsuki…

In the next second, the hunter once again came to Uchiha Tsuki, hand seal, and cast Lightning-Style Ninjutsu!

"Lightning-Style · Go!"

"Oh... oh..."

At the moment when the hunter cast Lightning-Style Ninjutsu, Uchiha Tsuki used the sable to clear sight. The hunter's hands were on the ground, and the silver's lightning rays of light flashed on the ground. Numerous lightnings are intertwined on the ground, just like a layer of lightning-woven giant nets, directly impinging Uchiha Tsuki. Moreover, if Uchiha Tsuki is hit by those lightnings, let's not say that Uchiha Tsuki is suffering from the body, and say that for a few seconds of numbness, Uchiha Tsuki is buried in the hands of the hunter!

At the same time, the hunter looks-at himself to cast Lightning-Style Ninjutsu's formidable power, satisfied with chaplain.

Obviously, the hunter has already felt that he is winning. After all, Uchiha Tsuki has no threat in front of him. It is even more easy to defeat.


Just when the hunter thought that Uchiha Tsuki couldn't dodge, who wanted Uchiha Tsuki to hold the ghost with one hand and erect the ghost, then he supported his body. Moreover, there is a strong Wind Attribute Chakra on the ghost. Even if the formidable power of the lighting on the ground is very strong, there is no way to penetrate the Wind Attribute Chakra and numb the Uchiha Tsuki of Katana.

It was awkward to use the Lightning-Style Ninjutsu used by the hunter, and Uchiha Tsuki took a deep breath and used the moonshake afterimage to avoid it!

However, when Uchiha Tsuki just left an afterimage in the same place, the hunter's kunai suddenly appeared in front of Uchiha Tsuki!


Wrapped around Lightning Attribute Chakra, the kunai was completely unimpeded and penetrated into Uchiha Tsuki's chest!

Thanks to Uchiha Tsuki's time to avoid, just let the kunai penetrate into his right chest and fail to hit his heart.

Otherwise, Uchiha Tsuki will die in the hands of the hunter!

However, even if kunai could not pierce the heart of Uchiha Tsuki, it also injured Uchiha Tsuki's lungs. For a time, Uchiha Tsuki felt that she had some difficulty breathing. As long as she inhales or exhales, there is a burning pain in her lungs, which makes Uchiha Tsuki bite her teeth and endure the pain.

Moreover, at that moment, the hunter saw Uchiha Tsuki serious injury, and even more to pursue the pursuit, directly kill Uchiha Tsuki!

Feeling the rich killing-intent from the hunter, the Pupils in Uchiha Tsuki's eyes couldn't help but shrink slightly!

At this moment, Uchiha Tsuki knew that he was fighting the hunter in front of him and was defeated!