
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 269

"cough cough."

Originally, Sarutobi broke the glimpse of Terumi Mei and handed the scroll of Yang to Uchiha Tsuki, his eyes looked a bit odd. Then, when Uchiha Tsuki put the yin scroll in front of Terumi Mei, Sarutobi suddenly had a feeling of being a light bulb. It is as if Uchiha Tsuki and Terumi Mei are changing their love letters in mutual friendship, only he is alone in the side.

Undoubtedly, now that Uchiha Tsuki and Terumi Mei look like "Lang Qing Yi", Sarutobi has confirmed that what Hatake Kakashi said is true. In the view of Sarutobi, if Uchiha Tsuki doesn't like Terumi Mei, it is a strange thing. After all, Uchiha Tsuki not only did not kill Terumi Mei, who was in a serious state of injury, but also treated the injury for Terumi Mei. Even Uchiha Tsuki handed over the collected sinister scroll to Terumi Mei, which has given Sarutobi a certain amount of evidence.


The fact is that Uchiha Tsuki doesn't mean anything like Terumi Mei, he just doesn't want to kill Terumi Mei in this state.

As an expert, you must have the pride of being an expert. Uchiha Tsuki's strength at this stage may not be proud of Ninja World, but he also has his own pride. If Uchiha Tsuki wants to kill Terumi Mei, it must be positive with Terumi Mei, not a savage one, killing Terumi Mei in a serious injury state.

So Uchiha Tsuki appeared in front of Terumi Mei to help her heal the injuries. Moreover, because Terumi Mei's Yang's scroll was handed over to her, Uchiha Tsuki was afraid to see Terumi Mei in the Chunin Exams final, and immediately collected the sinister scroll in front of Terumi Mei. Uchiha Tsuki now wants to show that Terumi Mei is able to advance to the final of Chunin Exams and win the finals.

Terumi Mei is also a new generation of Mist Ninja village, she naturally understands the meaning of Uchiha Tsuki. Therefore, Terumi Mei also did not thank Uchiha Tsuki, but silently put the yin scroll into his Ninja Tool Pouch. Later, Terumi Mei stared at Uchiha Tsuki in front of him and said, "Uchiha Tsuki, can you unlock my tenketsu now?"

"No, you are our captive now."

When I heard Terumi Mei, Uchiha Tsuki smiled slightly and said: "As a prisoner, you must have the consciousness of a prisoner, Terumi Mei. From now on, you have to listen to me, I ask you what, you have to answer . If you are dissatisfied with your answer, don't blame me for subordinate ruthless, Terumi Mei!"

"hmph, despicable guy!"

Uchiha Tsuki bell barely fell, Terumi Mei was angry with coldly snorted, even though he was silent there, waiting for Uchiha Tsuki to ask.

Instead, Sarutobi was hidden next to Uchiha Tsuki and Terumi Mei, and felt that the light bulb was slightly brighter. So, also at the time of Terumi Meibo barely fell, Sarutobi scratched his head and said, "Yuejun, if you have any questions , just start asking. Right, I am a little thirsty, ready Go near to find some water sources. Then you talk first, I am going to get water!"

"Disconnect, wait a minute!"

When Sarutobi broke down and said it, Uchiha Tsuki was slightly frowned and said: "Terumi Mei is a serious injury in the hands of the Ninja village of Cloud Ninja. There must be a ninja in the village of Cloud Ninja to chase her. So , you If you leave now, you are likely to be murdered by the ninja in the village of Cloud Ninja. If you are really thirsty, you will be a little bit tolerant, wait for us to find the water source together!"

"That. That's alright!"

Hear this, Sarutobi broke the nod light, and then said: "Then I will take care of Kakashi Jun, you talk."

Say here, Sarutobi left Uchiha Tsuki and went into the cave to take care of Hatake Kakashi. However, at the moment Sarutobi had finished arranging, Terumi Mei slightly raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that dignified Uchiha Tsuki would not even take care of his companions! How, Hatake Kakashi, the guy was also hurt? Who is it that I can hurt your team's Hatake Kakashi, I am very interested."

"It's the wild beast of the Doomsday Forest!"

In front of Terumi Mei, Uchiha Tsuki also has no concealed meaning. Direct start to talk said: "The wild beast of the Doomsday Forest is too fierce, especially the poison of some wild beast, and the nemesis of our ninja. "Uchiha Tsuki's gaze was transferred to Terumi Mei's body and asked: "Terumi Mei, the wild beast you met should be difficult to deal with? Otherwise, even if the strength of Mo Shenfeng's guy is good, It is impossible to hurt you like this!"

"No, Uchiha Tsuki, you are wrong!"

When I heard Uchiha Tsuki, Terumi Mei's dignified shake one's head said: "Uchiha Tsuki, don't underestimate Mo Shenfeng, he is really strong, even stronger than you! Although I can't detect you. Real strength, but your strength should be on almost on par! However, Mo Shenfeng not only inherits the clothes of Third-Hokage, but even his own clan's Secret Jutsu is very good! So, I feel that I am defeated. In the hands of Mo Shenfeng, it's really not awkward!"


Terumi Meibone barely fell, Uchiha Tsuki also showed a grape expression in his eyes, and asked: "Mo Shenfeng seems to be the clansman of the night god clan, the Secret Jutsu of the night god clan is strong?"

"It is very strong!"

At this time, Terumi Mei took a deep breath and immediately said to Uchiha Tsuki in front of him: "Don't look down on the member of the night god clan, Uchiha Tsuki! Even if you have a three-tomoe form of Sharingan , you are the same Can't see through the night god clan's Secret Jutsu! Night god clan used to be Samurai clan, but since the night god clan became Noble Clan in the village of Cloud Ninja, they have mastered the Secret Jutsu, even surpassing many ninja clan! Among them, especially The night of the god clan that flexible avoidance skills, it is even more scary!"

"And, if I didn't guess wrong, Mo Shenfeng's guy is very likely to master the basic steps of the night god clan!"

"The basic step, combined with the powerful sword art of the night god clan, Mo Shenfeng has the same strength as Elite Chunin!"

"Not to mention, Mo Shenfeng is also the direct disciple of Third-Raikage. Do you think people like Mo Shenfeng have Secret Jutsu who can learn Third-Raikage?"

Speaking, a sudden ray of light from Terumi Mei's eyes flashed, and then she was interested in the Uchiha Tsuki in front of the looks-at, said with a sneer: "Uchiha Tsuki, I really want to see it now, Who are you and Mo Shenfeng who are stronger? In the end, is your self-created Secret Jutsu more powerful, or is the night god clan Secret Jutsu that Mo Shenfeng masters stronger?"