
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 246



At the moment of Uchiha Tsuki belly thinly, I can see that the scene in front of Uchiha Tsuki suddenly changed. Then, Genjutsu, who had been blocking Uchiha Tsuki and the others, was disappeared without a trace as Uchiha Tsuki whispered in the mouth. Moreover, when Uchiha Tsuki succeeded in breaking the front of the illusion, not only Hatake Kakashi and Sarutobi broke the shocked looks-at Uchiha Tsuki, but even the Genin of the Chunin Exams, such as Sasori of the Red Sand. Shocked staring at Uchiha Tsuki.

Scarlet red's pupils, three black tomoe…

Look-at Uchiha Tsuki That three-tomoe form of Sharingan, almost everyone stayed there, apparently they absolutely did not think that Uchiha Tsuki at this age, actually Awakening the three-tomoe form of Sharingan. However, at this time Uchiha Tsuki did not seem to be aware of the amazing eyes around him. Seeing that Genjutsu in front of him had been successfully broken, Uchiha Tsuki smiled and looked at Hatake Kakashi and Sarutobi and said: "Kakashi, broken, we go !"

"Oh. Oh!"

Upon hearing Uchiha Tsuki, Hatake Kakashi and Sarutobi succumbed in suddenly recovered, and then along with Uchiha Tsuki, went to the third floor of Academy to prepare for the real Chunin Exams. Moreover, just as Uchiha Tsuki and the others went to the third floor of the Academy, Uchiha Tsuki was very satisfied with the formidable power of his three-tomoe form Sharingan, because he used the three-tomoe form Sharingan to break Genjutsu before I never thought that the effect would be so good.

Originally, Uchiha Tsuki was prepared to use his powerful spiritual energy to directly break the illusion of blocking himself and the others. However, I am afraid that Hidden Leaf Village ninja will be injured. Uchiha Tsuki is ready to use his three-tomoe form of Sharingan and Uchiha Clan's Secret Jutsu to break Genjutsu. As for Secret Jutsu, which was previously used by Uchiha Tsuki, it was the returning Genjutsu of Sharingan.

Now, the Hidden Leaf Village ninja, which is equipped with Genjutsu, should all fall into the illusion of their arrangement. However, as long as someone can come to help them, the ninja of Hidden Leaf Village is not life-threatening. However, in order not to hurt the Hidden Leaf Village ninja who arranged the illusion, Uchiha Tsuki was extremely careful when using the three-tomoe form Sharingan, and even consumed many eyes-power for it. Therefore, Uchiha Tsuki can't use Sharingan to fight in a short time. After all, there is not enough eyes-power, and Sharingan's formidable power is also greatly reduced.

However, seeing Uchiha Tsuki using Sharingan to easily break the illusion, it is look-at Uchiha Tsuki casually, with Hatake Kakashi and Sarutobi escaping to the third floor of Academy, the rest of Genin who wants to participate in Chunin Exams, mood I can 't be calm for a long time. At the same time, the Hidden Sand Village ninja next to Sasori of the Red Sand was asked at Sasori of the Red Sand: "Sasori, is that the real strength of Uchiha Tsuki?"

"No, no."

The Hidden Sand Village ninja belly barely fell, Sasori of the Red Sand's pupils filled with grave expression, said: "Uchiha Tsuki that guy, even when I hand to hand combat hide the strength! At the beginning, we were in medicine When the country hand to hand combat, he did not use Sharingan at all! I really didn't expect that he now has a three-tomoe form of Sharingan. It seems that I want to kill him, it is really difficult!"

Saying that Sasori of the Red Sand took a deep breath, he took two Hidden Sand Village ninjas in his own walk and stepped into the third floor of the Academy. At the same time, Hoshino Aki of Mist Ninja Village and Hoshigaki Kisame and the others are analyzing the strength of Uchiha Tsuki. However, Uchiha Tsuki's previous performance was too shocking, and all the ninjas who analyzed Uchiha Tsuki strength all had fears.

Moreover, because Uchiha Tsuki is shocked, it is more than Genin who came to Chunin Exams.

Even the Third-Hokage and the others who watch Uchiha Tsuki's performance are in the heart of Uchiha Tsuki's strength!

"Raito, how long has it been?"

Silence a little, Third-Hokage eyes on Tsunade Ji, asked: "He has been using Training Sharingan, do you know this? Tsunade?"

"No, I don't know."

When I heard Third-Hokage, Tsunade Ji's slowing shake one's head said: "I have a strict training plan for the month every day, but after I finish my training every day, I have to train myself for a period of Time. Regarding the moon matter of opening eyes, I don't think it's a secret. Just, I didn't think that the month can use Sharingan so well, and it can bounce eight Chunin's magical arrays in a short time! It seems that this The champion of a Chunin Exams is not a month!"

"Well, Lady Tsunade is right."

Tsunade ji band barely fell, Namikaze Minato also echoed: "As long as Kakashi and the scuttles are not bad, the month will definitely win the Champion of this year's Chunin Exams. Just, I am worried about those Genins of other Ninja Village. If they are If you transfer the information to your own Ninja Village, the security of that month is even more problematic! After all, there are already a lot of Ninja Villages that want to assassinate the moon."

"Reassured, Minato, the moon can't be dangerous."

Hear this, Third-Hokage said with a confident smile: "In recent days, it is impossible to leave Hidden Leaf Village in the near future. Moreover, so long as Raito in the Hidden Leaf Village, no one can hurt the month." Third-Hokage looked forward to Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato and continued: "Well, Minato, Kushina, now you are going to prepare the first game of Chunin Exams! I think Genin, who came to Chunin Exams, I have arrived at the third floor of the Academy."

"Yes! Third-Hokage!"

When Third-Hokage said it, Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina replied at the same time and immediately came to the third floor of the Academy. Uchiha Tsuki and Hatake Kakashi and the others, who arrived on the third floor of the Academy, did not expect the first head examiner of Chunin Exams to be the team's Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina. So, when I saw Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina coming, Uchiha Tsuki and the others were a little surprised.

Followed by…

Uzumaki Kushina's eyes swept over Uchiha Tsuki and the others in front of him, and a slight smile was raised in the corner of his mouth.

However, Uzumaki Kushina's face became more serious, and Genin, who was in front of each Ninja Village, said loudly: "Now, all Genin who participated in Chunin Exams has gathered here."

"I announced that the first exam of this year's Chunin Exams officially started!"