
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 162

"Oh? Can you recognize me?"

At the moment of Uchiha Tsuki belly thinly, the Sasori of the Red Sand in front of him slightly narrowed his eyes, and even the grave expression in his eyes became more intense. Undoubtedly, Sasori of the Red Sand was slightly misunderstood by Uchiha Tsuki. He thought that the ninja of Hidden Leaf Village had collected his information and wanted to get rid of his genius Puppeteer of Hidden Sand Village as soon as possible, so in a short hand to Among the hand combat, Uchiha Tsuki was able to recognize his identity .

However, Uchiha Tsuki is able to recognize the Sasori of the Red Sand, not because Hidden Leaf Village has his situation, but the Puppet he just used!

In the original work plot, the Puppeteer Kankuro of Hidden Sand Village is also a very famous plot character. When Kankuro first appeared in the original work plot, the Puppet used was all made by Sasori of the Red Sand at an early age. So, when Uchiha Tsuki just saw the familiar Puppet Salamander, Uchiha Tsuki recognized the identity of Sasori of the Red Sand in front of him. After all, you can have a strong Puppeteer, a ninja with a red beautiful hair, only the Sasori of the Red Sand in Hidden Sand Village!

Salamander, the defensive Puppet created by Sasori of the Red Sand, has defensive capabilities that can withstand Uchiha Tsuki's Blade Technique.

Followed by…

When the identity of Sasori of the Red Sand was exposed, the smile of Uchiha Tsuki's mouth couldn't help but become more intense. Obviously he was very interested in Sasori of the Red Sand. You know, in Uchiha Tsuki this generation ninja, except for Hatake Kakashi, which makes him very interested, the rest is in front of Sasori of the Red Sand. Genius, who can become Hidden Sand Village, is able to kill the Third-Kazakage in the future and create a human-shaped Puppet. The innate talent of Sasori of the Red Sand is even more than Hatake Kakashi.

So, just as Uchiha Tsuki's mouth smiled and became more intense, his silhouette hit the Sasori of the Red Sand again!

"Lifting the moon · splitting voiid chop!"


Using the Blade Technique of the moon, Uchiha Tsuki held the kunai in front of the Sasori of the Red Sand and did not use any tricks to deal with the Sasori of the Red Sand. Although, Chakra Threads of Hidden Sand Village Puppeteer can be used to limit the strength of a part of Hidden Sand Village Puppeteer. However, in the face of the top Puppeteer such as Sasori of the Red Sand, the method of breaking Chakra Threads is only a small trick, completely unsuccessful, and it is impossible to cause any trouble to Sasori of the Red Sand.

Therefore, Uchiha Tsuki immediately attacked Sasori of the Red Sand and prepared to suppress the other side with his own Blade Technique.

However, just as Uchiha Tsuki came to Sasori of the Red Sand, Sasori of the Red Sand controlled Puppet Salamander and stopped in front of him!


At this moment, I can see that on the back of Puppet Salamander, a black ghost shield has been erected, so that Uchiha Tsuki's kunai can no longer break into half. At the same time, Sasori of the Red Sand abandoned the first summoned Puppet , and then prepared to use the unique Puppet created by himself to fight Uchiha Tsuki in front of him.


In the next second, Uchiha Tsuki used the sable to clear sight, and in front of Sasori of the Red Sand summoned a Puppet, crow!

The crow, one of the Puppets used by Kankuro in the original work plot, is the first Puppet that Kankuro can control. The Puppet crow looks very weird and is a human Puppet with three eyes and four arms. Just, don't underestimate has a weird Puppet crow, because every part of the Puppet crow body is a killer that can take human life. Moreover, Sasori of the Red Sand is very good at using poison in the original work plot. When Uchiha Tsuki is dealing with Sasori of the Red Sand, he should also be careful of the toxins he uses!

"Black Secret Technique · mouth poisoning cone!"


Then, just in the moment of the Sasori of the Red Sand summoned Puppet, Uchiha Tsuki saw Sasori of the Red Sand controlling the Puppet crow and squirting the telescopic cone in the mouth. The top of the poison cone flashed a dark ray of light, apparently Sasori of the Red Sand smeared with sharp poison. However, Sasori of the Red Sand absolutely didn't think that just as he controlled the Puppet crow to attack, Uchiha Tsuki's left hand also showed a Chakra Threads!


The poisonous cone spewed out of the Puppet's mouth was actually controlled by Uchiha Tsuki's Chakra Threads in a flash, and it was in front of the reverse Sasori of the Red Sand. Seeing that Uchiha Tsuki can also use Chakra Threads, the fighting intent in Sasori of the Red Sand eyes becomes more intense, and the Chakra Threads on the right hand moves slightly, when Puppet Salamander blocks the poisoned poison. Cone.

"Black Secret Technique · Puppet Shield!"


Using Puppet Salamander defense in succession, Sasori of the Red Sand realized that Uchiha Tsuki's offensive ability was very strong, and he was unable to find an opportunity to attack. Moreover, when Sasori of the Red Sand secretly said in one's heart came here, Uchiha Tsuki was one-handed hand seals, and then left an afterimage in place!

"Lifting the Moon · Afterimage Boxing!"


As a Puppeteer of Hidden Sand Village, the sense ability of Sasori of the Red Sand is very good, otherwise he can't avoid the enemy's attack. However, Uchiha Tsuki's moonlighting afterimage fist is too strange in Sasori of the Red Sand, and it is possible to leave an afterimage in a short time to confuse the enemy, and to hide his silhouette in a very short time. So, when Uchiha Tsuki disappeared, Sasori of the Red Sand directly controlled Puppet Salamander to come to himself, ready to use Puppet Salamander to prepare for the unexpected.

However, Sasori of the Red Sand still has a small look at Uchiha Tsuki's offensive ability. After all, Uchiha Tsuki killed a full 20 Sand Ninja's expert in the frontline!

Followed by…

When Uchiha Tsuki's silhouette reappeared, he came to the back of Sasori of the Red Sand!

Moreover, using the purple sight in front of the Sasori of the Red Sand, which is full of weak spots, Uchiha Tsuki's pupils flashed a sharp killing-intent!

"Secret Art · Sharp Blade Waltz!"




In midair, Uchiha Tsuki morphed into countless afterimage attacks in front of the Sasori of the Red Sand, almost every afterimage left a deep visible bone scar on the Sasori of the Red Sand. In just a few seconds, Uchiha Tsuki's afterimages were completely dismembered by Sasori of the Red Sand. Immediately, when Uchiha Tsuki felt the Sasori of the Red Sand in front of him, he would no longer output the with-the-body Chakra when there was no possibility of surviving.

However, just when Uchiha Tsuki thought that the Sasori of the Red Sand was dead…

Suddenly, a shadow shrouded Uchiha Tsuki's top of the head!

"Black Secret Technique · Two bursts!"