
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 150

The flare in front of the look-at, smelling the smell of scorching, just fled Uchiha Tsuki, and I couldn't help but feel awkward.

Seeing a thundering lightning falling from the sky, he squatted in the room where he was in the previous room. At this time, Uchiha Tsuki's pupils flashed a grape expression, and he didn't feel that the thunder was just an accident. However, even if the medicines Ninja Village and Hidden Sand Village's ninja hit, but with the drugs Ninja Village and Hidden Sand Village's ninja, can you mobilize the sky's lightning to attack Uchiha Tsuki?

So, when the eyes fell on the burning house, Uchiha Tsuki carefully recalled the original work plot, who could use the sky's lightning to cast Ninjutsu. However, after Uchiha Tsuki recalled it carefully, he found that even in the original work plot, he was able to quote Ninjutsu's ninja by skylightning, and only two people.

Moreover, the two ninjas are also unlikely to appear in the licorice town at this time, because they can use the sky lightning to cast Ninjutsu's ninja, one of which is Uchiha Sasuke in the original work, and the Lightning-Style Ninjutsu Qilin he uses is able to Quote the day in the sky lightning of Ninjutsu. The second is the Kurosuki Raiga in the Mist Ninja seven people in the original work. He can use the ninja sword of Mist Ninja village to attract the power of the sky lightning and cast Ninjutsu to attack.

Unfortunately, the current holder of the ninja sword is not Kurosuki Raiga, and the ninja of Mist Ninja village is less likely to appear in the drug Ninja Village, attacking Uchiha Tsuki for no reason. So, Uchiha Tsuki is now completely confused, and he doesn't know who has the power to quote lightning to cast Ninjutsu. Then Uchiha Tsuki is ready to wait for the return of Uzumaki Kushina and the others. He feels that Uzumaki Kushina and the others will be able to come back immediately after hearing the thunder.

Sure enough, when Uchiha Tsuki waited a few minutes here, the silhouette of Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato appeared in front of him.

Then, after Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato noticed that Uchiha Tsuki was safe, they were slightly relaxed first, then Uzumaki Kushina came to Uchiha Tsuki and said with a worried look: "Raito, what happened just now? I and Minato just just went out for a while, how was your room thundered?"

"Well, what the hell is going on, Raito?"

At the time of Uzumaki Kushinah barely fell, Namikaze Minato asked frowns head: "I just saw the sky in the sky suddenly flashing a thunder and squatting directly in your room. Raito, are you studying? New Lightning-Style Ninjutsu? However, your Chakra Attribute doesn't seem to be a thunder? Could it be that there is an enemy ninja coming to attack you?"


When I heard Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Tsuki slowly shakes one's head and said: "I just didn't have sense to swing to Chakra halfway, but there is no trace of Ninjutsu using ninja. If I didn't guess wrong, the previous thunder It should be just an accident, and it happened to be in the room I used. But..."

As a result, Uchiha Tsuki's gaze shifted to Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato, and then asked: "But, do you feel surprised?"


When Uchiha Tsuki just said this, Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato replied at the same time, and immediately Namikaze Minato was a shake one's head, saying: "There is no rain today, it is impossible to suddenly flash a thunder. And, this thunder It's too accurate, even when we are all leaving, it's in your room. If I didn't guess wrong, it's definitely a Ninjutsu used by a ninja, but he doesn't need to use Chakra at all. Ability to cite the lightning of the sky to launch an attack!"

"Well, we have too few forms of information, so we can only speculate."

Hear this, must be this, Uchiha Tsuki gently nod, said: "It's just a little weird. Before someone, I felt the faint Chakra fluctuations, I think there who wants to attack me only I noticed the faint Chakra fluctuations, and the other side wanted to kill people!"

Said, Uchiha Tsuki looked forward to Uzumaki Kushina and asked: "Kushina, do you go out and investigate the strange things in Gancao Town? Are you rewarding?"


At this time, Uzumaki Kushina gently shake one's head and said: "The strange things in the licorice town, like a nodal thread are not the same, I Some Minato investigated for so long, no gains. However, I collected it. other information, Raito, you can see if it is useful."

Speaking of this, Uzumaki Kushina paused and went on to say: "Two years ago, Gancao Town suddenly came to a strange family and rarely communicated with other people in the town. Moreover, the strange things happening in Gancao Town are the same. It was not long before the family arrived in Gancao Town. So, I think the strange things in Gancao Town must be related to the family who moved to Gancao Town. Also. The strange family is next door to us. !"


Uzumaki Kushina bell barely fell, Uchiha Tsuki slightly raised his eyebrows and said: "Minato Jun, you are here waiting for Mr. Hizashi to come back. I went to the next door with Kushina, maybe there is something to gain!"


Later, after answering Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Tsuki was ready to go to the next door with Uzumaki Kushina.

Moreover, Uchiha Tsuki is going to go with Uzumaki Kushina, no reason. You know, Uzumaki Kushina is also a sense type of ninja, and it has a strength of Jonin Level. Therefore, Uchiha Tsuki and Uzumaki Kushina went to the next door to explore is the best choice, in case of any accident, Uzumaki Kushina can also protect Uchiha Tsuki. Then, Uchiha Tsuki and Uzumaki Kushina came to the next door, ready to sneak into it and explore it.


Just as Uchiha Tsuki and Uzumaki Kushina had just sneaked in, suddenly Uchiha Tsuki only felt a stun.

Followed by...

When Uchiha Tsuki felt the sense of dizziness faded, he suddenly found Uzumaki Kushina next to him disappearing!

Seeing that Uzumaki Kushina disappeared in front of her, Uchiha Tsuki's eyes flashed a dignified expression, and now he is almost certain that the previous lightning strike was related to the family in front of him. Later, Uchiha Tsuki gathered all the spiritual energy of the in-the-body, and opened the purple scorpion to observe the situation.

However, just as Uchiha Tsuki had just opened the sable, a familiar voice suddenly rang in his ear.

"Yue Jun, how come you?"