
Reborn as Madara Uchiha Grandson

Second Shinobi World War, Ninja World is in full swing. Transmigrated to become the Uchiha Clan member of Hidden Leaf Village, the talented Uchiha Tsuki needs to undergo a severe test! This article is about the ordinary ninja story, no internal strength, no beasts, no artifacts. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger, the growth of expert does not need too much restraint! And see how Uchiha Tsuki stepped on the peak and became the Asura in Ninja World! ……

Sayantan_Das_6252 · Anime & Comics
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chapter 111

It's hard to guess the girl's mind!"

Look-at Hyuga The silhouette of Anja's departure, Uchiha Tsuki silently sighed in the heart, and then put this thing aside.

Now, Uchiha Tsuki's main one is the Gentle Fist who is familiar with Hyuga Clan. Although the arrival of Hyuga Hiashi interrupted Uchiha Tsuki's use of Sharingan copyHyuga Clan's Gentle Fist, Uchiha Tsuki still obtained the basic usage of Gentle Fist from Hyuga Anya. . So , Uchiha Tsuki is now ready to merge some Hyuga Clan's Gentle Fist into his own moon stream Taijutsu to see if it can make the sunflower's tenketsu hand's formidable power stronger.

However, Uchiha Tsuki may absolutely not think of Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Anya who left the tent and now discuss him as well.

"Anya, what do you think of Uchiha Tsuki?"

Just taking Hyuga Anja to leave Uchiha Tsuki's tent, Hyuga Hiashi looked at the dignified face and asked the Hyuga Road next to it.

However, Hyuga Anya's thoughts at the moment were not at Hyuga Hiashi, and she kept thinking about Uchiha Tsuki's previous appearance in her heart. Misunderstanding has been lifted by Hyuga Hiashi, how can Hyuga Anja not know that Uchiha Tsuki is trying to heal himself and untie his clothes. However, Hyuga Anya's heart is inevitably somewhat different. After all, World of Naruto's girls are precocious, not to mention Hyuga Anya is still seen by Uchiha Tsuki as an outstanding ninja.

Therefore, Hyuga's thoughts have drifted into the distance, and even in the dark still thinking about some shameful things.

Then, after Hyuga Anya heard the words of Hyuga Hiashi, she obviously misunderstood something. She looked down and whispered whispered: "Month. Moon is a good person, it is good."

"Well, he is not the same as those of Uchiha Clan."

Upon hearing Hyuga's answer, Hyuga Hiashi didn't notice the look of Hyuga Anya. She didn't understand the minds of these young girls. She just said, "You can get from the ninja Academy Graduation at a young age. After graduating, I quickly accumulated actual combat experience and almost had a strength close to Chunin. Uchiha Tsuki will definitely be a good ninja in the future, and even I feel that he can break the village record again and become the youngest Chunin!"

Hyuga Hiashi said that the appearance of Uchiha Tsuki is reflected in Hyuga's mind. Moreover, Hyuga Anya at this time even felt that Uchiha Tsuki did not seem so annoying as she imagined. After carefully recalling the appearance of Uchiha Tsuki, Hyuga Anja suddenly found that she had never discovered before. Uchiha Tsuki looked like that of delicate and pretty, and the skin was almost as white as herself. Thinking of this, Hyuga Anya even forgot to talk to Hyuga Hiashi, just a light "hmm", saying that she was listening to Hyuga Hiashi's words.

Later, after Hyuga Hiashi heard Hyuga Anja's answer, his gaze flashed a grain expression. You know, when you first entered the Uchiha Tsuki tent, Hyuga Hiashi clearly saw Uchiha Tsuki's red eyes, and saw two of the tomoe. Being able to open Sharingan at the age of 5 years old, Hyuga Hiashi is very clear about the implications of this, and it is no doubt that Uchiha Tsuki is the real genius.

Moreover, when Hyuga Hiashi discovered Uchiha Tsuki 5 years old, he even felt that Uchiha Tsuki's potential was limitless. After all, Uchiha Clan, few people could open their eyes at the 5 years old, even Uchiha Tsuki's ancestor Uchiha Madara did not do this . Then, Hyuga Hiashi felt that she should pay more attention to Uchiha Tsuki, and when she talked with Hyuga Anya, she continued: "Anya, if there is time tomorrow, I will get closer to Uchiha Tsuki, and collect some information back! "


Suddenly I heard Hyuga Hiashi say that Hyuga Anya's face has become more rosy. She did not see the Queen of Uchiha Tsuki for the first time. It was like a girl in the heart of the spring. Moreover, Hyuga Hiashi said that Hyuga has a different mind in mind, thinking that Hyuga Hiashi is to match himself and Uchiha Tsuki. Then, after a little hesitation in Hyuga Anya, she bit her lower lip and said, "Okay. Ok!"

"Well, let's take a rest today!"

Hyuga Hiashi hearing this, gently patted Hyuga Anya's shoulder and said: "Good health, don't forget the mission I gave you."

"understood, Hiashi Teacher."

Said here, Hyuga Hiashi took Hyuga Anya back to rest, how to say that Hyuga Anya has been subjected to a relatively serious injury today, and need to recover from the injury. And when everyone started to rest, Uchiha Tsuki still did not forget his duties and kept guarding the safety of the caravan. However, to make Uchiha Tsuki a little strange, Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina went out to pursue the Jonin, and they didn't come back for a whole night.

Uchiha Tsuki is not skeptical that Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina have been dating, just feeling that they have been out for so long, there may be some danger. Moreover, the early morning of the next day, the leader of the caravan, Sancha, decided to continue. If this happens then , Uchiha Tsuki needs to leave a mark in the dark to let Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina know the route of themselves and the others. Then, when Uchiha Tsuki was completely marked, followed by the caravan and waiting for Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina to come back, who wanted Hyuga Anya to come next to Uchiha Tsuki.

Because of the fear of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina, Uchiha Tsuki did not realize that today's Hyuga Anya peace time is slightly different, completely without the appearance of the original queen, but it seems to have some pretty daughter in a humble family. Moreover, when I came to Uchiha Tsuki, Hyuga Anya was slightly smiled and asked very intimately: "Moon, are you worried about the two Jonins in your team?"


Other side Smiley face, Uchiha Tsuki is not good to directly drop Hyuga Anya, then start to talk indifferently said: "Minato Jun and Kushina went out for a whole night, and actually did not pursue that Jonin, it really surprised me. However, I think that Minato and Kushina should be able to come back safely. After all, they are all excellent Jonin in the village. It is you."

Saying, Uchiha Tsuki's gaze shifted to Hyuga Anya and asked carefully: "Is it you, is it hurt?"

"much better."

Uchiha Tsuki belly barely fell, Hyuga Anya recalled the scene of healing yesterday, and some blushes.

However, Hyuga Anya did not forget the words of Hyuga Hiashi, and then it was closer to Uchiha Tsuki and explored his preferences.

"Yue Jun, what other hobby do you have in addition to training?"


At this time, Uchiha Tsuki smiled at the shake one's head and said, "As a ninja, I don't have any other hobby except for training."


Hear this, Hyuga Anya can't help but feel the same kind of illness, because she usually has nothing else to do except training. Moreover, because of the same illness, Hyuga Anya felt that Uchiha Tsuki was close to a lot, and then continued to ask Uchiha Tsuki: "That month, do you have anything you like to eat? Or say... What do you like? Girl?"


Just as Hyuga Anya said here, Uchiha Tsuki could detect that Hygua Anya was wrong even if he had a big nerve.

At the same time, Uchiha Tsuki noticed the difference between Hyuga and Anja, and combined with the questions asked by Hyuga Anja, Uchiha Tsuki's mouth suddenly took a bitter smile.

"Is it wrong?"

"Is it true that Hyuga Anya is going to pursue me?"