
Reborn as Madara's son..Darth Vader

DUN DUN DUN, DUN-DUN-DUN-DUN-DUN-DUN!!!!!! A soul meets god, gets reincarnated into the Naruto world as an Orphan with the powers of Darth Vader hahahaha!!!!! But God gave him rules to follow and one of them is to NOT KILL anyone.....i know right, have you ever seen a pacifistic Darth Vader hehehe~~ If you don't like this fanfic i made that's okay......I'll just pray that you fall and hit your face in ;)) But if you do like this fanfic.....then I'll not pray that you fall and hit your face in ;)) And also one question, has anyone seen the new One Piece series on Netflix?? It was as Bobby Roode would say "Glorious"

Joyboy2023 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

A Giant Sling Shot appeared out of nowhere.

"Woah," The boy gasped.

"This will launch you into the universe, where you will be reincarnated," God explained.

"Umm why a Sling Shot?" The boy asked suspiciously.

"Don't worry, it's perfectly safe," God assured.

The boy shrugged. "Okay, then. Let's do this."

He stepped onto the sling shot, and God gave him a push. The boy was sent flying into the vast expanse of the universe, the last thing he saw was God's smiling face.

The boy flew through the universe, feeling exhilarated. He could see galaxies and stars passing by, and he couldn't help but laugh.

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain in his head, and everything went black.


****LAV'S POV****

I opened my eyes, staring at the sky.

What the hell just happened? I was flying through the universe a few moments ago, and now, I'm here.

I sat up and looked around. I was in some sort of forest, and it was nighttime. I could hear the sounds of a battle nearby, and I knew I had to find out what was going on.

I stood up, brushing the dirt off my clothes, and started walking towards the noise. As I got closer, I could see that a kid with black eyes and short, spiky, black hair. Topless and looked like one half of his body and face was completely white and he was fighting  a eerie creature, unlike any other. Its body is elongated and sinewy, covered in an eerily white exterior that looks almost bone-like in texture. Its form seems to be constantly in flux, bending and twisting as if made from liquid. The creature's head is equally disconcerting, featuring two beady black eyes set deeply in a flat white face.

Its complete lack of defined features. Its body seems almost like a blank slate, without any notable appendages or facial features. Instead, its white exterior ripples and shifts like waves on a stormy sea, a feature that only serves to amplify the creature's eerie nature.

"You're doing well Obito," the creature remarked, its voice distorted and unnatural. "But I'm afraid you have to try harder."

With that, the creature launched itself at Obito, its body stretching and warping as it did so. Obito managed to block the attack, but the impact was enough to send him flying backwards, skidding across the ground.

The creature's body twisted and morphed as it approached Obito, its movements almost serpentine in nature. As it neared him, Obito managed to get back to his feet.

His eyes appeared blood red and  has three overlapping tomoe, creating a beautiful and mesmerizing design that seems to shift and change in the light.

He charged at the creature, launching a barrage of punches and kicks that seemed to have little effect.

The creature simply absorbed the blows, its body rippling and warping with each impact,"Hahaha, you can't hurt me Obito!!!" The creature whined.

Obito gritted his teeth,"Shut up Zetsu!"

Oh shit!!!! It's Zetsu and Obito!! What the fuck are they doing here?? Are they fighting or training?I thought as I'm shocked and scared because that means Madara is close by or he can see everything that's happening including me hiding over here shit!!!!

 I tried to calm myself down and focus on what was happening in front of me. Obito was clearly struggling to fight Zetsu, who seemed impervious to his attacks. I could see the frustration on Obito's face, I need to get out of here before things go bad and for me specifically.

I slowly backed away from the scene, trying not to make any noise. But as I turned around, I saw a white figure standing behind me, and I froze. It was another zetsu, his eyes locked onto mine. "It seems we got a little spy over woo woo~" he whined.

I swallowed hard, trying to think of a response. "I'm just a traveler," I replied, trying to sound as innocent as possible. The Zetsu

's eyes narrowed, and I could tell he wasn't convinced. "You're lying woo woo~" he said, before straight kicking me in the stomach out of the bushes.

I fell to the ground, gasping for air. The Zetsu approached me, his body morphing and shifting as he did so. "What should we do with him, Obito?" he called out.

Obito turned his attention to me, his eyes narrowing. "Who are you?" he demanded.

"I'm just a traveler, I swear," I repeated, trying to catch my breath. Obito approached me, his hand gripping my throat.

"What are you doing here?" he growled.

"I was just passing through," I managed to gasp out.

Obito tightened his grip, and I could feel the air slowly leaving my lungs. "You're lying," he spat out.

"You're either a rogue ninja or spying on us for some village." I shook my head frantically, trying to make him understand that I wasn't a threat.

"Please, I swear, I'm not working with anyone. I was just trying to hide from the fighting." Obito studied me for a moment, before releasing his grip.

"Fine. But if we find out you're lying, you'll regret it." The other Zetsu cackled, as if finding the situation amusing. "Well, what are we going to do with him, Obito~?" he asked again.

Obito turned to him, his expression unreadable. "Let's take him to Lady Madara," he said finally. The Zetsu nodded in agreement.

"Please let me go I promise I won't, wait did you just say lady Mada-oof" Before I finished my sentence, the Zetsu kicked me at the side of my head knocking me unconscious before dragging me with them.