
Reborn as Lucas : TBATE FanFic

Reborn as Lucas . Oh shit!!! Somebody get me out !!!.... . "Wait it's actually Interesting."

Royan_the_Great · Book&Literature
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52 Chs

Chapter 35

As I walked toward the imposing main building of Xyrus Academy, the grandeur of the place failed to impress me. After all, I had seen plenty of grandeur growing up in my household.

My thoughts drifted to mundane matters—classes, making a name for myself which wasn't required, perhaps even finding a way to relax amid the pressures of being a student here.

Ebon sat silently on my shoulder, his usual sharp eyes surveying our surroundings with casual interest.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I caught sight of her.

She stood among a group of other students, yet she was utterly distinct. Her hair was a cascade of white, like freshly fallen snow, catching the early morning light in a way that made it almost luminescent.

But it was her eyes that truly captured me—amethyst, deep and sparkling, filled with a kind of purity and innocence that seemed out of place in a world so often tainted by power struggles and deceit.

I felt a jolt, as though an invisible thread had been pulled taut between us, drawing me irresistibly toward her.

My heart, which I had long considered immune to such frivolities as love, began to race uncontrollably. I could almost hear it pounding in my ears, each beat a reminder of the unfamiliar sensation that had taken hold of me.

What is this? I thought, trying to shake off the feeling. It might just be a hormonal imbalance, I reasoned, trying to rationalize the sudden rush of emotions.

But my heart wouldn't listen to reason. It kept beating faster, each pulse echoing her name, a name I didn't even know yet.

As I continued walking, my eyes never left her. Her image had etched itself into my mind, her innocence a stark contrast to the world I inhabited.

I clenched my fists, trying to suppress the emotions that threatened to overwhelm me. This isn't how it's supposed to be, I told myself.

But despite my attempts to deny it, I couldn't shake the feeling that meeting her was somehow significant, as if fate had intervened in my carefully planned life.

My mind raced with thoughts of what it would mean to care for someone, to protect someone out of genuine affection rather than obligation or strategy.

Could I, Lucas, really open my heart to another? The very idea seemed ludicrous, and yet...I sighed, frustrated with myself.

Ebon shifted slightly on my shoulder, perhaps sensing the turmoil within me. I had to focus.

There was no room for weakness, not here, not now. But as I walked through the doors of the academy, I couldn't help but glance back at her one more time, my heart betraying the walls I had built around it.

Her gaze met mine, and in that instant, her face flushed a deep red. The connection was palpable, an unspoken understanding passing between us.

Time seemed to stand still, each second stretching into an eternity. But just as quickly, a group of students passed between us, breaking the spell.

I blinked, regaining control of my racing thoughts.When I looked again, she was gone, lost in the crowd.

Before I could move to investigate this phenomenon, Elijah appeared, grabbing me in a headlock and pulling me into a tight hug.

"Lucas! Long time no see!"I forced a smile, trying to push the lingering thoughts of her out of my mind.

"Yeah, Elijah. It's good to see you." I spoke as Arthur walked towards us, hands casually tucked in his pockets. Sylvie perched on his head, her curious eyes darting between us.

"What's up with you? You look like you've seen a ghost," Arthur remarked, noticing my distracted state.

I smirked, the image of the girl still vivid in my mind. "Yeah, I saw a pretty beautiful ghost." My eyes lingered on the spot where she had been.

Arthur's face lit up with a mischievous grin. Leaning in, he whispered, "Who's she? I'll be your sidekick in getting her." He gave me a thumbs up, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Yeah, I'll help too," Elijah chimed in, nodding enthusiastically.

I chuckled, the camaraderie of my friends grounding me. "Then be ready. I'll soon need your help."

With a final glance back at the Academy, I smirked and said, "Let's go, bozos." We walked together into the academy, my heart a little lighter and my determination a bit stronger.

We stood in line at the reception, where a woman meticulously checked the authenticity of each student. Elijah, always chatty, leaned towards me. "Lucas, I can't believe you also became a Scholar Mage like Arthur."

Scratching my head, I replied, "Yeah, Father was pushing for me to become a Battle Mage, but I think my fighting prowess is good enough. So, Scholar Mage it is."

After a bit of waiting, it was finally our turn. Elijah went first, placing his hand on the orb. The receptionist read his information aloud, "Student: Elijah Knight, Battle Mage Candidate, Affinity for Earth Magic." She paused and then added, "Welcome."

Next up was Arthur. He touched the orb, and the receptionist's eyes widened in astonishment as she read his details. "Student: Arthur Leywin, Scholar Mage Candidate, Affinity for... Earth and Wind Magic."

Arthur noticed her reaction and asked, "What's the problem?"

She shook her head and smiled, "Nothing. Welcome."

Finally, it was my turn. I touched the orb and waited as the receptionist read my information. "Student: Lucas Wykes!" she exclaimed, then quickly bowed.

"What is it?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

"Nothing, Sir. Please go along."

"Good," I muttered, feeling a mixture of relief and pride.

We started walking toward the hall, the weight of the morning's events still fresh in my mind.










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