
Reborn as Lucas : TBATE FanFic

Reborn as Lucas . Oh shit!!! Somebody get me out !!!.

Royan_the_Great · Book&Literature
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6 Chs

Chapter 01

Lucas Jason was a man who found solace between the pages of books. He lived for the moments when he could immerse himself in the worlds created by authors, and his current obsession was "The Beginning After the End" by TurtleMe. He had spent years following the adventures of Arthur Leywin, a character he deeply admired for his resilience and bravery.

On that fateful day, Lucas had bought the long-awaited Volume 9 of the series, but fatigue from work had kept him from cracking it open. He had placed it on the bedside table, promising himself that he would start reading it the following evening.

As the sun shone through the bus window, Lucas sat in his seat, still carrying the unopened volume in his bag. He was lost in thought, contemplating the adventures he'd soon embark on within the pages of the book.

But the peaceful bus ride took a horrifying turn as armed terrorists stormed on board. Panic spread like wildfire, and the passengers were thrust into a nightmare. The leader of the group, a menacing figure with a ruthless glint in his eyes, made their intentions clear.

"We're going to make the world remember this day," the terrorist leader declared, his voice dripping with malice.

Lucas's heart pounded, and he knew that this wasn't the time for books. He needed to focus on the reality unfolding before him.

A child, no older than seven, began to cry, their sobs piercing through the terror-stricken silence. The child's cries seemed to enrage the terrorists, and the leader aimed his gun, ready to silence the innocent soul forever.

Without hesitation, Lucas sprang into action, grabbing his bag and leaping from his seat to shield the child. "No!" he shouted, his voice filled with a potent mix of fear and determination. "You won't hurt this child."

Amidst the chaos on the bus, the terrorist leader, his face shrouded by a mask, confronted Lucas, who had bravely shielded the child.

Terrorist Leader, voice dripping with malice: "You think you can stop us, you insignificant fool?"

Lucas, his heart pounding but his resolve unwavering: "I'm not trying to stop you. I just won't let you harm an innocent child."

Terrorist Leader, a cruel smile tugging at his lips: "Innocence? There's no place for innocence in our world."

Lucas, his voice filled with determination: "Maybe not in your world, but in mine, innocence is worth protecting."

The terrorist leader, taken aback by Lucas's unexpected resolve, hesitated for a moment. In that brief pause, the distant sound of approaching police sirens grew louder, signaling that their time was running out.

The terrorist leader hesitated for a split second, caught off guard by Lucas's selfless act. The child, trembling but no longer alone, looked up at Lucas with tear-filled eyes.

Time seemed to stand still as the distant wailing of police sirens grew closer. The terrorists, their backs against the wall, grew increasingly desperate. One of them, consumed by panic, pulled the trigger.

A gunshot rang out, and Lucas fell to the bus floor, wounded but still breathing. He had shielded the child from harm.

In his fading consciousness, Lucas whispered to the child, "Keep reading... Never stop. Let the stories be your refuge."

As the police arrived and apprehended the terrorists, Lucas Jason, the dedicated reader.



Lucas's eyes fluttered open, and he found himself in a place that defied all comprehension. Everything around him was an overwhelming expanse of blinding white. It was as if he had been enveloped by pure light, with no discernible boundaries or reference points.

As he tried to make sense of his surroundings, a growing sense of unease crept over him. He could hear nothing but the eerie silence that seemed to stretch into infinity.

Then, out of the formless white abyss beneath him, something began to emerge. It was a being, but unlike anything Lucas had ever seen. The entity appeared as if it were made of swirling black flames, an ominous and otherworldly presence.

The being stood before Lucas, its form shifting and undulating like a living shadow. Its eyes were like orbs of gleaming yellow, sharp and serpentine, fixed on Lucas with an unsettling intensity.

Lucas's heart raced, and he could feel the cold sweat forming on his brow. He was in the presence of something beyond his understanding, and fear coursed through his veins.

The being's smile sent shivers down Lucas's spine. It was a smile that revealed long, yellow, and white teeth, reminiscent of a predator sizing up its prey. It was a grin that belonged to a creature of the unknown, a harbinger of the surreal.

Lucas, his voice quivering: "Who... Who are you?"

The black being's voice resonated in Lucas's mind, echoing with an eerie, ethereal quality.

Black Being, with a sinister grin: "I am the guardian of stories, the keeper of the realms between worlds. You, Lucas Jason, have found yourself in a place where the boundaries of reality blur."

Lucas, struggling to comprehend: "What is this place? Am I... am I dead?"

Black Being, its eyes narrowing: "Not quite dead, but not quite alive. You have stepped into a place where the threads of existence intertwine. You have a choice to make, a destiny to fulfill."

Lucas, bewildered and fearful: "A choice? What choice?"

The black being leaned closer, its presence oppressive and suffocating.

Black Being, its voice dripping with mystery: "To return to the world you know, or to embrace a new role. Your journey is just beginning, Lucas Jason."

As the black being spoke, the white void around them seemed to shift and contort, as if the very fabric of reality was in flux. Lucas was faced with a decision that would change the course of his existence, with the enigmatic entity as his guide into the unknown.





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