

It's been a few weeks since the incident regarding Lisanna happened.

One day, Elfman approached me, wanting some tips on how to control his magic better.

"Hmm... Let's see. To control your full body takeover magic, it all depends on you. You need to confront the soul of The Beast and prove to it that you are worthy of its power. After all, it is once called the King of Monsters, so not just anyone can use it."

"But I am scared. What if I once again go on a rampage and hurt somebody?"

"That's why we are trying to control it. If you don't do it, what would you do when your sisters are in danger? Would you just cry in a corner hoping for someone to help them?"

"No. As a man, I must protect my sisters. I shall not let any danger reach my sister. Laxus-aniki, please help me."

"Alright. Now, transform into your full body takeover magic. Try to confront the soul of The Beast inside you. After that, try to be in that form as long as you can. Don't worry, I will take care of it when The Beast rampage around."

"Laxus-aniki is a man!" Elfman shouted

After finishing with his antics, Elfman sat down and tried his transformation.

I watched as Elfman transformed into The Beast. Once he transformed, I saw Elfman shaking his head while his whole body was shaking. I knew that right now, he is confronting the soul inside him.

It was fine at first, however after a few minutes, Elfman let loose a loud roar and immediately swung an arm towards me.

I jumped back to avoid the attack and watched as Elfman clutches his head in agony. After a while, he brought down his arms and set his sight on me.

I quickly realized that The Beast is now in control of Elfman's body as he dashed towards me and tried to attack.

As he was about to reach me, something held his body. The Beast was now bound with iron sand clinging to every surface of his body except for the head.

That's right. Using the principles of electromagnetism I learned in my previous life, I copied what made most of the Kazekage of Sunagakure in Naruto famous, the Magnet release.

I let The Beast remain stuck and watched as it struggled against it confines. It howled repeatedly and kept trying to bite me.

After a while of struggling, the transformation slowly receded and showed an unconscious Elfman. I let the iron sand slowly lower Elfman and let him sleep on the ground.

I sat down next to him, waiting for him to wake up. To keep me from being bored, I took out a book and started reading.

After an hour, Elfman groaned and woke up. He looked around for a bit before slumping down. "I failed huh."

Seeing his face, I asked him. "So? What will you do now? Are you content on what happened?"

Elfman was shaken for a moment before gaining a determined look and said.

"No! A man does not surrender. A man shall make others surrender."

"Ok then, drink this. This will help you recover. Rest for 20 minutes then we'll continue." I said to him as I handed a bottle of potion.

After he rested, he transformed and tried to control his transformation. We did this for the rest of the day and after a couple more transformations, he was finally able to control it.

"Congratulations, it seems that you did it."

"Thank you Laxus-aniki. Without you, I won't be able to do this."

After resting for a bit, we headed back to guild. As we were walking, Elfman talked.

"Laxus-aniki, can you continue to train me?"

I was surprised and questioned him. "Why?"

"I don't want that to happen again. I want to protect my sisters and I can only do that if I am powerful. So please, train me."

I considered it for a moment before agreeing. "Alright, meet me tomorrow morning. I usually train at that place around that time."

Elfman smiled widely. "Thank you, aniki. A man shall make his teacher proud."


The next day, all three of the Strauss siblings joined me for training. They apologized and asked if they could also join the training. I agreed and let them join in. After a while, I started.

The first part of training is to exercise our bodies. As ethernano is stored in a container inside our body, the strength of the body determines the size of the container, although some mages are blessed with larger reserves than others.

The second part is learning about the nature of the magic we use. I then discussed what I know of regarding the subject.

"I use lightning as my main form of magic. Lightning or electricity has many uses in our society. Studying those, I learned how to generate electricity, generate heat using it, control magnetic materials, detect the neural impulses produced by every living creature, and so on."

"I think that for takeover magic users like the three of you, what you need to develop is the speed of your transformation. You need to minimize the gap between each of your transformations. Another thing is you need to have versatility in your transformations. You need to have a form for every possible situation. For example, a defensive transformation if you need to defend somebody, a speedy transformation if you need to chase someone, or a transformation that counters an element. Well, it's also not bad to have a very powerful transformation to fall back on in tough fights."

They ponder for a while regarding their magic. We continued to train for a while, discussing with each other the possible uses of our magic.

As our training ended, the three of them thanked me once again. Before leaving, Mirajane kissed my cheek before swiftly dragging her siblings away.


We continued to train every day. Other members of the guild also expressed their intentions to join our training. The ones who wanted to join in were Cana, Erza, Freed, Bickslow and Evergreen.

Like in the anime, Freed, Bickslow and Evergreen formed the Thunder God Tribe as a way of showing of how much they admire me. They even proclaimed that they are my number one fan club.

We continued training, sharing ideas with each other on different ways of using magic. Besides training, all of us became good friends because of the bonds we developed, with some even more so.

And in year X783, Cana became an S-class wizard.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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