
Seirin Vs kaijo

We have reached the basketball court of kaijo and looks like they are underestimating us like in the series.

Takeuchi- hmmm...using kise is unfair so let's not keep him in the team but why is that white head not playing ?? according to kise he might be the best they have.

Yurei- oi you think why I am not playing ?

takeuchi- how did yo- hm...yeah why??

Yurei- well that's cause if I play when kise is not then boom your team will die


yurei- yea how can your 3rd class players even match the great me..

takeuchi- "angry face" everyone from the 1st string will play use the full court.



everybody-(he was being played with)

takeuchi- I- I-I I was being played....

yurei-"with deadly serious look" now that you have said it you are not going back on your word are you ??

takeuchi- no

then the game starts and I was made the pg in place of shun to see my capabilities

yurei- yosh everyone let's play and WIN!!


Game starts and everything is pretty normal with 12-8 with us in the lead having 8 points from kagami with the other 4 by me.

Then I started to play my game.

I was moving forward slowly and 2 players came to block my path then I move towards the right and at a fast pace I move to left giving an ankle breaker and the other comes in front of me and do a cross over and turn 180° at a fast pace and the player falls on his back. I dribble fast to kise who is in front of me and use my kamui and pass right through him everyone on the court becomes shocked when they see that and the people outside see that I just passed through the blind spot of kise or any human and only with a very negligible distance ...then VOOMM a one hand dunk.

Kise had still not recovered from his shock of me passing through him and the people outside were very shocked at the fluidity of the skills that I showed and my mastery over them.

Yurei-So feel something K.I.S.E chan

When kise heard that his face colour changed to blue and he clutched his chest very hardly when takeuchi saw that he was very worried.

yurei-it's nothing he just forgot to breath from the shock of someone passing through him and you know even if you know the trick behind my moves your brain won't take that and thinks of it as dead and stops its function for a second and you know its deadly.But it's only the first time from next time you'll only have breathing problems fufufufu

Everybody thought that I was a devil's incarnation.

Then to gather the team morale up kaijo coach calls a time up.And yurei decides that he will not play which shocks everyone and he says that it is a practice match and a perfect chance for the players to familiarise with the playing pace with a high level team to which everyone agrees and yurei also reveals kuroko's weaknesses to which kuroko ask for forgiving for not telling them.

After the time-out, Kaijo puts an 8-point gap between Seirin. But during the second half, Kuroko coordinates with Kagami, passing the ball between the two of them. In defense, Kuroko suddenly faces Kise. Short on speed, Kuroko is easily passed by Kise but when he is stalled by Kagami, Kuroko lunges backwards and taps Kise's ball, stealing it. Later, Kise tries to shoot over Kuroko, but is blocked by Kagami. But here kuroko does not gets injured as yurei calls out for kuroko to which he puts his hands up and saves himself from the accident.At this time kuroko is out of energy and is swapped out.With Kuroko resting, the original Seirin team show their skills. Even though he is injured, Kuroko manages to convince Riko to let him play sometime during the third quarter.

With Kuroko back in the game at his full Misdirection level, Seirin manages to close in on Kaijo with a tie. However, Kise powers up again, gets around Kuroko's steal and scores points for Kaijo. The struggle for points begins again and with mere seconds remaining, Kagami blocks kasamatsu's shot and goes for a fast-break with Kuroko. They are awaited by Kise under the basket. Kagami passes to Kuroko and he throws it up for the alley-oop, winning the match.

After the game, since they have no money and the team wanted to go eat something as a celebration, Riko takes them all to a restaurant that serves 4kg steak for free which has to be finished in 30 minutes or else they'll pay 10,000 yen each if they fail, the Steak bomber. Everyone except Kuroko and Kagami thought that this is too much, though it seems that Kuroko is just expressionless as always since he is the first one to give up while Kagami and yurei saved them all from paying by eating all of the member's half-eaten steaks.


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