
Reborn As Kai Parker | TVD/TO/Legacies

A story about one Atlas Tyme; from rebirth to struggling in a family who treats him like an abomination for something he can't control. Read and experience the process that made Atlas- now named Malachai- live up to the horrid expectations of those around him.

EternalStud · TV
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Looking throughout the years that I've been Malachai I've discovered how disgusting human beings are. Honestly, I've always known people were fragile organisms with impulses and destructive and violent tendencies but, this ostracization for simply existing is truly despicable.

From an outsider's perspective, it may seem like we're a good family. A genius whose talents are broad with a twin sister who can do no wrong. I am pleased with how I'm perceived from other people's perspectives of me. Or at least those who aren't in the coven, as even though I've played along with their schemes and have pretended to believe I'm some malicious abomination who needs correction; someone who deserves the terrible treatment they've projected onto me, I still have retained enough reason and sanity to never get trapped in this facade.

You see, the original Malachai didn't go along with his family's hatred of him. He didn't play into the role of being the punching bag, the one who was always the blame. He stood up, he went against them and tried to make them see that they were family. Then he snapped, killing 4 of his siblings and landing himself in a prison world without aim.

Throughout all his life he was beaten down till he couldn't stand back up. Simply couldn't keep pushing forward as he recognized he would never be truly seen as someone. Nothing more than a rabid animal, a freak, someone who shouldn't exist; and that's the difference between us, I have seen through this display and know for a fact I am someone, know for a fact that these people with never truly see me as family, as a brother, son, or cousin. I'm simply a freak to them.

Yet with my capabilities and adaptation, I've been doing things that will benefit. An example could be my reading of several books on magic, herbs, and lines of witches. Or on the non-magical side of things, I've learned how to defend myself against others; from using knives to guns I've built myself a repertoire of knowledge to use once I leave this hell.

I've also 'learned' how to paint and draw, something I did in my past life. Something I still retained and could build upon in the future. Now, my knowledge is a good amount, at least to me it is. My knowledge of different weapons and how to use them is amateurish at best because even if I know every make of gun or knife, I'll still have almost no knowledge on how to use them as I've never held it. No training, no teacher, only books and stories on tales of battles and usage.

I also like to paint replicas of guns. Or at least my best doing at woodworking replicas as I don't know how to create them using metal and my family would never allow me to have a chance of creating such weaponry.

Oh yes, my siphoning. You see my family wasn't always bad, not until Josette and I's eighth birthday wear I almost killed a coven member from draining all their magic. It wasn't even my fault you see, the intoxication I was receiving from taking it was worth more than anything he could achieve. A low-level coven member was just another lackey towards our family, but that moment destroyed whatever status I had in their minds. Destroyed whatever remedy of humanity they held towards me.

I think back on that moment a lot now. I wouldn't have changed anything, actually, scratch that I would change something. Instead of being caught up in the moment I would've stolen his magic and employed it towards burning him alive. Making his blood boil to such a degree to where his organs would fail and his nerves fry.

In this life I have killed people, just to see what it would feel like. The person I killed was named Nicholai Kostov. A witch who had raped and mind-wiped several women. I considered going to the police with such a story, but then woke myself back up to reality and remembered that's he's a witch and not some thug. So I lured him under the pretense of trading grimoires of magic of the mind for a book on fire magic. He came and while handing over the grimoire I started siphoning his magic by grabbing the sides of his arms. The process causes a tremendous amount of pain to the victim and he was unable to resist and cast a spell on me. Then I moved my hands to his head and snapped his neck backward to his left with a sickening *crack*. Gaining not only a spellbook on magic but ridding the world of filth. I didn't even feel guilt, no bubbling feeling gnawing in my gut begging my body to throw up its contents. Then with the magic I gained from him I did a simple incantation, 'phasmatos incendia'.

Doing such a thing was a rush to me. I felt fulfillment and was content with the outcome. It was addicting, so I did it several more times. Perfecting the craft more each time I committed it. I told myself I was getting rid of the garbage that plagued society, then after a while, I knew I was just deluding myself as I would've killed the innocent as well if I benefitted enough from it.

On another note, considering I'm known as someone smart throughout my school and town I've gotten the privilege of dual enrolling in college as a high school student. In this time access to such a thing is an honor to those capable enough to be seen. I've fulfilled that requirement and have gotten almost all my credits for a bachelor's in psychology.

The image I've built is a good one and since I've made sure to be active ad physically fit I'm pretty hot. Honestly, and a little narcissistically, I'm incredibly hot and have a great body, on top of that I'm a genius. A perfect catch for the female population or anyone attracted to the male species.

Of course, that doesn't mean I care about such a thing. It's nice to be recognized and wanted but it's not something I strive for. I only want likeability because it allows me to get people to trust me easier. Allows me to understand how other people's minds work and adjust my personality to suit their needs.

This doesn't necessarily mean I don't take advantage of this though. I've had my fair share of sexual escapades with the female population. Even having some with the local milfs of society fulfilling their needs and supporting them to be the best they can be. Not for their benefit though, only my own. Solidifying my position as the nice, studious, and good-looking friend of their daughters.

I don't have any male friends as I couldn't care less about their wants and needs. Well, from my perspective were not friends, from theirs I don't know my standing. I also haven't had a lot of sexcapades, not like in the stories where one fuck makes them in love and become a member of your harem. It's not even close to that in reality, It's just a fuck once in a while that's it.

I also don't whore around as I don't want that killing my reputation. Even though it would most likely bring up my likeability with the male population, it still wouldn't benefit me enough and risk distrust with the female side of things.


Today's the day, I'm finally graduating from high school. I have a 4.0 GPA on both my high school and college transcript, earning both my high school diploma and bachelor's degree in psychology.

Something I've found bizarre is the disparity of technology compared to 2020. Like honestly the internet was created two years after I was born and has been advancing quite fast. I don't have one but I do have newspapers and have been reading as many as I can. So once a day I grab a local newspaper and read it while on my way to school.

Our house, while in the middle of nowhere allows me to take a nice walk to school. My sister drives to school as she doesn't have the same appreciation for the artistic scenery were granted. Today is May 15, five days after our 18th birthday. Well her birthday, I don't celebrate mine as it's just another day towards the merge. I plan on doing the same thing the original Kai did, the murdering siblings part. Spending time in a place where you don't age and have access to the entirety of the world without the possibility of being bothered by others is worth the solitude. The ability to not die is also a plus. It gives me time to visit a multitude of covens, read their grimoires and steal their artifacts.

I do plan on taking Bennet blood in with me though, as I don't want to be stuck there till season six of TVD. I want to come out at roughly season two, but since I don't know the exact time it started I'll have to throw it to chance. I'll also have to start counting time, maybe tallying would work. I don't know, I still have four years till then.


Today is the day, May 9th, 1994. Tomorrow is my sister and I's twenty-second birthday, the day before the merge. Or at least it was supposed to be until I was found out to be a siphoner. Joshua and my mom kept having kids never planning to let me become the leader. Of course, that never bothered me as I don't want to lead this dumb coven, I'd much rather kill everyone even the slightest bit related to it.

After sending our parents off I head up to my room. Considering it's only 3 pm and it's in May we'll have sunlight for at least a few more hours. I can hear my younger siblings run throughout the hallway and I straighten my back. Mentally preparing myself to do something that I've been wanting to do for years. I walk to the canvas located on the right side of my room. My room is barren considering I'm quite desensitized to materialistic items.

I draw something simple, using only a few shades of color and imagination I occupied my time listening to the noisiness of various activities happening throughout the home. Since this is most likely one of the last times I'll hear any noises that aren't my own for a long period of time I may as well relish in it now. (Photo in chapter comments.)

Looking outside and seeing it dark I stand up and admire my painting. I'll just leave it here so I can visit it again when I'm in the prison world.

Walking down the stairs I'm greeted by yelling from my sister saying "Joey it's time to get out of the pool!" Standing in the doorway of our home she yells for Joey to get out of the pool as it's quite late. Taking a left going 180 degrees I walk down the hallway to the kitchen and grab a knife out of its holster. I start walking toward my sister as she's going up the stairs. Once she reaches the top I turn her around and stab her in the spleen- *AHHHHH* Holding the back of her neck so she's facing up at me.

"Wow, that must hurt huh," I say nonchalantly to her. She stares at me with an emotion akin to horror and screams while lightly choking on her own blood. A little spits out of her mouth and lands on the collar of my shirt. I look down at it with a raised eyebrow wondering if it will wash off. Well, it doesn't matter now as I know my siblings heard her and they'll be here any minute. So I let go of the blade in her gut, let her fall to the floor, and walk towards some of my other sibling's rooms. "Olivia~Luke, where are you~," I say in a singy-songy voice taunted them. "Come out, come out where ever you are~."

(Can you guys tell me if this is good? It's a lot of time skipped and I may do that in the prison world as well. I will also change some things in the story, not making it alternate but making it to where Kai comes out of the prison world near season 2 of TVD as I liked that season a lot more than anything past 4. I will also show more of Kai's ability in the next couple of chapters so I hope you'll like that. I don't know when the next one will come out so stay tuned!)


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