
Reborn as Jorah Mormont in GOT

Step into the extraordinary realm of ASOIAF, where a man emerges, destined to embody the legendary Jorah Mormont. Prepare to be captivated by the unfolding tale of his remarkable journey. What secrets lie within his past? What deeds did he undertake to reshape the world of Ice and Fire? Read next chapters at - patreon.com/ayrus2011 Unlock the mystery, embrace the adventure, and follow the path of the greatest Northern Lord, whose endeavours reverberated across the realms. Prepare to be enthralled as his tale weaves together elements of passion, power, and fate. Embark upon this spellbinding voyage, for within it lies the key to understanding the profound impact of his actions on the ever-changing world of Ice and Fire. The story begins...

ayrus2011 · Book&Literature
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Ch-42: Bear Island Feast

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The North had bled for him during the rebellion, supporting him unconditionally, yet received little in return. This cold shoulder reflected Lord Ned's place in their hearts. Starks were born leaders, but Lord Ned seemed rigid, detached, and yet to prove himself.

Many houses distanced themselves from Starks, embracing House Manderly instead. An uncertain air hung as the gathering loomed closer.


"I ain't one for long speeches, and this is the first time you all are on Bear Island. House Mormont has been tending to its people and realm for ages. We built ships when the entire North had abandoned the sea. We engaged in trade when no one cared.

And now, we're ushering in a new era for our folks and neighbours. Tonight, we raise our cups to honour the brave warriors who changed the face of the North. No more wildlings menacing the Frozen Shore, no more fears of their raids. So, here's to them! Cheers!"

After weeks of anticipation, the clans finally reached the Boat Bridge, a wonder of wood that left them in awe. It was their first glimpse of a wooden bridge over the sea.

The mountain lords recognized its value in an instant—this bridge was a direct channel between Bear Island and the Northlands, an avenue for trade, movement of goods, and even the potential for selling their wares directly to Bear Island. As word of this bridge will spread among the merchants, Bear Island is poised to become a new trading hub.

As they gazed at the wooden wonder, thoughts flitted between the lords. The prospect of sending their people to Bear Island, where resources could be better conserved and a fresh trade channel could be established, became clearer. It was a golden opportunity they had never encountered before.

This evening, the grand hall of Bear Keep was filled not only with mountain clan lords but also smaller clan lords from Wolfswood. Even Lord Glover was present, a rare guest. The sheer number of lords gathered within the castle walls bestowed a prestige upon House Mormont that had been absent for generations.

According to the silent hierarchy upheld in Westeros, House Mormont held a lordly status, ranking just below the Great House of Starks. Other lordly houses had a handful of vassals or clans relying on them for protection and sustenance. Yet, House Mormont had never wielded such influence or privilege. Tonight, however, on Bear Island, within the halls of Mormont Keep, Jorah was determined to alter this very situation.

But tonight, was not for serious conversations.

"Lord Nott, enjoying the feast?"

"Aye! You've spared no expense, my Lord. I reckon it's been many winters since any of us had the pleasure of such fine fruit."

"I'm delighted it pleases you, my friend. Enjoy to your heart's content."

Jorah's smile spread as he moved through the gathering, patting Lord Nott's shoulder and proceeding to Lord Wood, who appeared to be on the brink of a wrestling match with Lord Norrey.

"No fights tonight, gents. Better to take out your frustrations on the venison before it vanishes from the table."

Jorah intervened swiftly, handing each of them a drink to conclude their meaningless rivalry. The festivity wasn't complete without music and dance. The dance troupe lifted everyone's spirits to soaring heights alongside the sumptuous food.

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Outside the castle, some mountain men grumbled about the absence of "pleasure women" at the event. However, a few women riding tall, imposing moose silenced them as they rode past. This was Bear Island, not the mountains.

Here, Lady Maege had ruled with a combined army of men and women, keeping the island secure for two years. After Jorah's return, one of his first acts was to outlaw prostitution on Bear Island. Those seeking an easy escape were handed over to nearby soldiers, who sent them off to fish in the Frozen Shore. The harsh conditions cooled their fervour for wealth and pleasure, restoring sanity.

"Lord Jorah didn't expect such a large gathering."

Lord Glover seized the chance to pull Lord Jorah away from the bustling crowd.

"Well, there's much to celebrate, Lord Glover. The blossoming trade, the new Boat Bridge, battles against the Wildlings, and the recent skirmish with the Ironborn. Much has gone our way."

A sip of wine nearly made Lord Glover choke as he listened to the Young Bear Lord's boasting.

"It does seem that way. But I reckon almost a thousand men are here on the island, with more arriving from who knows where. Care to share your plan, Lord Jorah?"

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"Plan? There's no grand scheme, Lord Glover. You're getting anxious over nothing. By now, you must have received the raven from Winterfell. House Mormont's domains have expanded significantly. With the Frozen Shore added, our land has tripled, yet our numbers haven't increased much.

This gathering simply brings together lords who have idle men at their disposal, along with those who can offer their labour in exchange for land. Whether it's a lasting arrangement or a temporary one depends on their free choices."

Lord Glover felt as though a hammer had struck his inebriated thoughts, knocking the wind out of him. This revelation was a blow he hadn't seen coming.

"You intend to gather new men and tribes under your house?"

Lord Glover's tone and questioning manner didn't sit well with Jorah. Despite the established hierarchy, House Mormont didn't stand beneath House Glover. In fact, they held a higher position in the pecking order. Nevertheless, Lord Glover's tone challenged Jorah's authority and put him on the defensive.

"Lord Glover, our houses have enjoyed friendly relations for generations. But even as friends, we mustn't forget the importance of courtesy and honour. I understand you've had your share of wine tonight. It's time to satisfy your hunger and get some rest. We can discuss this further tomorrow."

Jorah left the speechless lord behind, returning to his party. The festivities continued well into the night, leaving the men content beyond measure. The food, like something out of Nan's stories, and the drink, delicious beyond description, left them all satisfied.

House Mormont had honoured them generously, making them feel genuinely welcomed. It was an unforgettable experience for these invited men, apart from Lord Glover, who lay in bed, seething with frustration.

He blamed that stable boy and even his own niece for missing out on a golden opportunity. If only the two houses could have come together, House Glover could have reaped rewards beyond imagination.