
Ch-21: The Manderly


"I thank you for your graciousness, m'lord." Jorah rose from his seat and saluted before Jory arrived, respectfully leading their party out. Jorah was assigned a room in the guest house, while his men were lodged with the soldiers of Winterfell."

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The next morning, as Jorah walked outside the guest house, he saw another startling sight. A huge caravan followed the banners of House Manderly of White Harbor.

A green-coloured merman carrying a trident on a blue flag was flying high inside the walls and one can see rows of well-trained soldiers covered in shining armour and a huge carriage in front.

While Jorah marvelled at the sight of the caravan, he spotted Ned Stark emerging with Jory to receive the guests. This gesture of courtesy was a testament to the strength of House Manderly.

The Manderlys were one of the most peculiar houses in the north. Unlike their northern counterparts, they were exceptionally wealthy—beyond measure. They possessed the largest navy in the north, along with a bustling port and city.

Furthermore, they did not adhere to the northern tradition of worshipping the old gods, but instead followed the Faith of the Seven, as was customary in the south.

Adding to their peculiarities, the Manderly lords were known for their wit and corpulence, rather than for their prowess with swords or military command.

Nevertheless, their strength lay in their wealth, much like the Lannisters, and they commanded the loyalty of numerous smaller houses and knights under their banner.

Jorah saw Elros coming up to him and they both walked towards a slightly deserted area.

"My Lord, I fear we may face competition for the lands of Stony Shore. The caravan arrived at the north gate last night, and I discreetly gathered some information from our soldiers.

It appears they have come with large chests of gifts to claim unclaimed lands along the entire northern shore. They covet Stony Shore, the Rills, the Barrowlands, and even the Widow's Watch. They seek to seize it all."

"Fuck!" Jorah couldn't control his mood from getting worse upon hearing the intel.

This was not part of his plan. This was not part of his even most imaginable scenarios. House Mormont cannot fight with House Manderly on wealth or gifts.

This is a disaster. No, it must be stopped.

"Who's here from house Manderly?"

"Ser Wylis Manderly, the heir of House Manderly."

"Hmmm… Good work. No need to worry about it. Tell the men to behave themselves and no need to stick their cocks in rotten pussies outside. I don't want to lose a man to a pox here." Jorah ordered Elros who immediately nodded and went away.

Even though he gave the order, Jorah knew there is a big loophole in it. Not every pussy is rotten and there must be 'new virgins' among the pleasure girls outside. These men have been on a long journey, fought a bloody battle and must let out their tension inside the warm moist cunts to relieve their fatigue.

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"House Manderly…." Jorah could only think of ways to prevent Ser Wylis from swallowing the entire land even though convincing House Manderly to not eat is nearly impossible.

However, all his thoughts were interrupted when he saw a woman coming down from the carriage in front.

She was beautiful, far more beautiful than his wife and whores he had ever fucked and she was dressed in the most noble and elegant attire he had ever seen on a northern Lady.

A woman with bouncing tits that can shake any man's heart and yellow hair that looked slightly golden, and her face is round like a baby with a tinge of pink.

"Marvellous..." Jorah whispered under his breath at the sight of such a woman. However, he quickly regained control of his impulses. Fortunately, it seemed that no one had noticed his slip, or perhaps they were exercising restraint and concealing their gazes.

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"Welcome Ser Wylis to Winterfell. I believe the ride must not have been easy," Ned with a beaming smile welcomed the richest northern lord in Winterfell.

House Manderly had been a loyal house to Starks and their coppers and trade had kept the economy of north alive. Without the traders coming from white harbor, the north would not be able to even manage grains in winter.

"It's an honour for me, Lord Stark. I apologise on behalf of my father. He was unwell and this long journey was just not for him. However, I do bring his words along with some gifts."

Ser Wylis had changed too much after the war. The hair was gone and the tummy had doubled or tripled in size. Something Ned Stark could not imagine for northern lords.

"No worries. Let's talk inside the solar." Ned Stark politely took Ser Wylis away while Lady Catelyn Stark, who somehow also came with a baby in arms received Lady Leona, the wife of Ser Wylis.

"Lady Leona, welcome to Winterfell. Let the men do their work and you should come with me. I think you also need to rest after a long journey," Lady Catelyn politely took Lady Leona towards the guest house to accompany her.

While walking, both the women talked politely in whispers and Lady Leona even happily took the baby from Lady Catelyn Starks' arms.

Jorah couldn't restrain his eyes when he saw how this woman's tits jumped when she took the babe in her arms and feeling his unrestrained gaze on herself, Lady Leone also looked back to the strange man.

"My Lady…that man…" Lady Leona asked Lady Catelyn in whispers.

"Lord Jorah Mormont from the Bear Islands. He also arrived with his soldiers yesterday," Lady Catelyn briefly introduced the man and when Jorah found the woman looking, he immediately flashed a warm smile before going back to his quarters.

Once inside the room, Jorah immediately climbed his bed and closed his eyes before they rolled back and turned white.

A small bird flew from the border of Wolfswood and flew directly towards the Great Keep, the innermost castle and stronghold of the castle complex where the solar of Lord Eddard Stark was located. It landed on the windows of the solar where Ned Stark just brought the fat knight, Ser Wylis to talk privately.

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