
Let's Exercise

{Third Person POV}

Miki: "Issei wake up! You need to get ready for school" Issei's mom shouted which resounded throughout the house.

Issei: "Coming Mom" Issei replied in a tired tone to her to prevent her from shouting again

Gorou who was drinking tea while watching the news on on the TV and was ready to go to work. After Gorou had drank his tea, he gave a kiss on the cheek to his wife and bid her goodbye.

Gorou: "Goodbye Honey"

Miki: "You too darling, have a safe day at work" Miki replied with a smile on her face.

{Issei's POV}

Issei: "Ugh, why do I have to get up so early just to go to school for toddlers" I was annoyed with having to wake up early in the morning to go to preschool or you could call it kindergarten even though I know everything about what we are going to learn but to avoid suspicion I have to go.

I thought about my future and my plans for it so to reach my goal in reaching the apex of this world I have to start doing light exercise to strengthen my body.

Issei: 'I guess I should start doing light jogging and then start running to build my stamina and also my leg muscles. For the rest I could do some push ups and some sit ups but not too many as I don't want to injure my body because it's to small and weak.'

I thought of all the different efficient exercise that isn't going stunt my growth or injure my body. I have to get stronger really quickly as there is tons of powerful people lurking around the world which I don't properly know off. I'll start exercising tomorrow so by the time I reach the age of 5-6 years old I'll be able to unlock the sacred gear that my friend spoke of.

{End of Issei's POV}

Issei got ready for preschool and went downstairs to the dining room to eat his breakfast which contained a a bowl of steamed rice and a bowl of miso soup with grilled fish and a glass of warm milk that Issei asked for. Their breakfast was quite traditional as Japanese people eat that for their breakfast but somedays they just eat cereal or egg and toast when they are in hurry or don't have the energy to cook the breakfast. The breakfast Issei had was very healthy, good for his growth in strength and also tasted very good.

The fish in his breakfast had a lot of proteins and other nutrients which were beneficial for his goal as he had to have a strong body and also he asked for milk to strengthen his bones as he had to get stronger quickly without any abnormalities so he asked for food that may strengthen him slowly.

The food his mother made were really delicious and it was a new experience for Issei as he didn't have Japanese food before so he found it as a new experience to food

Issei: ' Maybe I should learn cooking so I could make delicious food such as those' Issei thought to himself as he never had such type of food before in his previous life.

Miki: "Issei hurry up and finish your breakfast or your going to be late for school." Issei was brought out of his thoughts as he had to quickly finish the last of his breakfast so he could go to his preschool which was a waste of time for him as he already knew everything.

Issei quickly finished his breakfast and left his house with his mom who dropped him off to preschool.

( AN: I'm gonna be skipping the preschool scenes as I am not good at writing scenes with kids interacting with each other)

Today was tiring for Issei just like any other day as he had to deal with all the nonsense from the kids. All the the work such as counting numbers was easy for him and he got everything right and also showed a greater understanding of the subjects so he was considered a smart person by his fellow students and the teachers as well.

Issei couldn't wait to unlock his scared gear so he was excited to start exercising the next day. As soon as Issei reached his home he went to his room to plan an exercise routine to maximise the strength gained while not harming his body.

Issei: ' I'll do running around the garden until I am tired for my cardio exercise and also do some squats and push ups to build leg and arm muscles but not too much exercising or else it will stunt my growth and also damage my body ' Issei thought of all the exercises that he could do to strengthen his body without damaging it.

Issei went to sleep early today so that he could wake up early and start doing some exercises.

[ Timeskip- The Next Day ]

{Issei's POV}

I woke up in the morning a 1 hour earlier than my parents so that I can exercise and then get ready for school. I brushed my teeth and face and then went to my backyard garden instead of my room so I could run around a larger space.

Issei: "To start it off I'll run across the garden and then do the rest of the exercises inside my room. The potential of my body strength as a human is way higher than my previous world so i could get tens of thousands time stronger than the strongest man in my previous universe but there will be a limit of a human body so I need to think of other ways to get stronger when the time comes."

Issei: "There is also magic that I need to practice but that can come when I unlock my sacred gear."

After I finished with my thoughts, I started jogging around the garden slowly and then picked up pace and started running until I got tired. I took a small break and drank some water that I got before going to the garden. I started running again and took a break later and repeated it one more time. Once I finished the first part of my exercise I took a small break for 10 minutes and then went to my room for the last part of my exercise which was push ups and squats.

I couldn't do any intensive exercise that will help the body get stronger than my exercise routine. I could only do 6 push ups and 10 squats before my hands and legs started hurting which was depressing for me.

[Timeskip 3 Months]

It has been three months since I had started exercising and there has been a huge difference than before I started exercising as I could run for 5 minutes straight without getting tired contrary to my 1 minute at the start. The amount of push ups and squats that I could do has increased by 6 times as i could do 36 push ups. I had also included sit ups in my training regime to strengthen my abdominal muscle .

I had to stop myself from doing any exercise that is too intense for my body. After these three months I stopped myself from improving as my body needs to grow up to get stronger.

I had a plan to create manga's and books that I know from my past life so I can gain a lot of money for myself and my parents so they can retire and enjoy the rest of their life by travelling the world. I'll start writing Harry Potter which is one of my favourite books from my childhood at the age of 10 and then publish the books one at a time. Since Harry Potter is one of the best selling books of all time in my previous life so I can expect it to make a lot of money for me. I'll also draw manga's such as Naruto and one piece which would make me even more money.

My mental capacity was much higher than my previous life and also my comprehension was much higher which could be the cheat that I received as studying for subjects that I struggled in my previous life was much easier in this life.

I decided to start visit my mindscape and extract all the memories that I have of my previous life and put it in a special area of my mind palace which is heavily protected by my mental shields which I had created just after creating a mind palace and filling the contents.

I have also thoroughly viewed the memories of all the mangas and books that I have read so that I can copy it down later and make money out of it even though I feel a bit bad about stealing others hardwork but soon got rid of the feeling as this is a different world and the author's work will be read by more people which is a good thing.

Anyways is my first training exercise so hope everything makes sense and I didn't make him op as a 3 year old which would be dumb. Next chapter will pick up pace and is going to be the chapter that he gets strong in a quicker pace

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