
Reborn as Iron man In Taarak Mehta Ka Ooltah Chashmah (Tmkoc)

After my death was reborn in Tmkoc as Tapu twin brother, at first I thought ok cool world, then I learn my system it said something which made course what ever god sent me here, will at least I got the Iron man System God help me, hey this a comedy right ---- This is the most random idea I could have thought of, anyway I read a fanfic called Reborn in Morden family as Iron man and saw there was not many Tmkoc by not a lot I mean nun, except for that one

Tahmina_Begum_9138 · TV
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32 Chs

Getting Baalveer settled in

As the next day arrived, Aarav devised a cover story for Baalveer, now going by the name Bakugo, to seamlessly integrate into the Dagli household. He ensured the transition was smooth, although Meher seemed somewhat reserved in her reception of Bakugo. Determined to mend any skepticism, Aarav approached Meher while she was sitting alone in the park within the society.

"Hey, Meher," Aarav greeted her casually as he took a seat beside her on the bench. The late afternoon sun cast a warm glow around them, creating a serene atmosphere.

Meher glanced at Aarav, a hint of uncertainty in her eyes. "Hey, Aarav," she responded, her voice tinged with curiosity. "So, this new guy, Bakugo... what's his deal? He seems... different."

Aarav leaned back, considering how to approach the topic carefully. "Yeah, he's new here," he began, choosing his words thoughtfully. "Bakugo's... well, he's been through a lot. He's trying to find his place here, just like all of us."

Meher nodded slowly, still studying Aarav's expression for sincerity. "He seemed nice enough," she admitted cautiously. "But there's something... I don't know, mysterious about him."

Aarav smiled reassuringly. "I get it," he responded, empathizing with her uncertainty. "Sometimes new people can be a bit hard to figure out. But I think once you get to know him, you might find he's pretty cool."

Meher chuckled softly, a faint smile playing on her lips. "Maybe," she conceded, her demeanor softening slightly. "Thanks, Aarav. It's good to have someone to talk to about this."

"Anytime," Aarav replied warmly, grateful for the chance to ease Meher's concerns. "We're all friends here, right?"

Meher nodded in agreement, her skepticism easing as she appreciated Aarav's friendship and understanding. Together, they sat in companionable silence, watching the gentle sway of the trees and feeling the camaraderie of their shared community.

The next day Aarav was shown with Baalveer as Aarav looked at his wand.

I have question Baalveer. I said looking around to make sure we were alone. Can you use your power with your wand

I don't know. Baalveer said as he was new to this, hero thing he was just a 10 yearold how got magic from fairy to fight another Fairy. I don't know

Baalveer's uncertainty didn't surprise Aarav. After all, adapting to newfound powers and responsibilities was no easy feat, especially for someone as young as Baalveer.

"Well, let's try it out," Aarav suggested, eager to explore the extent of Baalveer's abilities. He gestured towards a nearby flower bed, focusing on a small patch of withered flowers. "See if you can make those flowers bloom again."

Baalveer nodded hesitantly, gripping his wand with newfound determination. He closed his eyes briefly, concentrating on channeling his magical energy. With a flick of his wand and a muttered incantation, a soft glow enveloped the flowers. Within moments, the withered petals began to unfurl, vibrant colors bursting forth as the flowers regained their vitality.

Aarav watched in awe, impressed by Baalveer's natural affinity with magic. "That's amazing, Baalveer!" he exclaimed, genuinely impressed by the display. "You've got some serious magic skills there."

Baalveer grinned, a mixture of pride and relief evident on his face. "Thanks, Aarav," he replied, his confidence growing. "I guess I'm getting the hang of this."

Encouraged by their successful experiment, Aarav and Baalveer spent the rest of the afternoon practicing different spells and honing Baalveer's control over his newfound abilities. With each spell cast, Baalveer grew more confident, his bond with Aarav strengthening as they navigated their shared journey of discovery and adventure.

Later that day Aarav was teaching Baalveer many thing from the subject he knew, after all just like in the canon Baalveer needs to go to school, for many reasons Baalveer head was spinning

Come on Bakugo you can do. Aarav said looking the reason he called him that was because, will Tapu was here. You can do it.

Hahah. Tapu lapp seeing his genies brother basically trying to teach Bakugo. You have a eiser time teaching a rock right Jarvis

Tapu's teasing didn't deter Aarav from his determination to help Baalveer learn. Baalveer, still getting used to the name Bakugo that Aarav had given him, looked at Aarav with a mix of curiosity and determination.

"I'm trying, Aarav," Baalveer said with a grin, finding the whole situation somewhat amusing despite the complexity of what he was learning.

Aarav chuckled and nodded encouragingly. "Don't worry, Bakugo. You've already got magic down; learning these subjects will be a breeze for you."

With that, Aarav continued to patiently explain various concepts to Baalveer, breaking them down into simpler terms and using real-life examples to help him grasp the material. Baalveer's magical abilities and quick understanding surprised Aarav, making him even more determined to ensure Baalveer succeeded in both his heroic duties and his academic pursuits.

As they continued their lessons, Aarav occasionally glanced at Jarvis, who was quietly observing the scene. "Hey, Jarvis," Aarav said, addressing his AI companion. "Any tips on how to make learning easier for Bakugo here?"

Jarvis, always ready with advice, responded promptly. "Master, consider integrating practical applications of magic into his studies. Baalveer learns best through hands-on experiences, much like today's lesson."

Aarav nodded thoughtfully, impressed by Jarvis' insight. "Good idea, Jarvis. Let's try that."

With Jarvis' guidance and Aarav's patient teaching, Baalveer began to make steady progress, his confidence growing with each lesson. Even Tapu, though still teasing, secretly admired his brother's dedication and ability to teach Baalveer effectively.

As the next day Aarav was walking home with his brother as he saw Meher and Manav being once again picked on by Montu, and here he thought he would learn after Aarav broke his nose that day, as then Baalveer having his dayver shocked Montu and left, tearing form one of Bhayankat Pari pawn to, will just bully, as Mantu didn't stop as then he saw Aarav

Hey leave them alone. Aarav siad looking at Mantua. Or do you want a repeat of what happened 4 years ago

Montu hesitated for a moment, eyeing Aarav warily. The memory of his broken nose at the hands of Aarav still lingered vividly in his mind, but his pride wouldn't let him back down easily.

"Who do you think you are, Aarav? You can't scare me with that," Montu retorted, trying to sound tough despite his unease.

Tapu, Aarav's brother, stepped in beside him, adding to the confrontation. "Yeah, Montu. You better leave them alone before you regret it again."

Meher and Manav looked on, grateful for Aarav and Tapu's intervention. Montu, feeling outnumbered and remembering the consequences of crossing Aarav before, reluctantly backed off, muttering under his breath as he walked away.

Aarav watched Montu leave, relieved that the situation didn't escalate further. "Are you two okay?" he asked Meher and Manav, his concern evident.

Meher nodded, her expression grateful. "Thank you, Aarav. And thank you, Tapu."

"Yeah, thanks," Manav added, still a bit shaken but appreciative of the support.

As they walked away, Aarav couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility towards his friends, old and new. He knew that being there for others was an important part of being a hero, whether in real life or alongside Baalveer in his magical adventures.

Meanwhile, in a different place—a dark and eerie realm—Bhayankar Pari sat on her throne, her expression twisted with anger. She stared at the tree in front of her, watching as the last of its dark fruits shattered. This signified the liberation of another one of her pawns, only to have been defeated yet again.

"This is unacceptable!" Bhayankar Pari hissed, her voice echoing through the chamber. "Baalveer has meddled with my plans for too long. He will never join me, and it's time I put an end to his interference."

She pondered for a moment, her mind racing with thoughts of vengeance. "I need a powerful monster," she muttered to herself. "Something that can overwhelm even him and his newfound allies."

With a wave of her hand, she summoned a dark crystal orb, peering into it as she sought out the perfect creature. The orb glowed with a malevolent light, revealing a fearsome beast lurking in the shadows of her realm. Its eyes burned with an insatiable hunger, its form brimming with raw power and malice.

"Yes," Bhayankar Pari whispered with a sinister smile. "You will do perfectly."

She chanted an incantation, her voice growing louder and more commanding. The shadows around her throne writhed and coalesced, forming into the monstrous shape she had envisioned. The creature stepped forward, its presence alone exuding a chilling aura.

"Go," Bhayankar Pari commanded, her eyes gleaming with dark intent. "Find Baalveer and destroy him. Leave no trace of his meddling existence."

The monster let out a guttural roar, bowing its head before vanishing into the darkness, heading straight for the world of mortals. Bhayankar Pari watched it go, her heart filled with anticipation for the chaos that was about to unfold. This time, she was certain, Baalveer would meet his end.

As Aarav was with the Tapu Sena, including Baalveer, they were playing while Manav and Meher were also present. Suddenly, the wind picked up, creating an unnatural, swirling tornado with red glowing eyes and arms made of wind. Panic set in as the kids scattered, running for safety. Aarav and Baalveer quickly created illusions of themselves, slipping away unnoticed.

Aarav pulled out the Mark 5 suitcase from his inventory—yes, he had an inventory—and prepared to suit up. Baalveer transformed into his hero self, ready to face the impending threat. The two exchanged a determined glance before stepping forward to confront the monster, the tornado's eerie howl echoing around them.

Aarav activated the Mark 5 suit, the suitcase unfolding and enveloping him in sleek, high-tech armor. Beside him, Baalveer's transformation completed, his figure glowing with the power bestowed upon him by the fairies.

"Ready, Baalveer?" Aarav asked through the suit's communicator.

"Ready," Baalveer replied, his eyes locked onto the swirling entity before them.

The two heroes stood firm, prepared to defend their friends and their world from the monstrous threat conjured by Bhayankar Pari.

The wind howled around them as the tornado monster roared, its red eyes glowing menacingly. Aarav and Baalveer, now fully transformed, stepped forward with determination.

"Jarvis, analyze the tornado creature," Aarav commanded, his Iron Man suit's HUD scanning the monster.

"Analysis complete, Master. The creature is composed of a concentrated wind element, with a weak point at its core," Jarvis reported.

"Baalveer, we need to aim for its core!" Aarav shouted.

Baalveer nodded, raising his wand. "Got it!"

The tornado monster lunged at them, its wind arms slashing through the air. Aarav's repulsors fired, beams of energy slicing through the wind, but the creature reformed almost instantly. Baalveer dodged and countered with a burst of fairy magic, momentarily disrupting the monster's form.

Aarav flew up, trying to get a better angle. "Jarvis, engage thrusters to maximum power."

"Engaging thrusters," Jarvis replied, and Aarav shot into the sky, positioning himself above the creature. He aimed his repulsors and unleashed a powerful blast aimed directly at the core. The creature howled in pain, its form wavering.

Baalveer took advantage of the moment, channeling his energy. "Tajurba Shakti!" he called, sending a concentrated beam of magic towards the core. The combined attacks from Aarav and Baalveer struck true, and the creature shrieked, its core beginning to crack.

The monster lashed out in a final attempt to fend off the heroes, but Aarav and Baalveer were relentless. Aarav swooped down, delivering a powerful punch with his armored fist, while Baalveer unleashed a flurry of magic bolts. The core shattered, and the wind monster dissipated into nothingness.

Aarav landed beside Baalveer, both of them breathing heavily. "We did it," Aarav said, the tension in his voice easing.

"Yes, but we must stay vigilant," Baalveer replied. "Bhayankar Pari will not stop here."

As the wind picked up again, a fierce gust sent both Baalveer and Aarav flying. Aarav quickly realized the gravity of the situation. This was no longer just a TV show scenario; Bhayankar Pari was now a genuine threat capable of real harm.

"This is bad, Baalveer," Aarav shouted, steadying himself mid-air with his suit's thrusters.

"I know! We must be more careful," Baalveer replied, regaining his balance.

The tornado creature reformed, even more enraged. It lashed out, sending powerful gusts of wind that slammed both heroes into the ground. Aarav's suit absorbed most of the impact, but he could feel the strain. Baalveer managed to cushion his fall with a quick spell but still landed heavily.

"We need a new strategy," Aarav said, rising to his feet. "Jarvis, prepare for a full power blast."

"Full power blast charging," Jarvis responded.

As the wind monster closed in, Aarav took aim. "Baalveer, get ready to hit its core again!"

Baalveer nodded, summoning his magic. "On your mark!"

Aarav unleashed a powerful blast from his suit, targeting the creature's core. The energy beam cut through the wind, temporarily dispersing the monster. Baalveer seized the opportunity, channeling his energy into a concentrated magical attack.

"Now, Baalveer!" Aarav shouted.

"Tajurba Shakti!" Baalveer cried, launching his spell at the exposed core.

The combined attacks struck the core with immense force. The creature howled, its form disintegrating. However, the residual wind from the creature's demise sent both heroes flying again. This time, they managed to land on their feet, but the battle had taken its toll.

Aarav looked around, ensuring there were no further threats. "Is it over?"

Baalveer nodded, though his expression remained serious. "For now, but we must be prepared. Bhayankar Pari will not stop until we are defeated."

Aarav clenched his fists, determination burning in his eyes. "Then we'll make sure she never succeeds."

As the winds died down, the Tapu Sena and other children, who had been watching from a safe distance, rushed over. They cheered for their heroes, but Aarav and Baalveer knew this was just the beginning. The real battle against Bhayankar Pari had only just begun.

To be continued

Yeah double upload hope people like this Ch and give me power stones