
Reborn as Hades In PJO

An OC-insert into the Greek God of the Underworld in the Percy Jackson universe.

TheGreekMythosGuru · Book&Literature
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33 Chs

Congratulations! It's A God...

Hades POV:

While I would love to lie and tell you that having your entire essence destroyed and remodeled so that it can be suitable for becoming an Immortal soul, The truth of the matter is that it was by far the most painful experience of my entire life. The easiest way to describe it is like having your soul scooped out of your body by a spoon before being trapped inside the center of the sun while having hot oil poured over it repeatedly, and even that would've probably been tamer and less painful than what I went through. I would go as far as to say that if I hadn't spent so long trapped in an empty void, I would have probably gone insane(If I wasn't already). 

It was all bad after all; in fact, I would go as far to say it was essential considering the alternative was to be reborn as a mortal version of Hades, which, as you can imagine, would be pretty bad, like not surviving the plunge down Kronos' gullet bad.

Although, it was a bit disconcerting having your soul stretched and expanded, making room for new parts and pieces while having your old parts born out when it was decided they weren't needed. I must admit, though, that the vast feeling of potential and growth felt in the process's wake was a great feeling, almost as excellent as when my domains finally began to enter the depths of my soul. It's tough to explain to someone who has never felt it before. Still, the feeling of correctness that flowed through my very being was incredible knowledge of subjects that would have once been impossible for a mortal to understand, knowledge of the intricacies of death and the afterlife, knowledge that would've been overwhelming and mind breaking for my previous mortal self, now felt as easy to understand and recall in my head as basic math.

Images of events yet to come flickered through my mind like they were searching for the right channel, hardly staying long enough to be understood, eyes of swirling green and gold pulsing with power, like looking into the eye of a storm. In contrast, indistinguishable voices chanted, flickering through emotions so quickly that even my newly immortal soul struggled to keep up with it before I could even begin comprehending what I had just witnessed; the images stopped taking the voices with them.

Once again, a bright light filled my vision; all I could see was darkness...

When my eyes finally adjusted to the lack of light, I began to scan my surroundings only to discover that I once again had found myself trapped inside an empty, void-like space. However, where the walls of my previous prison were pitch black and almost invisible, these walls were like flowing molten gold that danced with power and energy that seemed to respond to my very being surrounding me like it was attempting to hug me and give me warmth, it was through deduction that I decided that I must have been inside my new mother's womb...

Now, I'll admit that discovery did send me reeling for a moment before I decided to roll with it. After all, in a concise amount of time, I had gone from being trapped inside an endless void to being reincarnated into a book I read as a kid, into a God once believed to be false, so finding out I was inside my new mother's womb was pretty tame considering all that I had just been through.

It was once I settled down that I realized I was still in my soul form, only where before I was just about as large and bright as your typical lightbulb, now I was as large and bright as a star with the very air inside this small pocket being heated up creating mirages around where the void and I met. While I began to wonder if I should try and make a physical form, I realized I had no idea where to start with that; it turns out living life as the average Joe didn't give you the correct life skills to become a mighty immortal being.

So that was how I spent what must have been a couple of months, but could have admittedly been any number of times pondering thoughts like that and attempting to make any progress I could, which sadly wasn't much as it turns out there is no ingrained Godly handbook to guide me, as while I did find ways to tap into my divinity, the energy itself was very narrow-minded and always tried to lead itself into a path of its own, I assumed this was my divinity attempting to access my domains as like a go-to response towards me using this energy, maybe a reason why Gods are restricted to powers within the domains they represent.

My experimentations ended when I began to feel a steady pull that gradually grew stronger until I felt myself being pulled forward until I met the molten gold walls of my inhabitance; instead of stopping and crashing as one would expect, the pull weakened. I began to slow down as my essence was slowly pushed out and through the walls while the molten gold of the walls attempted to cling to me, likely aware of what fate awaited me beyond its protection.

With one last tug and a pop, the hold the walls kept on me was loosened, and I was forced from the safety of its walls and into warm and soothing hands. When I looked up, I saw what must have been the most beautiful woman in existence; she was tall, maybe seven feet if I was to guess, with dark curly hair that swept across her shoulders, eyes that seemed to glow with an earthly green like looking at the grass of a meadow during summer and a smile that shone brighter then any star even more colorful than my divine soul that she held within her hands with a look of love and wonder that only a goddess of motherhood could have, especially when you consider at this point I'm just a gleaming ball of light. 

However, before she could even say anything to me, I was ripped from her hands by a pair of excellent, almost claw-like hands that radiated strength; unlike Rhea's hands, which were smooth and soothing like a princess' hands, these hands held calluses that should have been impossible for an immortal to gain topped off with sharp pointy nails that were tinted yellow, I felt like I was trying to lie on a rock hard floor, at least until the owner of these hands came into view standing at a staggering nine to ten feet tall that felt even taller with untamable black curly hair, and an unnerving sharp pointy beard that made him look like every cliche villain ever.

However, the eyes that alerted me to who it was I was in the hold of: Kronos, with brutal molten gold eyes that sang with malice and apathy. These eyes bit harshly into my very soul; I was sure that if I were a mortal, merely looking into those eyes would have been enough to die from shock; however, luckily enough for me, my immortal soul would not allow me to pass in such a humiliating way and thus I was stuck just gazing deeply into those cruel eyes.

At least until an eerie smirk lit up the creature's face before an aura of bright gold energy expanded from the belly of the monster, wrapping around me in a crushing hold with a heavy, oppressive aura strangling any thoughts or feelings I may have had, filling me only with unbearable pain and hatred, until with a great tug I once again was welcomed into darkness...