
The pyramid of mysteries

Esdras smiled, this was a good day for sure. And it wasn't over yet, he planned to completely explore this floor and at least find the boss room on this night.

He had no choice but to hurry along, the outside world was in a state of turbulence that simply didn't allow him to take his sweet time.

Turning around he picked up his mace and moved on, he didn't want to be caught in pinch again. The hallways and corners of this seemingly endless pyramid were mostly peaceful.

He did not feel sorry for killing the monsters that way at all, they were monsters that tried to kill him, there was no place for sympathy in that regard.

After an hour he chanced upon another door leading to another room. He knew it was probably a trap like the last one but his instincts as a gamer kicked in and he had to check it out.

The door lead to a small square room that had only a stone platform where a treasure chest laid in clear view.