
Reborn as God of the Underworld Hades

In a twist of fate, a General Soldier who died as a hero during a war find himself reborn as the eldest son of the titan Cronus and Titaness Rhea, Hades, the God of the Underworld and Afterlife. ======== Cover is not mine and is an Ai. Comment the owner and I shall credit them or change the over. Before reading there's things you must know. - Do you like Op mc? - Do you want power fantasy? - Do you want Harem? like a lot of woman? - Don't mind the obvious Incestuous relationship? if yes, then this story is for you.

Try_hard · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 2 - Reborn as Hades

Hades, the formidable moniker designating the God of the Underworld and arbiter of the afterlife, was bestowed upon the newly born infant, leaving his nascent consciousness in a state of tumult as he grappled with the weight of his divine destiny. In the midst of his cognitive disarray, he yearned for his chaotic musings to be proven false.

As the infant endeavored to navigate the labyrinth of his thoughts, he seized a fleeting moment to etch into his fledgling memory the visage of his mother, a beacon of warmth and affection, her countenance adorned with a radiant smile that bespoke an infinite wellspring of love.

Yet, this tender tableau was abruptly truncated by the intrusion of an enigmatic figure, whose mere presence commanded attention and exuded an aura of authority.

The room, once a haven of maternal bliss, now bore witness to the entrance of an imposing presence—a bald, venerable figure draped in the classical garb of a toga.

The infant Hades and his mother turned in unison to confront this mysterious visitor, their gazes collectively fixated upon the aged countenance that seemed to harbor the wisdom of epochs past.

"Lady Rhea, Lord Cronus demands your presence."

These words, like thunderclaps echoing through the recesses of his consciousness, shattered the fragile cocoon of denial that had enveloped him.

In that moment of stark revelation, the newborn Hades grappled with the weighty truth that he had indeed reincarnated as one of the foremost and eldest Olympian gods of Greek mythology.

The tendrils of realization tightened around his nascent understanding, anchoring him in a reality that transcended the realm of mortal comprehension.

As the gravity of his divine lineage settled upon him, Hades found himself ensnared in a web of foresight, understanding that the unfolding narrative of his existence would be irrevocably shaped by the unsettling and harrowing events foretold in the ancient tapestry of legends.

A chill coursed through his immortal being as he glimpsed the specter of impending horrors and disturbing epochs that loomed on the horizon, painted in the hues of prophecies and whispered omens.

The weight of the Olympian mantle draped upon his infant shoulders became an ominous prelude to a cosmic drama, a script etched in the celestial annals with threads of fate interwoven with threads of inevitability.

Hades, the erstwhile innocent baby, now bore the burden of a destiny laced with both grandeur and terror, his path intertwined with the tapestry of mythic calamities yet to unfold.

A somber premonition etched across the features of Hades' mother, her once joyful countenance now marred by the weight of impending events.

A furrowed brow bespoke the depth of her understanding, a silent acknowledgment of the trials that awaited her adorable, innocent son.

As the gravity of the situation loomed, she turned to confront the cherubic face of her newborn, a wellspring of love and vulnerability.

The room, once an intimate sanctuary of familial warmth, now bore witness to a poignant tableau—the mother, her eyes reflecting a mixture of love and sorrow, gazing upon the embodiment of her maternal affection.

An unspoken connection tethered them in that moment, a silent exchange of understanding that transcended mortal language.

In her tender gaze, Hades' mother found herself wrestling with a profound sense of powerlessness, the realization that the threads of destiny were already woven and beyond her mortal influence.

The pained expression etched upon her face mirrored the turmoil within, an intricate dance between the fierce maternal instinct to shield her child from the impending storm and the stark reality that some cosmic forces were beyond her maternal embrace.

As the room hung heavy with an anticipatory stillness, Hades' mother, a portrait of maternal strength and vulnerability, braced herself for the tumultuous journey that lay ahead, her heart entwined with the fate of her precious son in the intricate dance of divinity and destiny.

"My boy, don't worry I'll do my best to protect you."

Despite her modest prowess compared to her formidable Titan kin, Hades' mother stood resolute, a beacon of tenacity unwilling to yield without a valiant struggle. The vast expanse of the divine realm bore witness to her quiet determination, an undercurrent of strength flowing beneath the surface of her seemingly delicate demeanor.

In the cosmic tapestry woven with the threads of fate, Hades couldn't help but sense a tinge of pity for his mother. Her impending witness to the inexorable outcome that awaited her cherished child weighed heavily on his divine understanding.

A silent empathy blossomed within the infant god as he observed the conflict of emotions playing out on his mother's face—a delicate dance between maternal concern and the acceptance of a destiny that transcended mortal resistance.

Moved by an innate sense of connection, Hades' mother leaned down to press a tender kiss upon his innocent forehead. In that fleeting moment of affection, she bestowed upon him the entirety of her motherly love, a fervent wish encapsulated in the gentle caress of her lips—a wish for the miraculous, a plea for a deviation from the foretold path that lay ahead.

The room, imbued with a poignant atmosphere, stood witness to this bittersweet exchange between mother and child.

As the divine saga unfolded, Hades' mother clung to the hope that, against the looming inevitability, the universe might yet unveil a miraculous twist, a deviation from the grim prophecies that cast shadows upon the destiny of her beloved offspring.

In disbelief, Hades grappled with the realization that his mother was thrust into a decision that no parent should ever have to face. Despite his innate desire to assist, he found himself constrained by the limitations of infancy, even if he bore the divine essence of a god.

As the poignant dilemma unfolded, she trailed behind a bald man through a corridor adorned with the exquisite marble reminiscent of ancient Greek architecture.

The ethereal beauty of the surroundings only served to amplify Hades' contemplation of the ominous future looming before him, witnessing his mother's palpable fear with each tentative step she took.

The contrast between the grandeur of the surroundings and the gravity of the situation heightened the emotional tension, leaving Hades caught in the crosscurrents of divine heritage and the harsh realities unfolding before him.

'Bastard!! If I somehow survived I'll make sure to kill my father and save my mother.'

Although Hades hadn't yet formed a strong bond with his new mother, having only known her for a brief moment, he felt an inexplicable compulsion to help her. He couldn't help but wonder if this urge was a manifestation of her inherent power as the titan of motherhood.

Despite harboring a deep-seated hatred towards his father, a sudden warmth enveloped his emotions when his mother intervened, attempting to soothe him with a calming presence and the gentle hum of a lullaby.

"In shadows deep, where dreams do start,

A mother's love, a shield, a part.

Beneath the moon's soft, silver gleam,

She sings a lullaby, a timeless theme.

Stars above, like guardians old,

Watch the tale of love unfold.

Cradled in arms, safe and sound,

A fortress of love forever bound.

Whispers of ancient tales she weaves,

As the night embraces the quiet eves.

Through the realms of sleep, they roam,

A bond unbroken, a sacred home.

Hush, my dear, in slumber's keep,

Where love is endless, strong, and deep.

In the cradle of time, a story mild,

A lullaby ancient, for my precious child."

Her soothing voice, like a gentle balm, worked its way into Hades' consciousness, momentarily alleviating the turmoil within his mind. However, as the echoes of comfort resonated, a profound sense of sadness began to swell within his heart.

His gaze fixed upon his mother, a figure of strength who, despite the emotional tempest brewing within, stood resolute, bracing herself for the imminent confrontation with her husband.

The poignant scene unfolded as she steeled herself, embodying a quiet yet fierce determination. The weight of the impending encounter hung in the air, casting shadows on the mother-son bond.

Hades, caught in the crossfire of conflicting emotions, observed the dichotomy of vulnerability and fortitude in his mother's demeanor. It was a poignant moment, where the echoes of her calming words coexisted with the gravity of the forthcoming clash.

After a considerable journey through the corridors, Hades and his mother finally entered a grand throne room. In this regal chamber, an air of imposing authority surrounded several figures, each emanating a commanding presence.

At the center, seated upon an opulent throne, was a figure of great significance—a long-bearded man adorned in a toga, his grip firm on a sickle, while an hourglass hovered ominously nearby. The sheer magnificence of the throne room and the formidable aura of its occupants rendered Hades momentarily breathless.

As their eyes met the penetrating gaze of the figure on the throne, Hades felt a profound sense of insignificance wash over him. The weight of the impending encounter pressed upon his consciousness, and an unsettling foreboding hinted at the imminent challenges he was about to face.

This formidable individual, none other than Cronus, The King of the Titans and master of time, exuded an aura of authority that transcended the grandeur of the throne room.

The presence of the hourglass hovering nearby served as a symbolic reminder of Cronus's dominion over time—a power that both fascinated and intimidated. The realization that they stood before the ruler of the Titans, a being who held sway not only over the divine hierarchy but also over the very fabric of time itself, cast a shadow over Hades.

The looming figure of Cronus marked the convergence of myth and destiny, and as the young god beheld the formidable ruler, he sensed that the threads of fate were about to weave a complex tapestry that would shape the course of his existence.

In a deafening silence that permeated the opulent throne room, Cronus, the formidable King of the Titans, held a penetrating gaze upon Hades. Not a single word escaped his lips as he closely inspected the god before him. Despite Hades' seasoned background as a soldier, an undeniable current of fear coursed through him in the presence of a Titan—a being of immense power and ancient lineage.

The weight of Cronus's scrutiny bore down on Hades, evoking a vulnerability that transcended his battlefield experience. The very essence of a Titan, a force of primordial might, elicited a primal fear that even the most seasoned warrior could not easily dismiss.

As the silence lingered, it became apparent that they were in the presence of a being whose stature surpassed the ordinary boundaries of divine authority.

Breaking the silence, Cronus slowly rose from his extravagant throne, the creaking sound echoing through the chamber.

With an imposing demeanor, he began a deliberate approach, traversing the distance between them. Hades could feel the intensity of Cronus's gaze, a gaze that seemed to penetrate not just his physical form but delved into the depths of his soul.

In this tense moment, Hades' mother, though attempting to maintain composure, visibly tensed. Her efforts to keep calm were betrayed by subtle nuances in her body language.

Cronus, the Titan and master of time, cast a shadow over the mother and son, his eyes not reflecting the warmth of a father but rather the cold calculation of a potential adversary.

The dichotomy of familial connection and the looming threat embodied in Cronus's demeanor created a complex tableau, where the threads of kinship and danger wove together, foretelling a confrontation that would shape the destiny of gods and mortals alike.

"He has a godly aura, even stronger than that of us titans"

The resonance of Cronus's decision reverberated among the Titans, a collective understanding sweeping through their ranks as they tacitly accepted their king's decree.

The weight of inevitability hung in the air, a grim acknowledgment of the foreseen consequences that awaited. Nearly unanimous in their alignment with Cronus, the Titans stood as witnesses to the unfolding tragedy, each aware of the irreversible nature of their monarch's determination.

Cronus, devoid of hesitation or remorse, moved with a chilling decisiveness that belied the familial ties at play. Without affording a moment for second thoughts, he reached out to seize his child from the desperate grasp of Hades' mother.

In a heart-wrenching realization, she comprehended Cronus's dark intentions and instinctively sought to evade his relentless grasp. However, Cronus, wielding his formidable divinity, exercised control over time itself, freezing her in a moment of anguish, a silent witness to the impending tragedy.

With a remorseless gaze, Cronus fixed his eyes upon Hades, his own flesh and blood, a child caught in the maelstrom of divine politics. The room held its breath as Cronus, unfazed by paternal sentiment, enacted the unthinkable.

With a swift and decisive motion, he lifted Hades and, in an act of ultimate betrayal, swallowed him whole. The haunting silence that followed marked the convergence of destiny and despair, as the Titans bore witness to the consumption of their own kin, a pivotal moment that would echo through the annals of mythology, shaping the fate of gods and mortals alike.


In a desperate bid to protect her unborn child, Hades, from the impending threat posed by Cronus, Hades' mother unleashed a piercing scream, a manifestation of her divine power resonating through the throne room.

With a swift and calculated strike, she directed a formidable burst of energy toward Cronus's stomach, a desperate attempt to force him to expel their child. The room echoed with the ominous sound of a struggle as Cronus, momentarily weakened, coughed up blood, yet his resilience prevailed, overpowering her efforts.

The other Titans, witnessing this tumultuous scene, remained passive observers, their indifference casting a chilling shadow over the mother's desperate struggle. The silence of their inaction would leave an indelible mark on her for years to come, amplifying the weight of her grief.

In the aftermath of this tragic confrontation, tears streamed down her face as she grappled with the anguish of a failed attempt to protect her child. The emotional toll of witnessing the powerlessness of a mother against the might of a Titan reverberated through her very being, shaping the trajectory of her existence for the foreseeable future.

The impact of her grief manifested in endless mourning, the heaviness of loss permeating her every waking moment. Forced into an oppressive situation by her husband, she endured, clinging to a fragile hope that a miracle might yet transpire, altering the grim course of events that had befallen her and her unborn child.