
Reborn as God of the Underworld Hades

In a twist of fate, a General Soldier who died as a hero during a war find himself reborn as the eldest son of the titan Cronus and Titaness Rhea, Hades, the God of the Underworld and Afterlife. ======== Cover is not mine and is an Ai. Comment the owner and I shall credit them or change the over. Before reading there's things you must know. - Do you like Op mc? - Do you want power fantasy? - Do you want Harem? like a lot of woman? - Don't mind the obvious Incestuous relationship? if yes, then this story is for you.

Try_hard · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 10 - Titanomachy: The War in Heaven.

As Cronus regained his strength, an overwhelming fury consumed him, unleashing a seismic disturbance that reverberated through the vastness of the Divine World Realm.

In a display of formidable power, he called upon almost every Titan, rallying them for an imminent war that promised to send shockwaves through the very fabric of heaven and Earth.

The assembled Titans keenly sensed the intense pressure emanating from their king, a potent cocktail of both rage and apprehension.

Deep within Cronus' being, a profound fear gripped him, a fear rooted in the ominous prophecy passed down by his father, Uranus, the Primordial God of the Sky.

This foretelling, shrouded in ancient mysticism, whispered of destinies intertwined with cosmic significance. As the Titans prepared for the impending conflict, the air in the Divine World Realm crackled with an electric tension, signaling the inevitability of a battle that would transcend the boundaries of mere mortal comprehension.

The stage was set, and the echoes of an impending war resonated, echoing through the celestial realms and mortal planes alike.


With a commanding voice that echoed through the divine expanse, Cronus called forth, and a formidable presence materialized, casting a towering shadow over the other Titans. Among them, one figure stood as a peer to the mighty king, if not surpassing him in sheer presence—the Titan of endurance, Atlas. As he emerged, the divine aura that enveloped Atlas matched the magnitude of Cronus himself.

Atlas, a god of unparalleled stamina, manifested in the form of a strikingly handsome middle-aged man. His chin-length, thick beard framed a countenance that bore the weight of eons. His eyes held a profound gaze, as if carrying the burden of the cosmos itself.

The ripple of power emanating from Atlas hinted at the cosmic responsibility he bore, the very essence of endurance etched in the lines on his timeless face.

In the presence of these colossal beings, the Divine World Realm quivered, acknowledging the convergence of two forces that could reshape the very fabric of the heavens.

"What do you need from me, Lord Cronus?"

Atlas, the god of endurance, humbled himself before his sovereign, bowing in a profound display of loyalty. His colossal frame knelt before Cronus, the very embodiment of unwavering devotion.

The Divine World Realm itself seemed to acknowledge this act of submission, as if the cosmic energies resonated with the genuflection of one titan before another.

Cronus, in turn, stood tall and resolute, exuding an air of unwavering confidence. His faith in his own might, forged in the crucible of ancient battles and divine prowess, was unshakable.

The weight of his authority hung in the air, and as Atlas knelt, it symbolized not just an acknowledgment of kingship but a recognition of the formidable power that Cronus held over the pantheon.

The titan of endurance, trusting in the might coursing through his veins, believed that he alone could quell the rising storm among his own offspring. The prophecy, a haunting echo from the primordial past, did little to daunt Atlas, for his resolve remained unyielding.

"Gather an army and kill the one responsible for my suffering! Kill them and bring their heads to me."

Cronus, the mighty Titan ruler, issued a commanding decree to his esteemed general, Atlas, entrusting him with the pivotal task of securing victory against Hades and their siblings. With unwavering loyalty, Atlas embarked on a strategic campaign, deploying his formidable skills to thwart the ambitions of the rebellious deities who sought to challenge Cronus's dominion.

"Then it shall be done."

Atlas, a towering figure among the Titans, possessed eyes ablaze with an ominous glow, fueled by an insatiable desire to wreak havoc and obliterate any opposition in the name of the one who had narrowly escaped their grasp. His gaze, intense and unwavering, reflected a fervent commitment to Cronus's cause, and in that fiery gleam, one could discern the relentless determination to secure victory at any cost.

Meanwhile, Prometheus, the cunning and foresighted Titan, cast a sidelong glance towards his fellow allies. A subtle flicker of concern danced across his expression as he observed some amongst them, swayed by the specter of an inevitable defeat for the Titans, entertaining thoughts of desertion. Prometheus, with a keen intellect and a heart burdened by the weight of foresight, recognized the impending downfall that loomed over their dominion.

In the looming conflict between the Titans and Hades, the preparations were in full swing. The Titans, poised for war, diligently assembled their forces. Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus each commanded their own formidable armies, while Rhea, Mitis, Hera, Hestia, and Demeter collaborated on strategic planning, devising the intricate battle tactics required for the impending confrontation.

The vast army was meticulously organized, with divisions under the command of the three brothers. Subcategories emerged within the ranks, encompassing frontline warriors, steadfast supporters, skilled medical personnel, and various other specialized roles.

Several weeks had elapsed since their daring escape from the depths of their father's domain, and in the interim, they found solace in the company of their mother. Amidst this respite, the impending battle loomed large on the horizon, casting a shadow over their preparations. During this crucial period, allies rallied to their cause, as Bia, Nikke, Zelos, and Cratus emerged to stand alongside them. The camaraderie and strength of these newfound companions bolstered the resolve of the group.

Meanwhile, Prometheus, a steadfast ally, played a vital role in keeping them apprised of developments within Cronus' army. Through a mystical artifact, Prometheus maintained a line of communication, providing invaluable insights and updates on Cronus' maneuvers and strategies.

This continuous flow of information became a crucial lifeline, ensuring the group remained one step ahead in their preparations for the imminent clash. As the days unfolded, the collective efforts of the siblings, augmented by the support of divine allies.

On the other hand, as Epimetheus tirelessly worked on enhancing Hades's armor and weapons, his determination drove him to surpass his current strength, reaching a level that, while not quite on par with the formidable Cyclopes or Hecatonchires, still exceeded the capabilities of Hades. Speaking of the Lord of the Underworld, Hades harbored ambitious plans to journey into the depths of Tartarus once he managed to weaken the formidable forces within his father's army.

In the present moment, Hades surveyed his assembly of divine entities, figures largely absent from the annals of Greek history as he knew it. Despite the palpable fear resonating among them at the daunting prospect of confronting Cronus and his formidable army, these enigmatic beings chose to align with Hades.

Their decision stemmed from a collective discontent with the oppressive rule of Hades' father, forging an alliance grounded in a shared determination to defy the tyrannical forces that overshadowed them.


As Hades spoke, standing resolute at his side, Zeus observed his brother with a keen and scrutinizing gaze, while Poseidon exhibited a subtle yet unmistakable hint of admiration.

The divine trio, ruling over their respective army, collectively turned their attention toward the burgeoning figure of the future God of the Underworld and Afterlife.

In that pivotal moment, Hades exuded both kingly authority and the demeanor of a seasoned general, his words carrying the weight of impending destiny.

The gods, recognizing the gravity of this transformation, faced the emerging presence with a regal unity, acknowledging the role that Hades was destined to play in the unfolding tapestry of divine governance.

"Listen, fellow gods, as we stand before the looming challenge that strikes fear into our divine hearts. It is natural to tremble before a formidable foe, but remember, strength alone does not guarantee victory."

As Hades' eloquent words resonated through the divine assembly, an undeniable fervor ignited within the hearts of each god present, their eyes aflame with a newfound sense of purpose and determination.

Even Zeus, the mighty ruler and brother to Hades, couldn't deny the compelling force that emanated from Hades' speech.

In that pivotal moment, Zeus acknowledged the emergence of a leader of unparalleled worth, someone capable of commanding the celestial forces with an intent so clear and resolute that it left an indelible mark on the very fabric of Olympus.

It was as if Hades had not only spoken words but carve a path of prosperous future, uniting the pantheon in a shared vision of divine purpose and unyielding resolve.

"We must push through the shadows of fear if we are to carve a path towards lasting peace and prosperity. Let the courage within us outshine the might of our adversary, for in unity and resilience, we shall find the keys to our divine destiny."

Amidst the gathered divine assembly, a diverse array of deities—Eos, the radiant goddess of dawn; Themis, the embodiment of divine law; Bia, the personification of force and power; Nikke, the winged goddess of victory; and Selene, the enchanting moon goddess—stood as witnesses, their eyes alight with a potent blend of admiration and attraction. As they beheld Hades, the person upon whom each had placed their heart.

In this momentous juncture, the charisma and strength emanating from Hades seemed to solidify the very foundation upon which the future of all gods would be carved.

The goddess Styx, however, chose not to join the gathering, her commitment lying in the guardianship of the sacred river Styx, a duty she upheld with unwavering dedication.

"Now, let us march forward, for our collective strength surpasses any individual power. Victory awaits those who dare to confront their fears and forge ahead!"

The morale of the assembled gods soared to unprecedented heights as they witnessed Hades ascend not merely as a formidable general but as a king beyond kings.

The very air crackled with anticipation as the divine multitude recognized in Hades a sovereign force destined to shape the Divine World realms. Amidst this exuberance, a silent understanding lingered — Zeus, the reigning king of the gods, would maintain his throne, yet Hades would stand as a vigilant overseer, ready to step in should the balance of divine order be threatened.

In this delicate dance of cosmic governance, Hades' assurance to let Zeus retain the title of king among the gods underscored a nuanced approach to leadership. It was an acknowledgment of the intricate power dynamics within the pantheon, where each deity held a crucial role.


A thunderous roar erupted from the gathered gods, echoing through the celestial expanse, as they absorbed the weight and resonance of Hades' words.

The fervor that gripped them was palpable, a collective surge of determination coursing through their divine veins. Eager and resolute, they stood united, ready to engage in the forthcoming battle that would shape a future where oppression would yield to prosperity and peace.

Hades, the architect of this newfound unity, surveyed the electrifying response of his divine brethren with a measured nod of approval. In that nod, he acknowledged the potency of their shared purpose and the commitment to a cause that transcended individual divinities.

Once this was done, Hades led his army towards their enemy having separated from Zeus who was currently about to confront his father, Cronus to have his revenge for what he had done. Hades currently had his woman by his side from Hera, Hestia, Eos, Themis, Bia, Nikke and Selene joined his side. Demeter and his mother Rhea would provide food and support in the temporary camp that they set up.

With the intricacies of their grand strategy unfurling, Hades, the lord of the Underworld, marshaled his formidable army, a dark and imposing force, as they embarked on a relentless march towards the common enemy.

Simultaneously, his brother, Zeus, the mighty future king of the gods, orchestrated a separate campaign leading his own army, their destinies converging on the precipice of an impending confrontation with Cronus, the ancient titan and their malevolent progenitor.

As Hades advanced with calculated determination, his coterie of powerful allies stood steadfastly at his side. The formidable women from Olympus—Hera, Hestia, Eos, Themis, Bia, Nikke, and Selene—formed a divine vanguard, their strengths converging to create an unstoppable force.

Meanwhile, in a different locale, Zeus, fueled by an unyielding resolve, confronted his father, Cronus, in a quest for vengeance. The air crackled with the tension of familial strife as Zeus prepared to settle the ancient score, drawing upon the strength of his own army to face the embodiment of the Titans' tyranny.

Back in Hades' camp, a temporary stronghold emerged, meticulously organized by the strategic minds at play. Demeter, the nurturing goddess of the harvest, and Rhea, Hades' mother, assumed pivotal roles in sustaining the troops. The camp served not only as a logistical center but also as a sanctuary where the warriors could find respite and solace amidst the unfolding chaos.