
Reborn as Fugaku Uchiha

Uchiha Fugaku said to Uchiha Itachi in front of him, "Uchiha is the first Clan in Konoha, and it can take power without a coup."

Kronos_01 · Anime & Comics
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55 Chs

Chapter 51

"There has been an unexpected assassin's sneak attack. Pay close attention to protecting the key personnel."

"Send a signal bullet and request support."

The sudden assassination caused immense confusion in the previously tranquil Land of Stone Country, catching the Iwa Shinobi off guard. While they were prepared for the possibility, the appearance of the assassin exceeded their expectations.

In the eyes of most Iwa Shinobi, entering a country notorious for its assassinations meant certain death. The notion of living for oneself seemed absurd, and since becoming a Jounin, life and death had become inconsequential.

The explosion of an Explosive Tag engulfed half a block in a cloud of dust, causing buildings to collapse one after another. Chaos ensued as civilians scattered, many falling victim to the flying debris and rubble.

The stone structures that were once erected to protect against natural disasters had now become instruments of death for countless innocent citizens.

The explosion drew the attention of numerous Iwa Shinobi patrolling the area, and they rushed into the melee to provide support.

With a swift motion, Fugaku thrust a black object into the throat of an Iwa Shinobi who came to assist, propelling him backward. Black rays of light flashed as he swiftly eliminated two more Iwa Shinobi who had arrived.

Fugaku swiftly turned around, disappearing into the smoke. His Sharingan spun rapidly, capturing the movements of his adversaries. His hands moved with precision, spilling blood at every strike.

Each life he took strengthened him, as he absorbed their Pupil Strength. Fugaku could feel his eyes becoming more powerful with every absorption, invigorating his Sharingan with a refreshing coolness.

Though Fugaku savored the sensation of his growing ocular abilities, he remained vigilant. He never lost himself to the allure of power. His mind remained sharp, distinguishing who should be killed and who should be spared.

Amidst the screams, explosions, and commotion that engulfed the Land of Stone, many people experienced for the first time the closeness of war. The war that had once seemed distant and only affected citizens of smaller countries had now arrived on their doorstep. Even though it was merely an assassination, it served as a grim reminder that no place in this world was truly safe.

In the blink of an eye, the staff of the logistics department and the accompanying Iwa Shinobi had all fallen victim to Fugaku's relentless onslaught.

To Fugaku, these ordinary individuals, including the average Iwa Shinobi, were indistinguishable from one another. They were mere pawns to be harvested and disposed of at his whim.

Fugaku's Sharingan continued to spin, tracking the movements of Hyuga Tazumo. Despite the swirling dust caused by Tazumo's continuous use of Kaiten, Fugaku could still discern the Iwa Shinobi being attacked from all sides. For the common folk caught in the crossfire, a single blow could prove fatal.

"Wind Release, Reppu!"

A gust of wind swept through the battlefield, dispersing the smoke and revealing the five combatants locked in combat.

A signal soared into the sky as Fugaku's Sharingan swept over the scene. The negotiators they had targeted were now mostly dead or wounded, including Nagai Shiro.

The assassination mission had been accomplished, and the next step was to find a means of retreat. Fugaku knew that he had severely disrupted Iwagakure's major strategic plans with this operation.

If they wished to escape unscathed...

The leading Iwa Shinobi gritted his teeth, glaring at the five assassins. "Both the Hyuga clan of Konoha and the Uchiha clan are elite forces in Konoha. Beware of the Uchiha clan's Sharingan and do not fall victim to each other's Genjutsu. Keep them entangled until reinforcements arrive."

"Captain, Nagai Shiro has been killed."

"I am aware," the captain replied, his eyes burning red. "The mission has failed. Our priority now is to prevent Konoha's assassins from leaving and to ensure that a group of Konoha's young elites remain trapped in the Land of Stone. Tsuchikage-sama will be pleased."

Uchiha Fugaku and his four comrades swiftly regrouped. A crow circled above, and Yamaki Aoga spoke up. "Fugaku, Iwa Shinobi from all four directions are converging on us. There are over a hundred of them. We must break through their encirclement swiftly, or the situation will become dire."

"Do you think you can escape?" the enraged Iwa Shinobi captain sneered. "Having killed so many of us, including a high-ranking official, where will my Iwagakure find its honor? The enemy has a crow spying on us. Take them down with hidden weapons!"

"We can dismiss the summoned crows. No need to waste them here," Fugaku suggested. "Hyuga Tazumo alone is sufficient for our reconnaissance in the upcoming battle."

Directly confronting the Iwa Shinobi captain, Fugaku sensed the formidable power emanating from his opponent. Although strong, the captain was merely an upper-middle tier Jounin, not yet an elite Jounin.

The Iwa Shinobi captain unsheathed a short blade from his back, its sharp edge gleaming with a white light. Shadows danced in the air as he launched a fierce and unconventional attack, thrusting the blade toward Fugaku's chest.

Narrowing his eyes, Fugaku's Sharingan spun at a rapid pace, maximizing his perception. His body shifted a few centimeters, narrowly evading the attack. In response, he struck back, thrusting his own black weapon toward the captain's chest.

The initial clash revealed no clear advantage for either side. Fugaku's Sharingan began weaving a Genjutsu, setting the stage for the next move.

The two combatants engaged in a series of attacks and defenses, each round ending in a stalemate. Fugaku understood that if they continued to fight, their entire team would be wiped out.

With his three-tomoe Sharingan continuously spinning, Fugaku unleashed the Genjutsu he had been meticulously preparing. Against a Jounin, his current Pupil Strength was more than enough to swiftly impose his Genjutsu.

The surroundings distorted in the eyes of the Iwa Shinobi captain, who desperately struggled to move or cry out, only to find himself paralyzed.

A bead of cold sweat rolled down his forehead, but in Fugaku's eyes, it was but a fleeting moment. Without hesitation, a black weapon pierced the captain's throat, ending his life.

"Kill a Jounin and gain a significant amount of Pupil Strength."

"Let's go."

Like arrows released from a bow, the five figures sprinted forward. The Genin and Chūnin in their path could only serve as cannon fodder, falling to the ground in the blink of an eye.

"Hold them back! Don't let them escape!"

"Earth Release, Yomi Numa!"

"Earth Release, Doryuudan no Jutsu!"

The solid ground beneath them turned unnaturally soft, and an earth dragon burst forth from the ground.

The once lively street devolved into chaos as the surrounding buildings suffered severe damage. Fugaku cast a concerned glance around, fearing the repercussions of his actions in the eyes of Tsuchikage.

Utilizing Ninjutsu in a densely populated area like this not only hindered their own progress, but also endangered the lives of innocent civilians. It widened the gap between the civilians of the Land of Stone and the Hidden Village, fostering resentment and hatred.

If Tsuchikage intended to mobilize the Land of Stone's resources for war, he would have to relinquish most of the benefits due to this incident.

Body Flicker Jutsu.

The five figures leaped onto houses on either side, regaining their predetermined route. Fugaku's Sharingan remained vigilant, always prepared for sudden attacks.

Hidden weapons whizzed through the air, targeting their backs.

The presence of these projectiles did not escape the keen observation of Hyuga Tazumo's Byakugan. Kaiten swiftly activated, deflecting all incoming weapons and sending debris flying.

The Iwa Shinobi seemed to realize that using Ninjutsu not only had little effect on their adversaries, but also caused unnecessary damage to the surrounding buildings and put civilians at risk.

Several Iwa Shinobi began evacuating the civilians in front of Fugaku. Buildings could be repaired, but lives lost could never be reclaimed. Every accidental civilian casualty would further tarnish Iwagakure's reputation in the Land of Stone.

After all, a country was different from a Hidden Village. The situation called for caution in executing attacks, and evacuation proceeded at a slower pace.

Byakugan allowed Tazumo to assess the situation ahead. "Acceleration is necessary. We must attempt to break through the capital before the civilians finish evacuating, or we risk being caught by the enemy."

The five figures accelerated once more, with Fugaku conjuring shuriken in his hands. He swiftly twirled and hurled them backward, impeding the pursuit of the Shinobi behind them.