
Reborn as Fugaku Uchiha

Uchiha Fugaku said to Uchiha Itachi in front of him, "Uchiha is the first Clan in Konoha, and it can take power without a coup."

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55 Chs

Chapter 23

Fugaku hadn't anticipated that the task would be performed just once and lead to such a significant change.

The initial joint mission seemed to have angered the Wind, Earth, and Three Countries. In the battlefield of the Land of Rain, Konoha's strength was comparable to that of the other four countries. If the other countries were targeted, the losses would be substantial.

Uchiha Homura, one of the few members of the Uchiha Clan with a stable personality, was chosen by the clan leader to lead the team. This decision had clearly been carefully considered.

"I'll submit the task first," Fugaku stated. "We'll discuss the details later in your tent."

Uchiha Homura nodded, turned around, and continued familiarizing himself with the camp's conditions. Fugaku led the team to Hatake Sakumo's tent.

As they entered the tent, they found it transformed from its previous state of abandonment into a combat command room. The center of the room held a sand table representing the Land of Rain's terrain, with various numbers inserted onto it.

Fugaku quickly scanned the tent. Many members of the Nara Clan, Yamanaka Clan, and the Intelligence Department were present.

"Uchiha Fugaku has come to submit the task," Fugaku announced. "The mission to completely destroy the Suna Shinobi stronghold supply has been successfully completed."

The fact that a team of only eight people had accomplished the task surprised no one. Hatake Sakumo showed brief astonishment before regaining his composure.

"You've done well, truly living up to the Uchiha Clan's reputation," Sakumo praised. "In the previous mission, Konoha suffered significant losses, and a group of Shinobi came to the village for reorganization. Your team may gain a few additional members. Return and await further instructions."


The group of eight turned and exited Hatake Sakumo's tent.

"Lord Hatake is truly intimidating," Okasawa Ōno remarked. "I couldn't help but break into a cold sweat while submitting the task in the tent."

"I felt the same way," Koudamaru added. "It felt like there was a blade hanging over us at all times."

Fugaku also speculated about Hatake Sakumo's strength. The Sakumo who had been peacefully living in seclusion for over a decade was a completely different person from the one currently displaying his abilities.

He was a powerhouse on the verge of reaching his peak, but his life was tragically cut short due to internal conflicts within the village.

Fugaku felt conflicted about Sakumo. On one hand, he regretted that a peak powerhouse like Sakumo hadn't died on the battlefield, but on the other hand, he couldn't help but feel relieved that Konoha had lost a formidable force.

"With the task submitted," Uchiha Fugaku said, "although it was a challenging mission, the execution went smoothly. Everyone has worked hard. Go back and rest. I'll notify you when the next task is assigned."

The group of eight members dispersed at this point. Fugaku, Aburame Nozawa, and Satōmaru returned to their tent.

"I miss sleeping in the dorms at the base," Satōmaru complained. "Sleeping in caves every day is a nightmare."

"This mission is just the beginning," Uchiha Fugaku replied. "In the future, you'll get accustomed to missions in the rain and resting in caves."

Ignoring Satōmaru's lamentations, Fugaku stood up and left the tent, searching for the tent number that Uchiha Homura had mentioned earlier.

"Fugaku," Uchiha Kon's voice called from behind. "Finally, the mission is complete. This time, the Wind, Rain, and Three Countries intend to target Konoha. I was worried you wouldn't return."

Fugaku caught the implication behind Kon's words. Some members of the Uchiha Clan had already fallen in battle, leaving Fugaku feeling a sense of regret.

"What about Uchiha Clan's casualties?" Fugaku inquired.

Kon shook his head and replied, "The situation isn't optimistic. Seven Uchiha Clan members have fallen, with only two bodies brought back. Another one fell into the hands of Iwa Shinobi, and we can only wait for the retrieval of the body."

Fugaku nodded. The Uchiha and Hyūga Clans were different in this regard. The non-Uchiha members couldn't handle the Sharingan bloodline, finding it repulsive and potentially deadly.

The Uchiha Clan had experienced numerous wars, resulting in countless missing Sharingan eyes. However, since the Sengoku Period, only two non-Uchiha Shinobi had successfully transplanted Sharingan eyes.

One was Shimura Danzō, who used the power of the First Hokage's cells to achieve an unstable balance within his body, barely grasping the power of the Sharingan.

The other was Kakashi, who later received Obito's Sharingan transplantation. However, he had to constantly activate it, resulting in continuous chakra consumption.

"It's a pity," Fugaku lamented. "These were all elite members of the clan. When will their bodies be transported back to Konoha?"

"They were transported this morning," Uchiha Kon replied. "Yesterday, when I arrived with the reinforcements from Konoha, some supplies were also brought. Today, the Shinobi who transported the supplies returned to Konoha, taking the bodies back for burial."

"Uchiha Homura led this group of reinforcements from the Uchiha Clan," Fugaku remarked. "You must have met him."

Uchiha Kon nodded and said, "We had a conversation yesterday."

"Let's go see Uchiha Homura together," Uchiha Fugaku suggested. "The current situation in Konoha has become quite delicate. It's important to understand the village's present circumstances."

The rumors circulating in Konoha before their departure mentioned the imposition of martial law by the Police Force and the subsequent uncovering of hidden assassins within the village. This had greatly increased the villagers' awareness of the Uchiha Clan.

Simultaneously, some plans to isolate the Uchiha Clan that had been implemented since the Second Hokage's time had been shattered. Fugaku believed that Konoha's higher echelons wouldn't let things progress so smoothly.

The Uchiha Clan members selected for this mission were originally part of the Police Force, and as of now, they hadn't formed a cohesive team. Currently, they occupied a tent with only three Uchiha Clan members.

"Fugaku, Kon, you're here," Uchiha Homura greeted them. "Akimitsu, Mizu, the two of you can go to another tent for a meeting. The three of us have something to discuss."

Uchiha Akimitsu, Uchiha Mizu, and the Shinobi from the Land of Rain who had joined Uchiha Homura's team were all Chūnin who had unlocked the second tomoe of their Sharingan.

The higher the clan's level, the stricter the regulations. The two members exchanged greetings with Fugaku and Kon before leaving the tent.

"What's been happening in Konohagakure lately?" Fugaku asked. "Have there been any restrictions placed on the Uchiha Clan by the higher-ups since we left?"

"For now, things are still relatively calm," Kon replied. "The Patriarch has assigned numerous Shinobi to conduct nightly patrols, making it difficult for the higher-ups to find any faults. However, when I left, the Patriarch specifically asked me to tell you to be extremely cautious. The higher echelons of Konoha won't simply allow the Uchiha's reputation to improve without countermeasures. They won't allow one or two battle heroes to completely reverse the clan's decline until now."

Fugaku nodded, realizing he had underestimated his father. It seemed that the previous Uchiha Clan Patriarch was not as simple as he had thought, but he was likely limited by the circumstances of his time.

"Perhaps it's due to the intense battles we're currently facing," Uchiha Kon suggested. "The vanguard forces of Konoha have suffered heavy losses in the past two days, and the senior management might not have the luxury to focus on the Uchiha Clan right now."