
Reborn as Fugaku Uchiha

Uchiha Fugaku said to Uchiha Itachi in front of him, "Uchiha is the first Clan in Konoha, and it can take power without a coup."

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55 Chs

Chapter 16

Three days had elapsed, and the three individuals reconvened at the meeting spot.

"Captain," Hyūga Tazumo began, "the situation doesn't look promising. Shinobi consists of 6 permanent residents, 4 Jonin, and 2 Chūnin. Additionally, there are approximately 6 groups of incoming personnel who seek refuge at the base each day, ranging from 9 to 1 person per group."

Fugaku was taken aback by Tazumo's report. The task seemed to be more challenging than anticipated.

"Sato, Shinji, please share your observations," Fugaku instructed.

"Captain, we've noticed that around 8 individuals enter Shinobi daily through the entrance we're monitoring," Satōmaru reported. "The teams remain the same, although there are occasional fluctuations in their numbers."

"It aligns with what we've been monitoring," Shinji added. "Some teams require more frequent resupplying and suffer from significant personnel losses."

Fugaku nodded, realizing that Sunagakure must have encountered formidable opposition on the local battlefield, despite not sustaining heavy casualties in conventional battles.

"Destroying Sunagakure's supply point won't be easy," Fugaku contemplated for a moment. "Their shinobi outnumber ours, and launching a direct assault would only result in higher casualties. Aburame Nozawa will continue monitoring Sunagakure's movements and search for an opportunity to infiltrate the base with a six-person squad assigned to complete the supply mission."

"Captain, you propose using our shinobi's intelligence to infiltrate the stronghold," Hyūga Tazumo suggested. "As long as we avoid revealing any weaknesses, we can potentially blend in, especially with only two Chūnin stationed at the entrance."

Fugaku acknowledged the point, having obtained internal information about the base from Suna shinobi who previously carried out missions there. Infiltrating the base and completing their objective seemed plausible from several angles.

Launching a direct attack and engaging in a frontal battle against an enemy force several times larger than their own would only lead to a futile death.

Nozawa extended his hands, releasing a swarm of malevolent insects that dispersed throughout the valley. Eventually, the swarm split into three groups to monitor the movements of Suna shinobi.

"Let's find a place to rest," Uchiha Fugaku announced. "The upcoming battle won't be easy. Success is our only option; failure would not only compromise the mission to apprehend Suna shinobi but also put an end to Sunagakure's supply mission unexpectedly."

"Leave it to me," Hyūga Tazumo assured. "Over the past three days, I've scouted the nearby terrain, and there are several suitable resting spots."

Fugaku nodded as Tazumo took the lead, guiding the team to a relatively dry and clean cave.

They had been diligently monitoring the movements of Suna shinobi for three consecutive days. The entire team was exhausted, but as the captain, Fugaku knew he had to maintain a strong demeanor in front of his subordinates. He chose to monitor one direction alone, aware that it would only add to his fatigue.

In a mission where death was a constant possibility, if the captain lost confidence, the mission would inevitably fail, and Konoha would have to send a new team.

After a night's rest, the team's morale was rejuvenated. Nozawa approached Fugaku and reported, "Captain, I've tracked down six Suna shinobi. I've been tailing them with my insects."

"Good work," Uchiha Fugaku commended. "Follow them until they are far from the stronghold."

The surveillance and guidance provided by the Aburame Clan's insects proved invaluable, sparing the team from unnecessary difficulties along their path. From morning till noon, a few Sunagakure shinobi engaged in skirmishes with a team of Ame shinobi before retreating.

Although Ame shinobi had yet to engage in full-scale warfare with the three countries, they primarily served as a warning and deterrent. Unfortunately, Ame shinobi's actions were often perceived as weak and bullying by other nations, ultimately exacerbating tensions and setting the stage for a future comprehensive war.

"Prepare for action," Fugaku commanded. "Hyūga Tazumo, I and another Jonin will do our best to protect each other. Nozawa, focus on causing widespread disruption. Sato and Shinji, engage one of the Chūnin and keep them occupied. As for you, Kota, team up with the other two to handle the remaining Chūnin."

"Captain, there's an additional Chūnin," Kota pointed out.

"No one will be left behind," Uchiha Fugaku asserted. "Stick to the plan."

"Body Flicker Jutsu."

Fugaku and Hyūga Tazumo simultaneously vanished from sight. Their scarlet Sharingan whirled rapidly as the two Jonin abruptly caught the attention of their adversaries.

Hyūga Tazumo executed his signature technique, Hakke Kūshō, striking a Sunagakure Jonin with a clap of his hands.

Tazumo engaged the opponent while Fugaku swiftly unleashed his Genjutsu, ensnaring another Jonin in a momentary illusion.

A shuriken materialized in Fugaku's hand, transforming into a blur that aimed for one of the Chūnin. The Sharingan's Genjutsu was deployed relentlessly, momentarily paralyzing the Chūnin's movements.

Instead of striking a fatal blow, Fugaku hurled several shuriken toward the other Shinobi in an attempt to divert their attention from his Konohagakure comrades.

A message flashed through Fugaku's mind.

"Eliminate a Chūnin and gain a slight boost in Pupil Strength."

A cacophony of metal colliding echoed as the opponent deflected several shuriken.

In the midst of the chaos, the Suna shinobi, who had fallen under the Genjutsu, regained consciousness. The expression on his face twisted in disbelief as he witnessed a Chūnin perish at the hands of Fugaku in the blink of an eye.

Uchiha's Sharingan proved to be more formidable than anticipated.

The Sunagakure Jonin suffered a minor setback and grew cautious of the Sharingan. Various rumors surrounding the Uchiha bloodline flashed through his mind as he swiftly formed hand seals, intending to create distance through Ninjutsu.

"Wind Release: Great Breakthrough."

The Suna shinobi's chest swelled before unleashing a powerful gust of wind, mixed with rainwater, towards Uchiha Fugaku.

Fugaku responded by rapidly forming hand seals.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique."

A scorching flame erupted from Fugaku's mouth, manifesting into a massive fireball that collided with the oncoming wind.

Steam billowed forth as the fireball and gusty wind clashed, both forces struggling to maintain their ground.

Fugaku swiftly formed seals again, conjuring a Shadow Clone in place as his real body utilized the Body Flicker Jutsu to evade the immediate area.

Without Fugaku's chakra sustaining it, the fire released dissipated by the wind, instantly dispelling his Shadow Clone and engulfing the surroundings in a thick smokescreen.

The Sunagakure Jonin stared at the center of the explosion, realizing that an Uchiha clansman was not easily defeated.

Fugaku reappeared by the opponent's side, swiftly hurling several kunai towards the Sunagakure Jonin at blinding speed. The kunai collided mid-air, enclosing the enemy within an inescapable trap.

The kunai continued to clash and assault the surrounded Suna shinobi from various unpredictable angles.

Uchiha Fugaku deftly changed direction, relentlessly closing in on his adversary.

Sparks ignited as the Suna shinobi's body was grazed by the kunai. Although he managed to block three consecutive strikes, the remaining four found their mark.

A faint hint of crimson stained the Suna shinobi's body as his movements suddenly slowed down. Simultaneously, Fugaku's Sharingan activated a Genjutsu, further ensnaring the opponent.

Pupil Strength flowed from Fugaku's eyes into the Suna shinobi's, their face contorting with internal struggle. Fugaku swiftly incapacitated the opponent by severing their neck, rendering them dead.

This skirmish served as a testament to Sunagakure's unfamiliarity with the Sharingan. In the early stages of a battle, Uchiha clansmen held a significant advantage.

However, as the nations and Uchiha Clan clashed more frequently, strategies to counter the Sharingan began to take shape. While the Sharingan might retain some advantages, effortlessly dispatching enemies would prove challenging.

"Body Flicker Jutsu."

Fugaku appeared behind the Shinobi engaged in combat with Sato, his intention to strike directly at the heart of the opponent.