
Time skip and new abilities.

A/N: Please don't use profane words, simple abbreviations like Wtf are also being removed, be careful. Also, the time skip is of one week.

I come out of Zarbon's room a different man, my thoughts have been cleared up, my mind is in peace.

I have thoroughly laid my power foundation and the next skill that I need will be a mind-controlling one, and a strong one at that. I want to make sure that my loyal pawns remain loyal. Instead of killing cooler and cold, I will instead mind-control them, and they will do "good" deeds in my name and enslave planets.

From now on, people will call me "His Holy Heaven: Emperor Frieza", I think the name can use some moderation. Anyways, I will make some changes after I make my empire more powerful.

Two skills I need after I gain the mind-controlling one.

[Infinite Telekinesis: Just imagine me tossing a planet at my opponents. I can also use it in fighting.}

[Power of creation: Create anything imaginary as long as enough ki is provided, ki used will be recovered, just imagine me creating stronger materials.]

I want my army to get stronger too, I have to conquer the multiverse too, just imagine me banging all those babes. Don't worry I have enough skill in writing R-18, the scenes in the future will get kinkier.

Anyway, those are the plans for the future, right now I need a good night's sleep.

I wake up and go to the control room, I ordered a Table in my office and a single chair, you thought my subordinates will sit in front of me? They will piss their pants before they even think about it. It is the same room in which Dragon balls were kept in the Frieza saga. Hmmm, these ships look clapped I could change them for some cool-looking ones and sell these to galactic patrol or something.

I will commission the new-looking ships to look like USS enterprise, and they will have different models. As for myself, I will be using a planet-sized Narada and its size will be similar to Uranus. I will post it with a pic.

[Timeskip: A week into the future.]

It has been a week since I banged Zarbon, and I have yet to talk to him about it. You must have been thinking that I was banging Zarbon daily. right? But no if I did that, people will know and my brother will most probably try to get him assassinated. He has a lot of spies on this ship. I don't love Zarbon or anything, but I care, he is Loyal, good looking and will spread his legs whenever I want him to. So no, I will first wait for these spies to be found out, then I will bang him daily.

As for Zarbon, he has been a blushing mess this past week and has been avoiding contact with me at all costs. I will talk with him when my office gets furnished with furniture. I have seen his feet that day and they are quite cute, I will get him to work those.