

"You guys keep an eye on Zod make sure he doesn't escape, I'll return shortly after dealing with Brainiac." The soldiers nodded.

"Once all this is Over Lyta-Zod Will need you Seg." Eddie walked towards a skimmer ( basically a plane used to travel around krypton). "The Lyta you saw die was simply a clone, Zod switched them out after your disappearance into the Phantom Zone."

" I'll be there for her I just don't understand why switch her for a clone, was it to protect her or to protect himself?"

"It doesn't matter, the way he's holding her captive is temporary. She would have broken out and eventually freed herself. I'm sure you've heard of Black mercy correct?" Eddie looked towards Seg-El motioning for him to enter the skimmer.

"Black Mercy is a plant that creates a dream of a person's perfect life by tapping into the pleasure centers of a person's brain while keeping the victim totally paralyzed. Black Mercy feeds on the psychic energy produced by the victim's interaction with his/her "dream"." Seg-El spoke quickly as if he strapped himself into the skimmer.

"You used Brainiac Again."

"Habit," Seg spoke.

" The more you use him the more control he has, you do understand that right." Eddie looked towards Seg.

"I do but I also understand that you're making a mistake returning Brainiac to his ship. If Brainiac reconnects with his Cerebral consciousness he'll be too powerful for anyone to stop"

Eddie laughed hearing Seg speak he could tell he was afraid of the power Brainiac held at full strength. "I'll tell you something about Brainiac, he's a Twelfth level intellect yet he was defeated by you. Men like you and me, we learn to roll with the punches but Brainiac, he relies on numbers he doesn't believe in emotions. Look how far those emotions have brought you, you fought against Lobo and lived to tell the story. Don't worry about Brainiac lesser men have defeated him."

Eddie paused seeing Brainiac's ship they didn't wait any longer immediately landing the skimmer. This ship was small enough for one passenger Eddie knew Brainiac's main ship was still orbiting krypton. "Have a seat." Eddie pointed towards the chair.

Seg-El hesitated but eventually took a seat a long cord came from behind the chair connecting to his neck and his arms and legs were strapped in.

Eddie walked to the front of the small ship a long control panel inches away. Numbers and letters a regular human couldn't even comprehend stood in front if Eddie. He understood each letter one ability he knew would come in handy was his ability to understand every language.

"Seg you see your problem is you think of Brainiac as some all-powerful being but deep down underneath it all he's just a computer."

Seg-El struggled in the chair but he could hear each of Eddie's words. "Brainiac is taking control."

"It's fine you see where I'm from everyone loves this thing known as an AI. Artificial Intelligence and the best ones are capable of some pretty amazing things. If I myself wanted an AI I'd build one but I don't want one I'm smart enough to do what they do in my sleep." Eddie continued to type away reprogramming Brainiac.

"You want to Brainiac?"

"Yes, I want Brainiac. But I can't risk him betraying me so I'm making a couple of changes to his systems." Eddie smiled as Brainiac's Body started to create itself. Soon a young Alfred Pennyworth appeared in front of Eddie and Seg. "Eddie say hello to the new Brainiac Brian Kane."

"Nice to meet you, Sir." Brians Accent mimicked the young Alfred perfectly.

Seg's eyes widened seeing the new Brainiac, Eddie pressed a few buttons releasing Eddie from the chair.

"Brian call your other ship down, shrink it and put it in pocket we may need it in the future."

Eddie looked towards his watch as one of the green lights turned red. "What are you guys doing over there," Eddie spoke into his watch.

Static was heard from the other end "Sir we've been attacked The Commander is dead. Zod's escap-" The static returned Eddie focused his hearing trying to understand what was going on. He could He roars and screams the roars definitely weren't Kryptonian. "Doomsday."

"Come, Brian, we're leaving, Seg use the skimmer and head towards the fortress. I'm sure your grandfather is already on his way there to help Lyta." Seg nodded climbing into the skimmer as Eddie's wings unfolded shocking Seg.

"What are you Sir," Brian asked as his curiosity got the best of him.

"All in due time Brian, All in due time." Eddie took off into the foggy skies headed straight for Kador.

It didn't take long Eddie would have flown Seg to Brainiac's ship but he was sure he wouldn't survive the trip even with his wings covering him.

Kandor City was in shambles, fire plagued the city and the screams of its civilians could be heard everywhere.

Eddie didn't realize Doomsday would be this strong compared to the BvS Doomsday. The lawmakers guild looked the worst Eddie quickly spotted him soldiers using his GPS. They were injured hiding in Kem's old bar Eddie spotted Adam with them he must have led them here.

"Adam, why aren't you with Val and the other's?"

"I want to help, you gave me this ring and told me I had what it took to be a hero. I just want to help." Eddie smiled looking at Adam.

"Good Were gonna need all the help we can get. Put the ring on, the AI will give you a quick rundown on your abilities. Where's the commander's watch?" Eddie looked toward the Kryptonians from the future.

"Zod took it, sir, we were too preoccupied with Doomsday to stop him."

"Shit." Eddie whisper under his breath.

"Sir you said no one could use it without you, you said it was impossible." One soldier spoke seeing Eddie's reaction.

" I did say that and it is partially true, Zod can't travel back to where we're from But he can travel through time. Now we have a time-traveling Zod on our hands."

"But Zod traveled through time once already this doesn't really change much," Adam spoke from the sidelines.

"My guess would be Zod used a one-way travel device. He could get to this time period but had no way of leaving, we just supplied him with that." ' Though if he ever found a way to travel to our dimension, that would be bad.' Eddie thought but said nothing.

AN: The next chapter is the last chapter on Krypton. The chapter after that is where things get a little tricky for Eddie. Honestly, don't expect much"