
Mephitis's Story (Greek Mythology)

Arthur King a Criminal was Caught by the Police And Sentenced to Death for Rape And Murder And Ended up in hell. "How sad you Have to become her." Said Satan sighing with a Sly Face trying Not to laugh. "YOU DONT SOUND SAD YOU ASSHOLE." I said Screaming like a Bitch. "Hehehehe that's why you shouldn't Gamble with The Devil." Said Satan with a Inhumane smile. How will things play Out for Arthur's life in the least world he Expected to end up at, But is that really all there is to it. WARNING WARNING ⚠️⚠️ THIS STORY WILL CONTAIN SOME DISTURBING THINGS LIKE RAPE AND SUCH IF YOUR MIND CAN'T BEAR SUCH THINGS THIS STORY IS NOT FOR YOU.

Nicholas_Sea · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs


In a Courthouse in Mexico you can See A Angry judge screaming at a Man in handcuffs and a Prsion uniform With two policemen having their Hands gripping his shoulders making sure he doesn't try anything funny.




"HOW DO YOU PLEAD ARTHUR KING." said the Judge angrily while slamming the Gavel on the sound block madly.

I rolled my Eyes and said With a Pissed face "suck My dick you fucker your just mad because I raped your wife and daughter you Fucking cuckold." I said knowing I'm going to Die anyways.

The Judge was so mad that veins could be seen on his forehead and he said screaming like a woman on her period "YOUR SENTENCED TO DEATH I HOPE YOU ROT IN HELL YOU FIEND."



"TAKE THIS FIEND AWAY." said the judge not wanting to see my face anymore.

"Move It." Said a Police officer shoving me forward.

"I HOPE YOU'R 12 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER RAISES MY CHILD WELL." I said loudly while leaving the courtroom.





"DAMN YOU." Said the judge banging on his desk madly.

"Silence you rapist." Said the other poceliman Shoving me forward harder.

TIMESKIP: A couple minutes Later.

"Ugh what happened." I said holding my head.

"I'M GLAD YOUR AWAKE ARTHUR KING." said a Powerful professional voice.

"Who..." I said pausing, seeing a giant being in front of me made out of light behind a giant desk.


I suddenly started feeling weak and looked at my hands and seen my soul body fading and said Confused and scared for my life " What's happening."

The judge seemed to notice my situation and snapped his finger, making my soul reform and said "My apologies young Arthur dose this volume of tone suit you better."

"Wait I'm confused." I said not understanding what happened.

"My voice was making your soul fade out of existence young Arthur." Said the judge.

"But I couldn't tell the difference how was it loud." I said still confused.

"It's because your soul is a mortal soul and humans can't tell the difference between a gods loud voice the frequency is different." Said the judge being patient with my meager intelligence.

"So...." I said.

"Let's proceed young Arthur I'm very busy." Said the judge picking up a set of papers clearly interrupting me.

I stood in place patiently while checking out the dimension made out of light and clouds that seemed endless.

The judge put down the Papers in his hand and said "your name is Arthur King, thirty one years old a criminal and rapist, you where raped by your father and mother when you where ten years old and then abandoned and almost starved to death, then you fell into the criminal world to survive and once you Where admitted to a mental institution by the authority's but escaped, Etc.. Etc... is all this correct young Arthur." Said the judge not really caring from his tone of voice.

"Yep that sounds about right." I said looking up at the huge judge with my soul hands in my soul pants pocket standing like a gangster.

"From how things look you have zero chance of passing on to heaven." Said the judge while stamping the paper.

"So... where will I be going." I said lamely.

"Hell obviously I would have Tried to pull some strings for you to go to heaven since it wasn't your fault but your upbringing that made you the way you are now but from the results on the paper your going to hell." said the judge straightforwardly.

I nodded already accepting my fate.

"Well here's your papers, hand this to the judge of hell and he will decide from there." Said the judge while snapping his fingers making a envelope with my information Inside of it appear in my hands.

"Oh... Ok." I Said while holding the envelope.

"Bye now." Said the Judge clapping his hands.

The cloud under my feet disappeared and I fell.

"WHAT THE FUCK." I Said Screaming.


TIMESKIP: in Hell.

In Hell you can see a humanoid soul falling From the sky into a majestic castle.

(Arthur's POV)


"OW." I Said in pain while rubbing my back.

"Welcome my Dearest Arthur." Said a Sly poisonous voice.

I looked up at the handsome demonic being with his legs crossed on the throne reading my envelope information.

"Wait when did he get my envelope" I thought confused but not really surprised anymore from the Things I've seen so far.

"Hehehehe you where booty raped by your father Hahahaha." said the Demonic being laughing with a Japanese folding fan that appeared out of nowhere covering his mouth.

I smiled a said with a vein on my forehead angry "Oh is that funny."

"Oh my how scary." said the demonic being, Being overly exaggerated with his hand delicately over his chest.

"My name is Satan the king of hell Now let's get down to Business from what the Papers said you committed a lot of evil deeds, this Correct." asked Satan.

"Yes that is correct But wasn't I supposed to meet the judge of hell." I said Tiredly which shouldn't be possible as a soul.

"I would like to play a little game with you to decide what will happen to you." Said Satan with a Sly face, Seemingly ignoring my question.

"How does the Game Work." I said curious.

"Well it's quite simple actually you would draw a Card the First stack will choose your fate and depending on what card you choose we will proceed from there." Said Satan trying not to laugh in my face, from my father ass raping me

I nodded and Seen a Desk with three cards face down on it that suddenly appeared.

"Please do proceed." said Satan with a wine glass in his hand That wasn't there previously.

I glanced at the cards and then at Satan who was staring holes into my head with a inhumane smile while leisurely enjoying his wine.

I hesitated for a moment and Casually choose the card in the middle and flipped it over and seen a symbol on it.

"Umm.... What does this symbol mean." I Said confused.

"Oh you got reincarnation your quite lucky." Said Satan

"But the real Question Is will you Be so lucky on the Next one." said Satan while slouching side ways on the Throne.

I rolled my eyes at his Jinxing, But was Relieved on the inside since I don't have to stay in this Creepy hellish place and Seen the three Cards Face Down on the table shifting around changing positions.

"Please do Proceed my beloved hehehe." said Satan in a alluring voice that made me gag in the inside.

I paused and asked "what does this deck do to me."

"Hahahahaha well that's a first your the first one out of all the human souls who played this game to ask me that well let me explain since you flipped the reincarnation card over your being reincarnated this deck will choose who you will become." Said Satan explaining with glasses and a pointer stick and a chalk board that appeared out of nowhere making me roll my eyes yet Again.

"So dose that mean the Next will choose the world I'll go to or a cheat." I said asking a question.

"Please proceed I don't have all day my beloved and no whatever card you choose that's what world you will go to." Said Satan in a Milf Voice.

I sighed and chose the Card On the Right and flipped it over and Seen the Name Echidna on it.

" hahahahaha this is the best day i had in millions of years." said Satan laughing

"Why do I have to become this weak slut with only immortality and in the Greek mythology verse at that " I thought while having a mental breakdown.

"Hehehehehe how sad you have to become her ." said Satan With a inhumane smile.

"YOU DON'T SOUND SAD YOU ASSHOLE." I Said screaming like a bitch.

"That's why you shouldn't gamble with the devil, By Now." Said Satan while snapping his fingers with a inhumane smile.

"WAI..." I said but blacked out.





Author: wait why does your name sound like Mine's


AUTHOR: no real reason HEHEHEHEHE

(Author: or is there)

Arthur: -_-