
Reborn As Crown Prince In India

In 2043, Earth is falling apart due to pollution. A scientist named Arjun creates a new energy technology, but a nuclear explosion sends him back in time to 1569. Reborn as Siddharth Pala Gupta, he has to use his future knowledge to protect his royal family and kingdom from danger. also on royal road by posted by alpa

alpa_ · History
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The Gift and The Trip

Time Stamp: Vikram Era: 11 Ashwin 1636 (October 1578), Prayagraj Palace

The palace had finally settled into a serene silence after the grand celebrations of Prince Siddharth's birthday. As the moonlight bathed the halls and courtyards in a soft, ethereal glow, Siddharth found himself unable to sleep, the excitement of the day still buzzing in his mind.

There was a soft knock at his door, and before he could respond, Vaniika slipped inside, her eyes twinkling with a mischievous light. "Didi, what are you doing here at this hour?" Siddharth asked, surprised to see her.

"I promised you a special gift, didn't I?" Vaniika said with a playful smile. "Come with me."

Curiosity piqued, Siddharth followed her through the dimly lit corridors of the palace. The air was filled with a sense of mystery, and his mind raced with possibilities. They passed through the courtyard and out into the gardens, where the fragrant night blooms added to the enchantment of the moment.

"Where are we going?" Siddharth asked, his excitement growing.

"You'll see," Vaniika replied cryptically. "It's a surprise."

They walked through the palace grounds, the silence of the night occasionally broken by the sounds of nocturnal creatures, adding to the atmosphere of anticipation. Finally, they reached a secluded pavilion illuminated by the soft glow of lanterns.

Vaniika turned to Siddharth, her expression serious yet filled with excitement. "I wanted to tell you about your special gift. Tomorrow morning, we are going on a journey."

"A journey? Where to?" Siddharth asked, his curiosity piqued.

"It's a place called Bahlikiwara," Vaniika said, her eyes sparkling with mystery. "It's a long journey, and it will take us through some of the most beautiful and treacherous landscapes you have ever seen."

"Bahlikiwara?" Siddharth repeated, trying to recall if he had ever heard of the place. "What is it?"

Vaniika smiled cryptically. "It's a special place, unlike anything you've ever seen. It's the only way to and from our subcontinent towards the lands beyond the Himalayas. You'll learn more when we get there. But for now, you need to be ready. We'll leave at dawn."

Siddharth's mind raced with questions, but Vaniika refused to elaborate further. "Just trust me, Siddharth. This journey will open your eyes to a world you've never imagined."

With that, Vaniika turned to leave. "Get some rest, little brother. You'll need your strength for tomorrow."

As she disappeared into the night, Siddharth's excitement grew. He couldn't wait to see what this mysterious journey had in store for him. He returned to his chambers, trying to calm his racing thoughts and get some sleep, knowing that the dawn would bring an adventure unlike any he had experienced before.

That night, as he lay in bed, Siddharth's dreams were filled with visions of distant lands and mysterious places. The stars outside his window seemed to shine even brighter, as if guiding him on his path to discovery.

Time Stamp: Vikram Era: 9 Ashwin 1636 (October 1578), Prayagraj Palace

In the days leading up to Prince Siddharth's birthday, Vaniika knew she had to secure her parents' permission for the special journey she had planned. She understood the significance of this request and the meticulous explanation it would require. The timing had to be perfect, and she chose a morning when both King Madhava and Queen Nayana were in a contemplative mood, discussing the final arrangements for Siddharth's birthday celebrations.

She found her parents in their private chambers, a room filled with ornate tapestries and intricate carvings that told stories of their dynasty's grand history. King Madhava sat at a large teak desk, examining a scroll, while Queen Nayana stood by the window, the morning light casting a warm glow on her serene face.

Vaniika approached with a deep breath, her steps confident yet respectful. "Mother, Father, may I speak with you for a moment?"

King Madhava looked up from the scroll, curiosity and mild concern in his eyes. "Of course, Vaniika. What is on your mind?"

"I have a request concerning Siddharth," she began, carefully choosing her words. "I would like to take him on a journey after his birthday."

Queen Nayana turned from the window, her expression one of interest and mild surprise. "A journey? Where to, and for what purpose?"

Vaniika took a step closer, her eyes earnest. "It's a place called Bahlikiwara. It's a unique and significant passage through the Himalayas, connecting our subcontinent to the lands beyond. I believe this journey will be an invaluable experience for Siddharth, broadening his horizons and giving him a deeper understanding of our world."

King Madhava leaned back in his chair, his gaze penetrating as he considered her words. "Bahlikiwara? I've heard of it. It's known to be a long and treacherous journey. Why do you believe it is necessary for Siddharth to go there?"

"Father, Siddharth is growing up to be a fine young prince, but he needs to see and understand the world beyond our palace walls," Vaniika replied earnestly. "This journey will teach him about the challenges and beauty of our land, the diverse cultures, and the people that shape our empire. It will be an adventure that will stay with him for the rest of his life, shaping him into a wise and compassionate ruler."

Queen Nayana nodded slowly, her eyes thoughtful. "You make a compelling argument, Vaniika. But how do you plan to ensure his safety on such a journey?"

"I have already made arrangements for a well-armed and trusted escort," Vaniika assured them. "We will take every precaution to ensure his safety. Our route is planned meticulously to avoid any dangers, and I will be with him every step of the way to guide and protect him."

King Madhava exchanged a glance with Queen Nayana, who gave a slight nod. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk. "Very well, Vaniika," he said after a moment of silence. "You have our permission, but remember, Siddharth's safety is paramount. Ensure that he is protected at all times, and do not take unnecessary risks."

"Thank you, Father, Mother," Vaniika said, relief and gratitude evident in her voice. "I promise, I will take the utmost care. This journey will be both educational and enlightening for Siddharth."

Queen Nayana stepped forward, placing a hand on Vaniika's shoulder. "We trust you, Vaniika. Your dedication to your brother is admirable. Make sure he learns well and returns safely."

Vaniika took a deep breath, ready to address the final and perhaps most challenging aspect of her request. "There is one more thing I need to mention," she said, her voice steady but serious. "The journey to Bahlikiwara and back will take approximately one year. Siddharth will be away from the palace for a long time."

King Madhava's brow furrowed, and he exchanged a concerned glance with Queen Nayana. "A year is a long time," he said thoughtfully. "What about his education and responsibilities here at the palace?"

"I have considered that, Father," Vaniika replied. "I will continue his education during our journey. I have arranged for his tutors to provide lessons along the way, and he will learn from the experiences we encounter. The practical knowledge and understanding he gains will be invaluable."

Queen Nayana nodded, her expression thoughtful. "And what of the security concerns? Being away from the palace for so long, traveling through unknown territories..."

"I understand the risks, Mother," Vaniika said earnestly. "But we will have a well-armed and trusted escort. I have planned the route carefully to avoid any known dangers. This journey is important for Siddharth's growth and understanding as a future ruler."

King Madhava leaned back, deep in thought. "It is a significant undertaking, but I see the value in it. The experiences and knowledge Siddharth will gain could be crucial for his future."

Queen Nayana placed a reassuring hand on Vaniika's arm. "You have our trust, Vaniika. Ensure his safety and make the most of this journey."

"Thank you, Mother, Father," Vaniika said, relief and gratitude evident in her voice. "I promise to take the utmost care and ensure Siddharth's safe return."

With their blessing secured, Vaniika felt a surge of excitement. She knew the journey to Bahlikiwara would be a transformative experience for Siddharth, one that would open his eyes to the wider world and the responsibilities that lay ahead of him as a future ruler.

That night, as the palace prepared for Siddharth's birthday celebrations, Vaniika could hardly contain her anticipation. She reviewed the plans one more time, ensuring that every detail was accounted for. The journey would be challenging, but it would also be an adventure that Siddharth would never forget.

As the moon rose high in the sky, casting a silvery light over the palace, Vaniika felt a sense of fulfillment. The journey to Bahlikiwara would soon begin, and she was ready to guide her brother through an experience that would shape his understanding of the world and his place within it. The stars seemed to twinkle with approval, marking the start of a new chapter in Siddharth's life.

(The Journey logs will be from First-Person Perspective of Vaniika along with some Third Person Perspective mixed in )

Time Stamp: Vikram Era: 12 Ashwin 1636 (October 1578), Prayagraj Harbour

The day of departure arrived with the sun rising over Prayagraj, casting a golden hue over the bustling harbour. The air was filled with the sounds of merchants, sailors, and townspeople preparing for another busy day. However, amidst the daily activities, a significant event was about to take place that had the entire city's attention.

Prince Siddharth stood beside his parents, King Madhava and Queen Nayana, at the edge of the grand harbour. They were surrounded by a sizable entourage, including guards, attendants, and well-wishers. The scent of the river mixed with the fragrance of flowers adorning the royal family, creating a festive yet poignant atmosphere.

The king, with a look of pride and concern, knelt to meet Siddharth at eye level. "My son, this journey is a significant step in your growth. It will teach you about our world and the responsibilities that come with your future role. Be brave and learn well."

Queen Nayana, her eyes glistening with unshed tears, embraced Siddharth tightly. "Remember, we are always with you in spirit. Be kind, be wise, and always stay true to yourself."

Siddharth nodded, feeling the weight of their expectations but also their unwavering support. "I will make you proud, Father. Mother, I promise to be brave."

Nearby, Vaniika watched the heartfelt exchange, knowing that her brother was about to embark on a journey that would change him forever. She stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Are you ready, Siddharth?"

Siddharth took a deep breath and nodded. "Yes, Didi, I am ready."

With the farewells exchanged, Vaniika led Siddharth towards the grand ship that awaited them at the harbor. The ship, adorned with the royal emblem, was prepared for a long journey, its sails catching the morning breeze.

As they boarded, the entourage gathered on the dock, waving and cheering. The ship's crew moved efficiently, preparing for departure. Vaniika guided Siddharth to a vantage point where he could see the entire harbor and the people gathered below.

"Before we set sail, there are some things you need to know," Vaniika began, her tone serious but gentle. "We are heading north to Bahlikiwara, a journey that will take approximately 200 days to complete. This journey is not just about the destination, but also about what you will learn along the way."

Siddharth listened intently, absorbing every word. The enormity of the journey was beginning to sink in.

"This is an adventure, Siddharth, but it will also be challenging. We will face difficult terrains, meet different people, and learn about various cultures and histories. You will see and experience things that many only dream of."

She paused, allowing her words to settle. "But remember, if at any point you feel this is too much, you can always speak up. This journey is meant to broaden your horizons, not to make you uncomfortable."

Siddharth looked out at the horizon, the vast expanse of the river leading to the unknown. He felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness but knew that this was an opportunity he could not pass up. "I understand, Didi. I want to go. I want to learn and see the world."

Vaniika smiled, pride shining in her eyes. "That's the spirit, little brother. Let's make this journey one to remember."

Mapping the Journey

Time Stamp: Vikram Era: 12 Ashwin 1636 (October 1578), Aboard the Royal Ship

As the ship sailed smoothly down the river, Vaniika and Siddharth found a quiet spot on the deck to discuss the details of their journey. The gentle breeze and the rhythmic sound of the water against the hull created a serene atmosphere, perfect for their conversation.

"Siddharth, it's important for you to know the route we will be taking," Vaniika began, spreading out a detailed map on a small table. "Our journey will be divided into two main parts: traveling by river and then continuing by land."

Siddharth leaned in, his eyes wide with curiosity as he looked at the map. "Where will we stop first, Didi?"

"Our first stop will be at Kanpur," Vaniika explained, pointing to the location on the map. "It's a significant town along our route where we will rest and resupply."

"From there, we will continue to Kannauj," she continued, tracing the route with her finger. "Kannauj is a historic city, known for its rich culture and history."

Siddharth nodded, trying to memorize the names and locations. "What comes after Kannauj?"

"Next, we head to Gorakhpur," Vaniika said. "It's another important stop where we'll learn about the local customs and meet some interesting people."

"After Gorakhpur, we make our way to Kachla," she added, pointing to the next destination. "This is where we will leave the river behind and continue our journey on foot."

Siddharth looked up at Vaniika, his eyes filled with anticipation. "Where do we go from there?"

"Once we start traveling by land, our first stop will be Sarwat," Vaniika explained. "It's a bustling town with a lot of history and trade."

"From Sarwat, we move on to Karnal," she continued, pointing to the next location. "This village is known for its fertile lands and hardworking people."

"After Karnal, we reach a small village named Attawa," Vaniika said. "It's a peaceful place surrounded by beautiful landscapes."

"Then, we will meet the king of the Trigarta Kingdom at Kangra," she explained, her voice filled with excitement. "Kangra is a fortress city with a rich history and magnificent views."

Siddharth's eyes widened with wonder. "And after Kangra?"

"After meeting the king, we continue to Srinagara," Vaniika said. "Here, we will meet the queen of the Lohara Dynasty. Srinagara is known for its stunning scenery and vibrant culture."

"And finally," she concluded, pointing to their ultimate destination, "we will reach Bahlikiwara. This place is a vital passage through the Himalayas, connecting our subcontinent to the lands beyond. It's a journey filled with challenges, but also incredible learning opportunities."

Siddharth took a deep breath, absorbing the magnitude of their journey. "It sounds amazing, Didi. I can't wait to see all these places and meet so many new people."

Vaniika smiled, proud of her brother's enthusiasm. "It's going to be an adventure of a lifetime, Siddharth. Remember, each stop is an opportunity to learn and grow. Embrace every moment."

As the ship continued its journey down the river, Siddharth felt a mixture of excitement and determination. He knew this journey would be challenging, but with Vaniika by his side, he was ready to face whatever lay ahead.

The sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the water and the surrounding landscape. Siddharth and Vaniika watched in silence, their hearts filled with anticipation for the journey that awaited them. The road to Bahlikiwara was long and filled with unknowns, but it was a path they were eager to walk together.

Time Stamp: Vikram Era: 13 Ashwin 1636 (October 1578), Aboard the Royal Ship

As Siddharth and Vaniika embarked on their long journey, each stop along the way offered a new adventure and learning opportunity. The days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, as they made their way toward Bahlikiwara.

Vikram Era: 20 Ashwin 1636 (October 1578), Kanpur

The first stop at Kanpur was a bustling introduction to the diversity of their empire. The city was alive with merchants shouting their wares, children playing in the streets, and the scent of spices wafting through the air. Siddharth marveled at the variety of goods in the market—silks, spices, jewelry, and more.

Vaniika took him to visit a local school where children recited poetry and solved arithmetic problems. "See, Siddharth, education is valued everywhere in our empire," she explained. "It's the foundation of our strength."

Vikram Era: 5 Kartika 1636 (November 1578), Kannauj

In Kannauj, the ancient city of learning, Siddharth was captivated by the grand temples and libraries. He attended a debate among scholars discussing philosophy and governance. The intensity and passion of their arguments left a lasting impression on him.

One evening, they visited the ruins of an old palace. "Kannauj has seen many rulers," Vaniika said, "each contributing to its rich tapestry of history."

Vikram Era: 20 Kartika 1636 (November 1578), Gorakhpur

Gorakhpur greeted them with its vibrant cultural festivals. The city was celebrating a local harvest festival, with colorful processions, traditional dances, and music that filled the air. Siddharth joined in the festivities, learning the local dance steps and tasting the delicious festival foods.

"Festivals like these bring people together," Vaniika remarked. "They strengthen our bonds and celebrate our shared heritage."

Vikram Era: 5 Agrahayana 1636 (December 1578), Kachla

Leaving the river behind at Kachla, Siddharth and Vaniika continued their journey on foot. The change in pace was challenging, but it allowed them to experience the countryside intimately. They passed through lush fields and small villages, each with its own charm and stories.

They stayed in a small village, where Siddharth learned about the daily lives of farmers. He helped with the harvest and understood the hard work that went into growing their food. "It's important to appreciate the labor that sustains us," Vaniika told him.

Vikram Era: 20 Agrahayana 1636 (December 1578), Sarwat (Muzaffarnagar)

In Sarwat, they were welcomed into a local leader's home. The leader's family hosted a feast in their honor, showcasing the region's culinary delights. Siddharth enjoyed the warm hospitality and listened to stories of the region's history and legends.

Vikram Era: 5 Pausha 1636 (January 1579), Karnal

Reaching Karnal, they encountered a bustling trade hub. The marketplace was a whirlwind of activity, with traders from various regions exchanging goods. Siddharth learned about the complexities of trade and the importance of commerce in sustaining the empire's economy.

"We rely on trade to bring us the goods we cannot produce ourselves," Vaniika explained. "It connects us with distant lands and fosters mutual dependence."

Vikram Era: 20 Pausha 1636 (January 1579), Attawa (Chandigarh)

The village of Attawa was a serene place surrounded by beautiful landscapes. Here, Siddharth experienced the tranquility of rural life. They visited local artisans who crafted intricate pottery and textiles, learning about the skills passed down through generations.

Vikram Era: 5 Magha 1636 (February 1579), Kangra

Meeting the king of the Trigarta Kingdom at Kangra was a grand affair. The fortress city, perched atop a hill, offered breathtaking views of the surrounding valleys. The king welcomed them with open arms, and Siddharth was fascinated by the tales of bravery and battles fought in the region.

"History is alive in places like Kangra," Vaniika said. "It's a testament to our resilience and spirit."

Vikram Era: 20 Magha 1636 (February 1579), Srinagara

In Srinagara, they met the queen of the Lohara Dynasty. The city, known for its stunning scenery and vibrant culture, left Siddharth in awe. He attended a royal court session, observing the intricacies of governance and diplomacy.

"Understanding different styles of leadership is crucial," Vaniika told him. "It helps you become a better ruler."

Vikram Era: 5 Phalguna 1636 (March 1579), Bahlikiwara

Finally, they reached Bahlikiwara, the mystical and strategic passage through the Himalayas. The journey had been long and arduous, but Siddharth's excitement was palpable. The city, shrouded in mist and mystery, held the promise of new discoveries and adventures.

With the final preparations complete, the ship's anchor was raised, and the sails unfurled. The vessel began to move slowly away from the harbour, the cheers and waves of the people fading into the distance.

we are in the MC revival arc, so his rebirth childhood arc will be finishing in a couple chapters, so stay tuned !!!!!

P.S.- next chapter will be the more detailed travel logs written from either tpp or fpp of MC's sister, as the need be ,

so if anyone wants to know aout the shenanigans in detail check them out, otherwise next to next chapter will continue the story from the reveal of bailikiwara

alpa_creators' thoughts