
Reborn as Cedric Diggory

In a world where magic weaves through the very essence of existence, our protagonist, a 20-year-old engineering student named Alex from our world, unexpectedly transmigrates into the body of Cedric Diggory, a character from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Disclaimer: All characters in this novel belongs to JK Rowling.

DaoistfD7VVu · Book&Literature
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Chapter 1: A Twist of Fate

In the midst of the bustling city, where skyscrapers reached for the heavens and dreams unfolded with every heartbeat, lived a 20-year-old named Alex. His days were filled with the pursuit of knowledge, as he ardently attended classes in the hope of one day becoming an engineer. The city lights painted a canvas of opportunity, and life seemed on the verge of something extraordinary.

However, fate had other plans.

One fateful evening, as Alex walked home after a long day of classes, a sudden jolt of panic surged through him. The screeching tires of a speeding car echoed in his ears, and before he could comprehend the impending danger, he found himself in the unforgiving path of the oncoming vehicle. Time slowed as his life flashed before his eyes, and in an instant, everything went dark.

The next thing Alex knew, he was no longer on the familiar pavement of his city but surrounded by an inexplicable darkness. A strange disorientation gripped him as he attempted to make sense of his surroundings. It was as if he were suspended in an abyss, disconnected from the tangible reality he once knew.

Amidst the void, Alex felt a haunting sense of detachment from the life he had left behind. Echoes of laughter from late-night study sessions, the hum of the city at dawn, and the comforting aroma of his favorite coffee shop seemed like distant memories. The stark contrast between the vibrant world he knew and this formless void left him bewildered and yearning for the tangible reality he once called home.

Confusion swirled within him until, suddenly, a bright light enveloped his senses. It felt like an abrupt transition, like being thrust into a new existence. When he opened his eyes, Alex was met with a scene vastly different from the urban landscape he remembered.

He found himself in a dimly lit room, the air thick with an unfamiliar scent. As he tried to comprehend his surroundings, Alex realized he was lying down, and the body he inhabited felt remarkably different. Panic surged within him when he noticed his hands – smaller, younger, and adorned with unblemished skin. His heart raced as he looked down at the unfamiliar form of a child.

"What… where am I?" he mumbled to himself, a sense of disquiet settling over him. The room around him remained shrouded in shadows, adding an air of mystery to his predicament.

Attempting to stand, Alex felt a sudden wave of dizziness. The world spun around him, and a sharp pain shot through his head. Clutching his temples, he winced as fragments of memories – not his own – flooded his mind. Quidditch matches, the thrill of chasing magical creatures, and laughter shared with his father – memories that seemed both vivid and foreign.

"I'm… Cedric Diggory?" he whispered, the realization hitting him like a wave. The name felt alien on his tongue, but the memories continued to play out in his mind. The young wizard from Hogwarts, a name etched in the magical history of another world.

As Alex grappled with this surreal revelation, a sudden surge of pain in his head intensified. The memories collided and intertwined, creating a cacophony of thoughts that threatened to overwhelm him. The weight of two lives – his own and that of Cedric Diggory – pressed upon him, leaving him struggling to find his bearings.

Overwhelmed by the surge of emotions, Alex's vision blurred, and the room seemed to spin faster. A desperate attempt to regain control of his senses proved futile, and before he could comprehend the enormity of his situation, darkness once again consumed him.

Unconsciousness claimed him, and the mysteries of his transmigration into the life of Cedric Diggory remained shrouded in the enigmatic realms between worlds. As he slipped into the void, the memories that lingered were those of a six-year-old, experiencing the wonder of magic for the first time, cheering alongside his father during a Quidditch match, and the simple joy of discovering a world filled with enchantment.

In the fleeting moments before unconsciousness took hold, Alex felt the tinge of a magical aura surrounding him. The room seemed to respond to his presence, whispering secrets of an unfamiliar yet captivating world. The echoes of a young wizard's journey, still in its nascent stages, resonated within him. As he succumbed to the allure of sleep, the allure of a realm that defied the logic of the world he once knew, Alex couldn't help but wonder how this extraordinary tapestry of life would unfold.