
Reborn as brother of tang san twice

I just finished preparing for my exams. I thought of going for a walk. when walking i saw and old couple having trouble crossing the road. Just when they were about to cross the road, a speeding truck came. I pushed them aside........... When I opened my eyes it was night time and i was in someone else's house. I felt a presence behind me, it was Itachi.............. Once again i opened my eyes someone called out to me, it was tang san but his look was that of when he was in tang sect................ When felt no more of feeling from the cliff i opened my eyes and loo, it was Tang Hao and Ah hin and a bundle i her hand which i knew was Tang san.

Ignius_Namikaze · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Flashback part 2

"But, on our way to Clear Sky School, we ran into major trouble. Originally, as early as when the three of us started traveling the Continent together, we'd already drawn the attention of Spirit Hall. After all, I and your uncle represented the new generation of Clear Sky School, how would Spirit Hall fail to notice us? And they also noticed Ah Yin who was traveling with us. I was thirty-five that year, but my spirit power had already reached the eighty-fourth rank. The one who came from Spirit Hall was a Title Douluo. Even though his spirit power was more formidable than mine, against my Clear Sky Hammer, he couldn't gain an advantage, and I destroyed his leg. I brought Ah Yin to swiftly run far away. I knew that we couldn't return to Clear Sky School."

"Sure enough, before too long, Spirit Hall's Supreme Pontiff at the time sent down orders, condemning Clear Sky School. Demanding the Clear Sky School hand over me and Ah Yin. At that time, your grandfather's disease had already attacked his vitals. Suddenly learning about this, and moreover being unable to find me, in a fury, he passed away. I also couldn't see him before his final moment."

At this point, Tang Hao couldn't keep from shivering, a profound pain and regret visible in his eyes.

Tai silently listened from the side. He could completely understand how his father felt at that time.

Unable to return home, hesitating at a loss. Not knowing how to confront his family.

His grandfather's passing was no doubt an extremely heavy blow to his father.

After a long time, Tang Hao's mood quietly calmed.

"Despite big brother just having cultivated to the Title Douluo level at that time, and there was also no lack of powers among the clan elders, even if we were the number one sect under Heaven, having lost your grandfather's control, all influences under the sect still grew restless. Facing the step-by-step coercion of Spirit Hall, even your uncle could be said to only make progress with great difficulty. Fortunately, our Clear Sky School's might was valiant, and even Spirit Hall absolutely wouldn't dare act blindly without thinking."

"I and your mom got married. But our days were also ones of fleeing to the east and hiding in the west. Despite knowing I wronged her like this, despite very much wanting to return to see the sect, I couldn't. With this matter gradually settled with much difficulty, I couldn't return to stir up trouble for the sect again. I couldn't even go pay my respects to your grandfather. Even afterward, I never returned. Because I wasn't qualified to pay my respects to my father. I was a disgrace to the sect."

Hearing this, Tai couldn't help speaking up,

"Dad, no matter what you owe the sect, I will definitely repay it double on your behalf in the future." Tai said the same line tang san had said when his father had told him about their mother.

Hearing his son's words, Tang Hao's face revealed some gratification, continuing:

"That time, fortunately, I still had your mom at my side. Even if I gave up everything for her, I've never regretted it. If I could choose again from the start, I would still choose her, but I would also return to protect the sect."

"One day twenty-one years ago, your mom was pregnant. With both of you. At that time I truly felt very blessed, I no longer had thoughts of fighting for victory, I only wanted to live properly together with your mom. I don't know if it was because I was together with your mom, but in those days my spirit power advanced by leaps and bounds, and that day you both were born, was just the moment my spirit power reached the eighty-ninth rank. And your mom had also finally entered the final mature human form stage. But it was that day, that Spirit Hall's people came to find us."

Baleful anger leaked from the space between Tang Hao's eyebrows, and his remaining left hand tightened into a fist,

"Spirit Hall truly put on a great parade. The Supreme Pontiff of the time led them personally, and there was still two Title Douluo, as well as a large number of Spirit Hall experts. They surrounded the place me and your mom stayed at. At that time, your mom had just given birth to both of you, and the foundation of her vitality was greatly weakened, her strength greatly discounted. The Supreme Pontiff proposed to let me and you both leave, but he would take your mom. How could I let him have his wish fulfilled? An unavoidable battle ensued."

At this point, Tang Hao's eyes had already become deep red.

"Very soon, I was seriously injured. The conclusion already seemed settled. It was at this moment that your mom walked out holding you. At that moment, she seemed very calm. Seeing her walk out of the house, Spirit Hall's people stopped fighting, watching her quietly. Your mom indifferently asked them, did they know what ability a hundred thousand year Blue Silver Emperor possessed? Did they know what the highest mystery of the Blue Silver Domain was? The Supreme Pontiff was stumped by her question."

"Your mom told them that the highest secret of the Blue Silver Domain was immortality. Nobody could kill her. Even fewer could obtain her spirit ring and spirit bone. Unless she killed herself. Afterward, she proposed to the Supreme Pontiff that, as long as they agreed to let me and you both off, she would come with them, and moreover kill herself to offer her spirit ring and spirit bone. It was me, it was all my fault, I didn't have the strength to protect her. The Supreme Pontiff didn't seem to want to thoroughly offend the Clear Sky School, and very quickly, he agreed to your mom's proposal."

"At that time, my injuries were so serious I wanted to die, even to the extent that I couldn't speak. I could only watch helplessly as your mom walked over to my side, placing you both in my arms. At that moment, I hated that I couldn't die immediately. Ah Yin, you really were silly, why would you pick that choice?"

Tang Hao's body shook violently because of the agitation, teardrops once again flowing uninhibited.

"Your mom's voice echoed in my ears. She said, she would be mine forever, never to be possessed by others. The next moment, in front of me, she killed herself…"

Intense grief instantly pervaded every corner of this room. Although Tai knew this, it still did not help ease his grief and killer-intend. The people in the room were shocked by this K.I. It was at this moment that Qian Douliu added his part of the story and the missing piece.

"Although it depicts the previous Holy pope as a power-hungry person, he was not always like that. It all started when the current pope was pregnant with the twins, and he changed. He went against my order not to harm or steal your mother. That's why I owe your family huge debt."

Now all pieces were fitting inside Tai's brain, but he still could not understand some parts but decided to file it for later.