
Reborn as an H-Manhwa Protagonist

Reborn as an H-Manhwa protagonist isn't that bad right? Wait a minute why did Kim Dokja exist?! ah... There goes my life. "Ayo brother wassup? here some cheat for ya!" said some brother that wears all white suit with a big blinking chain on his neck. "Huh?" "Buh-bye! got rid of that yee-yee ass haircut you got." said the brother to the confused man before the confused man vanishing like a fart. --- Bad grammar, cringe moment, slow as frick. You name it, we had it. --- Cover ain't mine. --- Only update when horny.

LeeZanda · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Hospitalized (1)

In a place that is filled with countless stars and light. There, in its center of that place sit a figure that resembles a woman who wears a long cloak that covered her entire body.

Although her entire body is wrapped in a full-body cloak it couldn't hide the beautiful line her body had. She closing her eyes to think about something that she only knows. And that isn't going to last long as suddenly she opened her eyes. Revealing a beautiful eye that a mere mortal couldn't comprehend.

"Gula! could you felt that?!" another figure suddenly appear beside the figure that had the name of gula.

"Yah... I could felt that, Luxuria. You don't need to barge into my place, though." said Gula to another figure that had a name of Luxuria.

"I know! But this feeling... it's a ripple from 'High Heaven"!" exclaimed Luxuria moving gula's shoulder left and right.

"Stopp!" said gula stopping Luxuria's deliberate act on her before continuing to ask. "Do you think an earthling got a blessing from 'High Heaven'?"

"I think so! We need to give earthling that work on HR some gold marking so she or he could give it to the blessed person!" said Luxuria.

"Hmm... alright. I will give one to Kim Hannah. She was a veteran to search for talent." said Gula after pondering a bit.

"But how could we knew that she got the right person?" asked Luxuria that got a scoff from gula. "Are you feeling the ripple or not? you could tag his presence after feeling it. I'll give the description and locations to Kim Hannah."

"As expected of gula!" exclaimed Luxuria before mumble softly "But why is your naming sense so bad."

"Huh?" asked Gula sternly he felt that luxuria said a bad thing to her. It's a fortunate thing gula couldn't hear luxuria mumbling, if so maybe they will bickering for days if not months.

"Nothing!" exclaimed Luxuria before vanishing like an air.

"I hope she got the right person..." mumble Gula before closing her eyes again.


In some sanctuary, a being that is engulfed in a brilliant white light is opened its eyes. It looks at the sky like it's looking at a distant scene.

"A true... monarch?..." said it with an absolute tone in its voice.


There is a boy sitting on a floor made out of metal looking at the floating screen in front of him. He tossed his toys aside and look at the floating screen with interest.

"New... story!" said him excitedly. he's now jumping up and down with undying excitement.

"Tell me a good story, Hyung!" said him while hugging the floating screen.


The man that previously got into a strange situation is had a bad feeling. His body is now cold and stiff, he couldn't move a bit. His brain is flooded with a memory that not his.

The memory of an 18-year-old teenager a kid that lives in South Korea countryside— a small city outside Seoul. His parent is died because of a car incident and he is now being taken care of by his parent's friend.

The family that had taken care of him was really kind. They were a really kind and caring family. The family is consists of a pair of husband and wife that had a two big girls that are their daughter.

Today, he was supposed to go out with one out the two big girls— his Noona(big sis). No, he already doing that but now his body is lay flat in the ground without much strength.

"_ ! pleasee wake up!." now the man could hear a melodious voice in his ear. The sense of his body started to going back to himself.

Groggily the man opens the lid that covered his eyes. There's, albeit faint for him he could see a shadow of a beautiful woman that had bob-cut hair. Alas, he couldn't enjoy the view as his body grew colder. With a hoarse voice, he said to the woman "N-noona... it's cold..."

"Ah! aigoo... please don't leave noona... I'm sorry..." said the woman that now hugging him tightly. The friction that being made by her body and the softness of her boobs made him smile. "Noona... soft... warm... I like it..."

"Heheut-... please don't sleep okay... let's wait for an ambulance to come..." said the woman holding out her smile. Her face was now messed up because of the tear that she is holding. She hugs him tighter but in consideration of his condition, she does not hug him too tightly that made him uncomfortable.

"U-un... let me enjoy..." said the man before going back to sleep. her embrace is just too nice for him.

"Daeho!" shouted the woman. That got more anxious by the time the man closes his eyes again. It takes quite some time before a siren from an ambulance could be heard in the area.


In a busy road that is filled with traffic, there's an ambulance that speed up and doesn't care about other vehicles. And the other vehicles response was go to the side of road to make way for the ambulance and avoid it. Making the traffic nonexistent for the ambulance.

Inside the ambulance is a teenager that was laying flat on the bed accompanied by two people. The teenager had his mouth covered by an oxygen mask.

The two people that accompanied him are a woman in her early twenties that had a teary face on her. And another is a man wearing an ambulance staff outfit that had a difficult face on him.

"Ahjussi, are you really sure he can be saved?" asked her with a shaking voice.

"Sigh... listen here miss as I said three times before. I wouldn't know his situation as I am not a doctor. I just a staff that got an early education of medic-." said him that got cut before finishing.

"So my Daeho couldn't be safe?! heeung..." asked her before broke into tears and hug the teenager that had the name of daeho.

"Aigoo... I wasn't complete in explain things up. please listen to me for a second. This Daeho boy is safe! Somewhat after the accident he just suffers a minor injury..."

"So there is a chance!" exclaimed her with an expectancy.

"Yeah... let's just wait until we got to the hospital for further check. As for a chance for him, I really couldn't tell but I could felt that he had a high chance of survival."

"... Daeho..." the woman said while grabbing Daeho shirt ever more tightly.


[Cha Fam~∆]

Sunny : [Daeho got hospitalized]


The woman put down her phone after sending a report in her family group chat to look at Daeho that lay flat on a hospital bed. The doctor in the hospital diagnosed him with a minor injury in the head. He wasn't even put in the emergency ward. After the doctor diagnosed him he was being put in a normal ward.

Her dearest 'brother'. Actually she has never seen him as a brother. The feeling that she had growing from their first meeting. And when she realized her feelings it made her sad knowing that he is her brother. That means she couldn't marry him.

So she avoided him and their relationship got stagnated.

Now, she was supposed to go to shopping with Daeho. She wasn't that peculiar with him so she invites Daeho for her 'weekly shopping'. She was going to antagonize herself to him by making him carrying all the things she bought. So she making him a servant.

But unexpected happens. Daeho hadn't had a bit of hate to her for doing that to him. Rather, he was happy because she had invited him and even talk to him. And he is showing that happiness on his face all day. Even when he carried all the belonging that she buys.

It's made the girl a little upset and somewhat happy on the inside. But alas the objective today is to make him antagonize her. So she racking her brain to do so. But in doing that she wasn't aware of her surroundings.

When someone didn't care about surrounding it will surely affect that person in a way. She was going to cross the street and don't look at the pedestrian traffic light. She crosses the street when it shows a bright red color.

And the worst-case scenario happens. There's a truck that speeding up from the road without her noticing. Fortunate for her Daeho noticed and pushed her to the side. She was barely made out from a catastrophic event where she could lose her life.

Daeho didn't. He got hit by that truck.

Though he got hit. It wasn't anything serious and that made her confused. She was certain that daeho got directly hit by the truck. But why wasn't he put in the emergency ward? she's started to doubt the hospital's credibility.

Her mind and appearance are in mess and the woman just stares there blankly on the side of the hospital bed at Daeho's face. The room now is deadly quiet but the two inside it doesn't mind. No, they couldn't mind even if they want to.

Ctak! a loud sliding door noise could be heard.

"Daeho!!!" shout a voice of another woman. She goes directly to another side of the bed that empty to looks at daeho with tears on her face.