
The opportunity... Part-1.

Next Morning,

Outside the academy, A nearby abandoned factory.

"I already know that Fade and Kira disappeared here, but why are we here anyway? Does it even have anything to do with us?"

Liam complained loudly while sitting on an old chair with a look of confusion on his face.

Hearing his question, Rio, who was standing just nearby while leaning his back against the wall, replied in a calm voice,

"We are here because a 'certain someone' asked us to come here... Don't ask too many questions; I don't know the answers myself..."

Liam sighed at those words and stopped questioning.

Just when he was on a peaceful morning walk today, Rio dragged him to this abandoned factory with him without giving any apparent reasons.

Liam wouldn't have just tagged along with anyone; if it was someone else, he wouldn't have agreed.