
Like a Cockroach

Both shin bones, broken.

Every finger, broken.

Left elbow, broken.

Multiple internal organs, torn.

Three ribs, crushed.

Left eye, gouged.

Six dark daggers had been implanted into various spots over both his arms.

"Why... Why are you... Why are you doing this?" The Ex-General of the Tyrs struggled to even whisper the words through the pain.

 "Why? Because your life is mine. You tried to kill me. Plus, that whip hurt a lot. You also used it on your own pet. As far as I'm concerned, I'm more than justified."

"But what... Why...? What is it you're looking for? Do you want me to apologize? Do you want me to-"

"What I want? I don't want anything."

"Then... Why...?"

"Why? Umm. I just feel like it, I guess." The white-scaled Monster answered as it shrugged.

"Just feel... Like it?"