
Reborn As An Egyptian God

In the rich tapestry of Egyptian mythology, the offspring of the union between the Sky God and the Earth God, the fierce Desert God Set, met his end in a valiant battle aiding Ra, the Sun God, against the insidious Serpent God of chaos, Apep. In a twist of fate, the essence of a soul from another realm infused itself into Set's lifeless form, resurrecting him as the rejuvenated Desert God. Yet, a cruel destiny awaited Set, prophesied to fall at the hands of the ascendant God King, Horus. Determined to defy this fate and stabilize his existence among the deities, Set embarked on a quest for divine power. He traversed the celestial hierarchies, each step a struggle for supremacy, aiming to reach the zenith of godly power and alter the course set before him. #Mythology #Egypt #God #Conspiracy

Rqmk · Fantasy
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78 Chs

Moon Temple!

As the relentless desert winds whipped across the barren landscape, the yellow sand swirled furiously, its grains shimmering like minute fragments of gold, rapidly transforming the once fertile soil into a stark, arid wasteland.

The nearby river, catching the gleaming sunlight, flowed like a winding ribbon of molten gold against the stark yellow of the sands.

In the midst of this dramatic transformation, Set, his features stern and resolute, unleashed his divine power in full force. The underworld around him responded, morphing and shifting with accelerated vigor. He felt the rush of returning strength with each passing second, the ebb of his depleted energies slowly reversing.

Simultaneously, the turmoil within him, pangs of pain and flares of anger, began to subside, settling into a calm that was both deep and reassuring.