
Reborn As An Egyptian God

In the rich tapestry of Egyptian mythology, the offspring of the union between the Sky God and the Earth God, the fierce Desert God Set, met his end in a valiant battle aiding Ra, the Sun God, against the insidious Serpent God of chaos, Apep. In a twist of fate, the essence of a soul from another realm infused itself into Set's lifeless form, resurrecting him as the rejuvenated Desert God. Yet, a cruel destiny awaited Set, prophesied to fall at the hands of the ascendant God King, Horus. Determined to defy this fate and stabilize his existence among the deities, Set embarked on a quest for divine power. He traversed the celestial hierarchies, each step a struggle for supremacy, aiming to reach the zenith of godly power and alter the course set before him. #Mythology #Egypt #God #Conspiracy

Rqmk · Fantasy
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169 Chs

Killing Nephthys?

Set paused, considering the proposition. A soul contract was binding and could expose Apep's authenticity. The idea was intriguing, yet fraught with peril. Weighing his options, Set's mind churned, a thousand plots intertwining as he sought the perfect path to secure his destiny.

Set paused his intricate work on the divine pattern, his eyes narrowing as he looked at Apep. "If you are truly Apep, then breaking my seal should be child's play for you. Where is the demon snake that rivaled the god Ra? Are you so weak now?"

A cold snort emanated from the jar. "Humph! I have no desire to expose myself prematurely," Apep retorted. "I prefer to keep this matter concealed."

"And what if it gets out?" Set pressed. "It's not like you can truly die."

"True, I cannot," Apep's tone shifted, becoming more sinister, "but you can."