
Reborn As An Egyptian God

In the rich tapestry of Egyptian mythology, the offspring of the union between the Sky God and the Earth God, the fierce Desert God Set, met his end in a valiant battle aiding Ra, the Sun God, against the insidious Serpent God of chaos, Apep. In a twist of fate, the essence of a soul from another realm infused itself into Set's lifeless form, resurrecting him as the rejuvenated Desert God. Yet, a cruel destiny awaited Set, prophesied to fall at the hands of the ascendant God King, Horus. Determined to defy this fate and stabilize his existence among the deities, Set embarked on a quest for divine power. He traversed the celestial hierarchies, each step a struggle for supremacy, aiming to reach the zenith of godly power and alter the course set before him. #Mythology #Egypt #God #Conspiracy

Rqmk · Fantasy
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171 Chs

Giving Life!

Sekhmet strode from the majestic Pantheon, her gaze ablaze as she spotted Set in the distance, a fiery intensity lighting her eyes.

"Set, you god of chaos, who dares claim superiority over me in battle and strength?" she thundered across the sands.

The air thickened as several lesser deities, upon hearing her challenge, hastened their steps, eager to escape her notorious wrath. They were all too familiar with Sekhmet's tempestuous nature; her call to arms was often an omen of inevitable conflict.

Meanwhile, as Geb and Nut discreetly withdrew from Heliopolis, they took out their sacred Ankh, initiating the intricate ritual to unlock the temple's celestial gate. Divine symbols danced in the air, forming the Gateway of the Gods.

Set, accompanied by Isis, Osiris, and Nephthys, mirrored their actions, each wielding their Ankhs to channel their divine energies into the gateway. The participation of all was required to traverse this divine portal.

With a shimmering pulse, the Gateway of the Gods swung open. Geb and Nut gestured magnanimously for Set and his siblings to enter first. With a sneer of contempt, Isis stepped through the portal alongside Osiris, the duo's figures silhouetted against the ethereal light. Set and Nephthys followed, their silent movements hinted the unspoken tensions.

Beyond the gateway lay a temple of sky-blue crystals, its walls reflecting the sun's rays and casting otherworldly glimmers around. This sacred place, entwined with Set's resurrected memories, held a profound significance. It was here that Set, along with Osiris, Isis, and Nephthys, had endured a millennium of captivity and forged their vow to animate the stars.

"How vile," Isis muttered, her expression twisted in revulsion. Osiris clasped her hand, his touch a calming balm against her rising ire.

Tears shimmered in Nephthys' eyes as she gazed at Set, who purposefully avoided her look, wary of stirring any misinterpretations.

In stark contrast to the heavy atmosphere surrounding Set and his siblings, Nut's demeanor was bright and welcoming. "Children, smile," she encouraged warmly. "Your elder brother has longed for this reunion. He misses your laughter and the nights spent under the stars, listening to my tales."

Geb moved closer to Nut, his smile sincere. "Those were indeed joyous times," he reminisced.

Set's lips twitched involuntarily. Had he not possessed the merged memories of his original self, he might have succumbed to the nostalgic scene painted by Nut and Geb. But he knew better; those 'stories' were merely mundane observations about the stars, hardly the captivating tales one might expect. The reality was a forced attendance under the celestial dome, listening to trivial starlight musings rather than true mythic narratives.

"It's absolute torture," Set muttered under his breath, his disdain palpable as he observed Geb and Nut waxing nostalgic about their celestial conversations.

Geb and Nut, in their element, seemed utterly captivated by the idea that the stars above whispered secrets meant only for them. Their faces lit up with joy, as if each twinkling star held its own wisdom and life.

"Enough of reminiscences, let us go to the stars!" Osiris interjected with a frown, breaking into their reverie.

"Indeed, it's time to meet your elder brother!" exclaimed Nut, her excitement barely containable as she led the way, her steps light and eager.

Geb walked close by her side, maintaining a careful distance, their movements choreographed with an unspoken understanding. Set exhaled a deep sigh of relief, thankful for the change in topic, while Nephthys dabbed at her tears, attempting to compose herself.

Isis inhaled sharply, bracing herself as she followed Geb and Nut. Osiris, Set, and Nephthys trailed behind, their expressions a mix of anticipation and reluctance.

Emerging from the temple, they were greeted by a breathtaking vista: a flatland carpeted with sky-blue flowers under a canopy of white clouds. The sky, a clear azure touching the horizon, and the sea of flowers symbolized love, creating a scene of celestial and terrestrial harmony, yet forbidden to mingle.

This sky temple, built atop the world's tallest mountain, symbolized his devotion to Nut, marked by the cultivation of these unique sky flowers, a testament to their love. Set, though often aloof, found solace in the fragrance of these blossoms.

Nut, standing amid the flowers, radiated a gentle blue glow as divine power subtly suffused the air. The clarity of the sky momentarily clouded, shrouded by an ethereal fog.

As the fog thickened, Nut extended her hand gracefully, and a swath of sky-blue fabric, adorned with patterns of mist, descended from the heavens, settling into her grasp. With the fabric's fall, the fog dissipated, revealing a sky now dotted with stars shimmering like silver dust.

"Met, your siblings have returned," Geb announced softly, his voice imbued with a mixture of joy and solemnity. He turned to Set and the others, adding, "Your elder brother has missed you dearly. He even inquires if the name Met, which I bestowed upon you, pleases your ears."

Set watched Geb with a mixture of disbelief and amusement, wondering at the depth of his delusions. Osiris's face remained blank, unresponsive to Geb's fervor, while Nephthys averted her gaze, disinterested.

Isis, momentarily caught up in the magic, stared at the stars as if seeking answers. But as reality set in, she withdrew her gaze, chiding herself for her fleeting hopefulness.

"To mere mortals, stars are but radiant stones devoid of life or divine essence," Isis mused, her thoughts tinged with skepticism. She pondered whether, in some grand cosmic scheme, these celestial bodies might indeed hold conversations with Geb and Nut.

"If they are truly gods' embodiments, then surely they possess life," she continued, her doubts momentarily giving way to wonder. This moment of contemplation had her question the very nature of the cosmos.

"Keep your promise," Nut implored, her eyes alight with anticipation as she fixed her gaze on Isis.

Isis, feeling the weight of expectation, stepped forward until her hands seemed to brush against the heavens themselves. Clutching her Ankh, its verdant glow pulsating, she channeled her formidable life-force into the stars above.

Set, observing her, felt a mix of awe and resignation. "Her dominion over life truly surpasses my own over the desert," he conceded internally. Indeed, while his realm of sand stretched vast, it was but a barren expanse compared to the vibrant, teeming essence of life that Isis commanded, encompassing every biome, from deserts to dense forests and bustling cities.

As Isis's powers unfolded, a vision of a transparent green water lily materialized upon each star, enveloping them with the essence of life. The celestial scene transformed as the lilies, borne of her divine power, cocooned the stars completely.

Releasing the Ankh, letting it hover in the cosmos, Isis declared boldly, "With Metes as your true name and the stars as your cradle, be reborn!" A thunderous explosion echoed, the potent life energies dispersing into the ether.

Confusion marred Set's features as he witnessed the moon's brief emergence, glowing brightly before vanishing, leaving the stars to shine with unadulterated brilliance.

"Are you alright?" Osiris materialized beside Isis, his concern palpable.

Isis nodded slightly, her focus shifting to Nut. "Was there a pact with the Moon God? The Moon's mighty powers shield these stars, thwarting my blessings. It seems I cannot bestow life upon them."

Nut's face contorted with frustration. "What did you say?!"

"Nut, please, calm yourself," Geb intervened, his gaze steady and calming as he approached her.

Isis retrieved her Ankh and descended with Osiris to await further developments.

Set approached with a concerned look. "Sister, are you okay?"

Nephthys echoed his concern, "Sister, are you alright?"

Isis responded with a weary shake of her head, "No worries, I am fine." Her tone carried a mix of frustration and resignation.