
Reborn as alatreon (dropped)

Dude gets reincarnated as alatreon, to a generic fantasy world. ~first time writing a book so give me some slack please. Well I mean if you want to it’s not like I can control you. Also I’m writing this on my phone so I’m not sure how it’ll look like in a computer.~ ~Oh can’t forget I don’t own alatreon~

axeltheeugene · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Well now what?

Well it's been about a month now since I've reincarnated and not much has happened. I see no humans, elves, beast men, fairy's, etc... Just me fighting monsters and animals.

Strangely enough there's some animals from earth here too like deers, rabbits, squirrels, fish, and squids. But that's about it, other then that everything else is different. Like this animal I call squideer, which is basically a deer but with a squid as it's head. With razor sharp teeth on its tentacles and mouth. Now if someone were to go by our earths standards it's more of a monster then an animal, but the monsters here are way worse then that. Like the leviathan's that surround the island. So I'll consider it a animal.

Other then that I've been training to use my powers that I've gotten. And it didn't take too long, no more then a week and I had mastered them. But again I would say it's more like muscle memory instead of me being a pro learner. And strangely enough alatreon seemed to be able to control more then ice, water, fire, dragon, and electricity. He's also able to control earth, air, and metal, why he didn't use them in the game I don't know. But I'm not complaining about me being able to use them.

However that also brings another problem I've discovered, it seems monster are able to use magic while I'm not able too. Why I don't know, but it's not like it matters too much, I'm still able to beat them like their nothing but trash so it's all good.

All in all I'm doing fairly well in this new world of mine, but it's just so boring. At first it was fun to fight the monsters, but once I got used to them it was just one sided. It's simply no longer a challenge. There's just nothing new to do in this island. So I've been thinking about exploring off into the sea and maybe finding new land. And if I get tired flying in my journey I'll just create a iceberg to rest on.

And that's what I'm about to do today. I've decided that today is the day I go off exploring.

And as Leo or now alatreon begins to stretch his body for the long journey ahead, he gives the mountains and forest one final look before saying good bye. It hasn't been long since he's been in this world, but he's now saying goodbye to the first place he calls home. And with one final roar from Leo he says goodbye.

"GOODBYE HOME!!!" But like the many times before all that comes out is a roar. In fact Leo had tried this whole time to try talking but he came to the conclusion that it just wasn't gonna happen.

And so for the next three days Leo decided to go north hoping that he finds land. Surprisingly he only need to rest one time, and no more then a hour.

'Man am I just wasting my time I've probably covered like 2000 miles.' 'WAIT IS THAT LAND I SEE' 'F*ck yeah!!'

"LET'S GO!!!!" "ROOAARRR!!!"

Leo then proceeded to go full speed towards the land, and in no more then 3 minutes he had made contact. 'Finally I made it. Thank goodness it wasn't for nothing.'

'Hmmm it's actually not that bad here. Not as good as my beautiful forest, but not bad for a plain.' 'Actually wait is that people I see.... Hmmmm maybe I should go scare them, hehehe.' However the group was already scared as they had seen Leo in the sky roar and proceeded to try and get as far away as possible.

But they were to slow for Leo as he had caught up to them at a relatively slow speed in no more then a minute. There standing was the group, not moving a inch as they were far to scared to do anything.


????- "Oh why did I choose to be a adventurer, I should have just gotten a job at the guild instead." One of the people in the group said holding back tears from spilling.

????- "Please... oh please.... let me make it out of this one." The other person in the group whispered to scared to make any loud noises.

????- " You know I lived a good life, 180 years ain't so bad." The oldest in the group said, although if you were to look at her she would seem to be only 18 years of age.

????- "I can't die here... I haven't even gotten the chance to go to the red district yet." The last person in the group said. Him being the youngest one out of all of them, had much simpler things that he was looking forward to in life.


As Leo was looking down at the group that appeared to be having a mental breakdown, he decided to change his idea about scaring them. For he feared that they would die from a heart attack. So in a act of pity he flew passed them and went to explore more of this new land. However the damage was already done, as the group would later tell their findings to the guild leader.


"We didn't die.." they all said in unison before passing out.


'Gosh I feel kinda bad, poor things looked like they were about to pass out' Leo said unbeknownst to him that they had indeed passed out.

And so begins a new chapter in Leo's journey on this new uncharted land. Unbeknownst that he would later go down in books of history as the strongest dragon that ever lived.