
reborn as Aemond Targaryen

In "House of the Dragon," Aemond Targaryen, once a notorious mafia lord, finds himself reborn in the tumultuous world of Westeros. As Aemond Taargaayrean, he navigates the intricate power dynamics of House Targaryen, determined to reclaim his lost influence and establish himself as a force to be reckoned with. Drawing on his past experiences as a ruthless leader in the criminal underworld, Aemond employs cunning and strategic thinking to manipulate those around him. However, he must tread carefully, for the world of Westeros is fraught with danger and betrayal at every turn. Aemond's thirst for power and desire for vengeance drive him to form unlikely alliances and make daring moves in the deadly game of thrones. As he rises through the ranks of House Targaryen, he faces fierce opposition from rivals within the family and external threats from rival houses vying for control of the Seven Kingdoms.

Annshul_Reddy_2493 · TV
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i grew a bit


Time seemed to flow differently for me in this new life. By the age of two, I was already displaying an uncanny aptitude for learning and understanding beyond my years. My mind thirsted for knowledge, drawing from memories I couldn't fully grasp but felt lingering beneath the surface.

Walking came naturally to me, as if I had done it a thousand times before. I moved with purpose and determination, exploring the corridors of redkeep with a curiosity that belied my age. My parents and caretakers marveled at my quick development, unaware of the deeper truths hidden within my young mind.

My fascination with dragons only grew stronger as I delved into the history and lore of House Targaryen. I pored over ancient texts, absorbing tales of conquest, betrayal, and the legacy of Valyria. High Valyrian rolled off my tongue effortlessly, a language that felt like a distant memory come alive.

The fate of the Seven intrigued me, their roles and significance woven into the fabric of Westerosi history. I learned about the complexities of ruling, the responsibilities of lords, and the delicate balance of power that shaped the realm. It was as if I had a innate understanding of these concepts, honed through lifetimes of experience.

Archery called out to me like an old friend. In my past life, I was a skilled shooter, and those instincts resurfaced as I picked up a bow once again. The rhythmic pull of the string, the focus on the target—it all felt familiar yet exhilarating. My aim was true, and I quickly gained proficiency in this ancient art.

By the time I turned five, I was no ordinary child. My mind was a repository of knowledge, my body honed through practice and discipline. I carried myself with a quiet confidence, aware of my abilities but careful not to reveal too much to those around me.

The whispers of my past grew louder as I matured, fragments of memories blending with the experiences of my current life. I felt a sense of purpose stirring within me, a destiny waiting to unfold in a world where the past and present converged in mysterious ways.

As I stood on the precipice of childhood, I knew that my journey as Aemond Targaryen was just beginning—a journey marked by secrets, skills, and the weight of destinies intertwined across time and space.


King Viserys pov: 


As King of the Seven Kingdoms, my days are filled with matters of state, politics, and the intricate dance of power in the realm. Yet, amidst the weight of rulership, there is one joy that lights up my world—the presence of my son, Aemond Targaryen.

From the moment he entered this world, Aemond displayed a unique spark, a brilliance that set him apart even as a young child. His quick mastery of walking and motor skills astonished those around him, including myself. It was as if he carried an old soul within his tiny frame, a soul that remembered ages long past.

Watching Aemond grow and learn has been a source of both pride and wonder. By the age of two, he was already showing a remarkable aptitude for languages and history. His fluency in High Valyrian was astounding, a testament to his innate intelligence and thirst for knowledge.

I observed with fascination as Aemond delved into the lore of House Targaryen, absorbing tales of our ancestors, the dragons, and the legacy we carry. His understanding of the complexities of ruling and governance, despite his young age, hinted at a wisdom beyond his years.

His interest in archery did not escape my notice either. Aemond's natural talent with a bow reminded me of the prowess of our ancestors in battle. It was a skill he seemed to pick up effortlessly, a sign of his disciplined focus and determination.

As Aemond approached his fifth year, I couldn't help but marvel at the boy he was becoming. His presence in the court brought a sense of vitality and hope for the future of House Targaryen. Yet, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Aemond than met the eye, that his soul carried burdens and experiences beyond our understanding.

While I cherished every moment with my son, I couldn't ignore the whispers and rumors that surrounded him. Some spoke of his uncanny abilities and the shadows of his past, while others hinted at a destiny intertwined with mysteries and secrets yet to be revealed.

As a father, I am torn between the joy of seeing Aemond thrive and the weight of uncertainty that hangs over his future.

mc pov:

time just flew by once i was a toddler now i am a 5 year old nothing significant happened other then same thing in the plot i dint try to change anything so i can have some advantage.

and today i met my father the king he was same as shown in the show weak and daughter con no wonder war started after his death other than that alicent was good she cared more for me than aegon

oh and my brother aegon snotty brat who eats and plays around. i wonder who thought it was good idea to make him king well no matter

my plan is going smoothley maintain a lowkey profile until i get vaghar. 

oh how i dream to have my own machine of mass distruction

laughs loudly : ha haaaa haa

maid:my prince are you ok its time to eat

mc:way to ruin my cool motage

reply: wait i am coming