
Reborn as a warp god with a warp system in Warhammer 40k

[Note: Warhammer 40 K belongs to its right full distributors traders and manufactures all I’m doing with this is making a fun fanfiction that no one else has tried and I hope it entertains my readers I am not trying to make a profit out of this this is just for fun reading and typing on my part I hope the community is satisfied for what I’ve made to entertain so my grim dark readers let’s dive into an endless galaxy at war.

Dez_Burns · Video Games
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32 Chs

What to do?

While the events on the planet of the Dragon ogres unfold with the arrival of the C'tan and the construction of his armies the cosmic Lord of light within the sea of souls ponders of what to do because as he thinks of a countermeasure against the Star God on the planet.

He's gone and consulted his wife and her mother about this particular C'tan but they had no information on him Isha has stated that even her and her other siblings of the eldar pantheon and with her former husband have battled many of the C'tan but she has never seen this one before it could be one of the star gods that were hit with experimental weapon at the beginning of the war that took a large chunk out of the star gods forces.

The weapon that she remembers utilized warp energies as well as time and space that would obliterate anything that existed however after he fired it exploded rendering it impossible to rebuild.

But that is just her guess this C'tan no matter who is Has to be dealt with with extreme prejudice.

Just looking at it through the mirror in the Lord of cosmic lights room brings her untold amount of hate towards the construct of Necro dermis.

Isha Remembering countless of Eldar children of hers dying at the hands of the necrons and Their C'tan Masters cannot help but hate it as she looks at the monstrosity in the mirror.

She fought in the war of heaven long ago and knowing that she Time traveled back in time brought the realization that she might have to fight in the war of heaven all over again.

Lileath sense her mother's hate and sadness bring up a had to her shoulder in reinsuring manner.

(Lileath): worry not mother I know dearest husband will find a way to destroy the Necro dermis monstrosity that is the C'tan star god.

Isha Seeing that her daughter is trying to bring her comfort respond by giving her a hug and a very motherly embrace.

(Isha): I know dearest daughter I know it just brings me great sadness that the horrors of our past is now are present once again but I know you're handsome husband I'll take care of it.

Lileath is not blind to the affection her mother has for her husband forever since her rescue she has always stolen glances at him whenever she believed neither one of them were looking or look at him with desire and affection which she have only seen her give to her father a long time ago before their marriage started to dwindle for asuryah her father had since stopped loving her for many years it was more focused on the management of the Eldar race and the other gods of the pantheon.

So she does not find it weird that her mother has deep desires for her husband and she Does not mind it.

She would prefer a three-way relationship between her husband and her mother after all since the first night her husband took her she started to have more in depth desires that she never had before and the thought of her mother and her husband going at it as she watches made her lower parts extremely wet for the mirror thought of it.

While Isha had similar fantasies to her daughter for three way relationship but she is slightly scared of what her daughter would think of her if she found out of the level of depravity she wished to be done to her but she secretly suspects a bit of slaahesh horny aura rubbed off on her making her feel these intense emotions and desires.

Women in the room have their internal turmoil happening the Lord of cosmic light him self unaware of his wife and her mother's thoughts is in deep thought for what to do.

He has thought of many different options deal with the star of God however he's come to the conclusion of one option to create an avatar for himself and send it down to the mortal plane and battle the star god him self for his forging skill has increased exponentially making him able to create A doable avatar for such a conflict.

he must created it with haste for the star of God on the dragon ogre planet and the dragon ogres will not last long against its wrath even his most worthy champion and only one on the planet is not powerful enough to deal with C'tan despite all the blessing and powers that she was imbued with.

With a plan in hand the Lord of cosmic light marches to his forge with both former eldar goddesses behind him as he is asked for their Aid in help him construct an avatar for himself for despite his power the goddesses have far more experience with avatar creation than him hopefully their knowledge will help him speed up the process any hopes for the dragon ogres depends on it for they are his followers and he will not let those who follow him suffer at the hands of the merciless C'tan star god.