
Reborn as a villain in a fantasy novel

this story is set in a world where, by awakening, you can set your eyes on godhood and become a Demigod or a God The otherworldly races have invaded this world, occupying it for the rich resources available our Mc gets reincarnated as a young master and the heir to a powerful family and guild but there is a slight problem he is reincarnated inside the world of a novel he read long ago, and his also one of the main antagonists of this world destined for death and misery will he give up his dream of immortality, or he will rise up and destroy every obstacle on his path follow Aamon in his journey towards godhood and immortality WARNING:Aamon is a cold-hearted person, and he will do anything to achieve his goals he won't hesitate to kill if that's the shortest way of solving his problems,but Don't worry his not a maniac ___________________________________________ please read till chapter 15 I promise you won't be disappointed English is not my main language, so please bare with me it's also my first book, so give it a shot I will upload in every 3 days Tags:Villain # Antihero # Transmigration# Action# Fantasy# Ruthless protagnist Cold love interests# Cold protagnist # #academy #magic

Akuma_675 · Fantasy
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*15th floor, training tower


Suddenly, Olivia screamed very loudly in middle of the fight

Aamon looked at her from corners of his eyes while cutting down last of the bats in his surroundings.

A bloody cut was opened on her left shoulder, bleeding none stop while she was dropped down,crying, creating a pitiful sight

'So this is what happened to you, huh?"

(Referring to himself)

In the original novel after this accident Aamon would stop climbing the tower and would surrender immediately to take care of Olivia, but after he gets him to healers, what he received wasn't a heartwarming scene or a simple thank you

Instead he gets the look of scorn and hatred from the main cast that finds fault with his leadership, believing its his fault that olivia is at this state,and furthermore he gets his points reduced after a teacher named Donovan blows up this Matter.

(Back to present)

A few moments later, there was no monster remaining in the floor

Jack and Ross had many injuries on their bodies they exchanged a meaningful look before sitting beside injured Olivia that was crying on her



With a swing, Aamon cleaned his sword from blood and walked towards his teammates to check on them while thinking

'As expected, this is as far as you guys go, it's time to cut off the extra luggage.'

Jack and Ross reached a mutual understanding while they saw Olivia getting injured

'We can finally get out of here.'

They thought. Ross raised his head to look at Aamon while saying with a regretful look like he was ashamed of himself for saying this

"Young master Aamon, I think this is as far as we can go, we did pretty well."

Ross said this while he secretly signaled to Jack, then the other one said while rubbing his hands together with a forced smile

"Y..yes young master we did pretty good we passed the test with flying colors."

To their surprise, Aamon didn't answer them much less, looking at them

While Ross was secretly gnashing his teeth together from anger, he noticed Olivia's state

'This is it!'


He forcefully smiled again and then said,


"Young master you see, Mrs. Olivia is also injured. We should quickly get her to healers."

Olivia, hearing this

'It's time now. I'm gonna end this just watch!'

She tightly clenched her shoulder from pain while her crying intensified.

Her acting was so perfect that she could put any actor to shame,she knew Aamon's weakness,then with a puppy like eyes, she said

"Aamon..sob sob...it really hurts...sniff...please let's stop I can't anymore."

'You still care about me, don't you?

Now just follow me like always and be a good boy.'(Olivia)






I felt the stinging pain in my chest again,it felt like my chest was going to split open from pain

but this time, it was so strong and unbearable that I barely could hold on.

the original feelings of Aamon resurfaced, urging me to drop down on my knees and hug her, urging me to comfort her and tell her it's gonna be alright,but...its too late

'I ve come too far to get back now. This is the place where I will change my destiny at any cost.'

Aamon answered with a Dry voice without any emotion

"Yes, you're right.."

Jack and Ross plus Olivia were smiling internally from happiness they were sure that this is where everything ends

They eagerly were waiting for Aamon's next words

Slowly, Aamon's voice turned more and more menacing when he said this

"....this is as far as you guys will go,"


Olivia got so surprised that she blurted this, Ross's forced smile nearly fell off when he hastily tried to get up

"Y..young master the rules..."


Aamon's sword stopped right on his neck, making him break out a cold sweat


All of the sadness I felt got replaced by immense anger. Instead, I felt no remorse or pity anymore. All I felt was an urge to cut these heads right in front of me

"You insects!,dare to play tricks on me?

Be grateful that I'm not cutting off your head!

People like you guys,Disgust me the most.

You only deserve to squirm beneath my boots while begging for mercy, know your place, trash!."

Aamon's eyes swept past the petrified duo and landed on Olivia's trembling body

"And you, don't even try.

Once I'm done with this little test

I'll make sure you understand the consequences behind your actions through your family."

Then Aamon turned around and walked towards the portal leading to next floor, while the trio were left in shock of just what happened






A few seconds later, the roaring of monsters could be heard again on the billboards and tower. A single person was fighting an endless hordes of monsters coming at him from all sides

A heavy Bloodlust was covering him while he fought

Aamon made a few tentative swings with his blade.

The blade felt solid in his hand,but it also remained ethereal, as if it wasn't there.

*Fighting instincts*

Embracing this feeling, Aamon continued.

His blade was now his breath, drawing faster and faster.

His slashes followed arcs he had practiced for years until he bled.

training to the verge of self-destruction. Following his weapon, he twisted through the air.

He slashed, parried—each attack flowing into the next.

After everything ended

He closed his eyes so he would not need to see…. would not remember everything he'd sacrificed to wield this blade.




After an hour or so, the 20th floor of the tower

Aamon was standing, his clothes were stained with blood and his breathing was uneven, he wanted to lie down on this hard and cold floor to cool his body, but his body wouldn't let him




He walked towards the wall and sat down. He really wanted to use a potion to recover faster and fight, but potions were forbidden in this test

'Fortunately, I have these gloves that constantly heal me in a fight. Otherwise, I would have long ran out of stamina.'

suddenly, a distorted image of his childhood passed by,Making him groan in pain.




'How many times he had killed to forget this,im not sure anymore.'

(referring to original owner)

He let go of his sword and saw his bloodied hand,It had all come back. Everything he pushed down. Every cut of his blade into his enemies and the pain he inflicted

Aamon pushed troubled words he would never say,back into his throat. His fingers tightened into a fist, and his determination grew stronger.

'I will change my destiny.

this path, I won't back down.'




After Aamon cleaned himself up and his gloves did the perfect job of healing him, he got up, ready to fight

'Now let's see just how tough is this monster, well if it gets troublesome

I'll go all out.'


Aamon pushed open the heavy doors, and an ending darkness greeted him

The room was the same, nothing was changed, the walls, the webs, and even the husks were all in perfect condition

'Let's get this over with.'

Normally, nobody would even think of challenging this room by themselves.

It would mean certain defeat, but Aamon was long prepared for this.

He walked into the room barely lit with shimmering yellow light from many husks hanging everywhere, although others may find it impossible to fight in this environment,for Aamon darkness was something familiar

'Thier too many, but it's more fun when it's a challenge.'

Suddenly, a woman's voice came

"Well, this is surprise. If all the academy has to throw at me is a single boy, they must be desperate, well not that it matters, a meal has come to me personally~"

The same woman from the past raid appeared again. Her beauty was unmatched, many that were watching this scene from billboards, and monitors were savoring her curves

With every motion, she was igniting fire in them

But contrary to them, the disgusting smell in this room was making Aamon enraged to no ends. He wanted to quickly end this and get out of here

"For a monster that pretends to be human, you talk too much."


"Oh, you're an arrogant one.

Aren't you~"

"You see, I'm in a bit of a hurry to climb this tower, so if you be so kind and don't waste my time, I'll appreciate it."

Aamon could clearly see a vain got popped up on her forehead

"How dare you!!"


In just a mere seconds, she turned into a bloating mass of a giant spider, her voice completely changed into a twisted one

"I'll make sure my babies feed today!"

She was ready to release her demonic energy to summon her spider's but



"Y--you human-!!"

A sword came right at her, but she blocked it with her front legs, making a metallic sound

"You didn't think that I would stand like an idiot while you summon your underlings."


With another swing, Aamon distanced himself from her while constantly running at her to trade blows







Little by little shallow cuts started appearing on giant spider's body, making her enraged that a single human could do this to her

shooting a web from behind she pulled her self back to buy just enough time to summon her spiders

"Now I'll make you pay!!"

A vibrating motion swept past the room, making many Spiders broke out from the husks and slowly drowning the room into darkness. Like a torrent, they were swarming towards Aamon at high speed

"Now my children feast on him!"

Raising her both hands to cast a spell, she was hell-bent on ending Aamon here or at least injuring him badly,

She casted the spell

*Demonic web*

The time seemed to stop at that moment when a sound came

a bone-chilling freezing sound came, making the spider queen's eyes bulge with realization


12 blue shards Slightly bigger then a human hand,shaped like shark fins appeared out of thin air. Brightening the surroundings in a silvery blue shine resembling moonlight

One side of them was thick while the other side was displaying an unrivaled sharpness.

Making anyone tremble at the mere thought of getting cut by them.









With a swing, the shards cut down all the spiders surrounding Aamon in a mere instance.

their hard exoskeleton getting cut along with their entire bodies, splattering the ground with a slimy and sticky liquid, while the 2 huge purplish spider webs were cut in half

They swiftly returned to Aamon




Making a clattering sound as they circled up and down on his arm like a deadly snake, ready to strike at any moment

The disgusting smell in the room intensified with this, making Aamon have a twisted expression

"You will be my little treat before

I savor my victory.

Try to satisfy me, or I'll make your death agonizing!"


Spider queen getting more enraged sent out all of her spiders while herself started casting multitudes of demonic spells


Instead of backing down, Aamon dashed towards a horde of Spiders big and small.

his shards were faster then him, from one to another they cut down anything on thier path, while Aamon used his blade to fight, he has trained himself in multi tasking from his childhood, so this wasn't hard for him at all









The spider queen sent more spiders at Aamon along with spells, all of it for naught when all of em were getting cut down like grass, while her enemy got closer and closer at her,in a mere seconds after the fight has started it was ending

She saw her many children lying in their own blood, dying the floor green while she remained alone.

The sole person responsible for that had a faint smile on his face, like he was teasing her to see her reaction or,did he find this situation interesting?


Sparks flew everywhere when the same blue shards that cut down her children came at her, she blocked them with her huge legs, but they left many small cracks on her exoskeleton

They didn't strike on random places either like a mindless beast,they were precise, like a surgeons knife hitting the exact same place as others, therefore causing more damage to her soft tissues

The immense anger she was feeling from loss of her children made her gnash her teeth, her own powerlessness this feeling was the first for her since 40 years ago

"H--how a mere human.."

Aamon cut her off, while his twisted expression turned to that of interest while a playful smile got plastered on his face, like a kid that had just found a new toy to play with

"You can block them?.

Good, this will make it more interesting."

Aamon ran towards her, giving her no chance to rest

Doof!! Doof!! Clank!!


His sword collided with her hard exoskeleton, making sparks fly everywhere, while he coated his kicks and punches with mana generating great force at any given opportunity, making the already thin cracks grow wider and wider



*Slayer shards*



The 12 silvery blue shards started shining brightly, their size increased dramatically, making each one of em as big as a human head. They hanged above Aamon, ready to strike

'I can't block them!"

Spider queen realizing this shot a web from behind, making a desperate retreat, but it was too late





Splash! Splash! Tud!


"Aghhhhhh!!! My legs!! My legs!!!, aghhh!!"

with a swing, they cut her hard body along with her soft tissues, making a mess out of her.

Her legs were cut off cleanly, puddles of green slimy blood filled the ground beneath her, while her cries filled the room

'Her demonic energy is not bad. Unfortunately, I can't absorb it, I'm being monitored. sigh~'

he walked up to spider queen that was slowly bleeding while wriggling around like an earthworm,from the immense pain she was feeling

standing right above her he looked at her pain stricken face


She pleaded with a human like voice while tears tricked down her face

"You put up a good fight. In return, I'll make your death painless."

Swish! Tud! Splash

Aamon cut off the spider queen's head with a swift motion

'The next floor, I'll have to climb higher. I wonder what kind of face thier making right now."

Thinking about this, a playful expression got plastered on Aamon's face while he walked towards the portal to the next floor


Author note

okay I really couldn't hold my self back to not post this and wait a bit more but I'm so damn excited ( ≧∀≦)ノ

the next chapter for those that were asking for longer fight scenes,it's a special one be sure to read it.

some of you guys bin asking me to give Aamon system, so should I or should I not?

just tell me here I'm all ears, if many comments say it why not.

and word count for every chapter that I write is around 2000 words average nearly twice as the other authors, so yeah I'm not lazing around