
Reborn as a Villain Destined to Die

Death is a harsh reality, but what happens when you're given a second chance at life? Imagine being reborn without any guidance, support, or purpose. But what if destiny had other plans for you? What if you were reborn into the world of your favorite video game? It's a lonely and confusing existence, but it's nothing compared to the terror of discovering that you're the villain destined to be defeated by the hero. Join the main character as he navigates this new, thrilling world, fighting to survive and maybe even thrive. Who knows what kind of adventures await?

SithLordAno · Fantasy
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182 Chs

Preparing for the Academy (2)

"What's that letter for, master?" Cas said as we left my father's office.

"It's a letter of intent." I said as I headed toward the dining room. "Basically, it means that during my time at the academy, I won't have the support of House Maxamus. I will rise or fall on my own." I added.

"So, if anything happens at the academy, it won't fall on House Maxamus." Cas said after a moment.

"Correct. The headmaster also received one. While the officials at the capital also received an official letter stating the same thing." I said as a smile crossed my face.

I was waiting for this letter. With it, I can move forward with my plans without my father observing or claiming my achievements.

"What if the officials never receive this letter?" Cas asked a moment later.

"Don't worry. This is a tradition dating back to the founding of the kingdom. Although the other nobles rarely use it." I paused as I glanced at Cas for a moment.

"I see." She began as a look of understanding crossed her face. "If word got out that the Royal officials mishandled this time-honored tradition. Then that would make the Royal family look bad." She said.

"It would also cause mistrust within the kingdom, which the King can ill afford." I added.

"So, now that you don't have the backing of your House. There won't be many that would mess with you." Cas said as we entered the dining room.

"Quite the opposite, my dear Cas." I whispered as I saw Liz already sitting at the dining table. "Everyone will be after me. I'm the equivalent of live bait being thrown in shark-infested water." I paused as I chuckled at my joke.

"You were already expecting this, weren't you?" Cas asked with seriousness.

"Everyone believes I will be locked in with them, but they're confused." I paused as I remembered a quote from one of my favorite characters. "They're going to be locked in there with me, and now no House is stopping me." I finished as I looked at Liz and waved.

A few days later.

"Thanks for meeting with me, Olivia." I said as I embraced her.

"Of course." She paused as she hugged me tighter. "I told you if you call me, I will come." She added after a moment.

Neither of us said anything for a moment as we embraced each other on the bed. We were both fully clothed, but that didn't stop us from grinding against each other.

"It's funny." She said after a moment. "To think you would pick the town of Prasat to meet up." She added.

"Of course. No one would ever think to look for us here." I said as I kissed the nape of her neck.

This town was where we had met up when I was using the alias of Ang Anino. She was pursuing me because she could not understand my name, which came from my world. Driving her nearly insane, which allowed her to be cornered by Markos, the leader of the Greycrest clan. Thankfully I was there to save her as I was pursuing Markos for a particular reason and was using the Princess as bait myself.

"To think my life would completely change after meeting you." She paused as she moaned.

"It's funny how fate works." I whispered into her ear, causing her to shiver.

We enjoyed each other's company for a while. But, of course, we never went further than just grinding against each other. Although I will admit, it was damn hard. She was one of the most beautiful women I had ever met, and to be able to have her all to myself was a considerable drain on my willpower.

The only thing that saved me? Was her shadow. Every time I looked at it. It looked like a dragon trying to consume me, and for the thousandth time, I wondered if she had dragon blood running through her veins.

I need to investigate this. I thought to myself as I kissed her.

A while later.

"So, how bad is it going to be?" I asked Olivia as we sat at a table.

"It's already been passed down that you will not have the support of House Maxamus as it is a rite of passage for you." Olivia paused as she took a sip of her tea. "There are many who have plans on using you. Including myself." She added.

"You have to keep up appearances." I said, giving her a soft smile.

"It would be weird if the kingdom's Princess didn't try to sink her fangs into you, hoping to control you." She said, returning the smile.

"What about these specific individuals?" I asked as I handed her a list of names.

Taking the list. She looked over it for a moment before replying. "Baron Thomas's son is already in my faction. While these two." She paused as she showed me the names. "Already follow House Whiteguard. The other four individuals I will have to investigate." She finished as she handed the list back to me.

"I see." I paused for a moment. "How much influence does Leonardo Whiteguard wield?" I asked.

"To be honest." She paused as she shifted uncomfortably. "His influence nearly rivals mine, and he hasn't even started attending yet." She said.

"Is it his father buying the nobles?" I asked.

"Yes and no." She paused before continuing. "His father has bought off some of the nobles but nowhere near enough to be able to rival me." She said.

"So, there is another player making moves." I said as I sat back, thinking.

"Yes, but I can't determine their plan." She replied.

"Explain." I told her.

"I'm not sure whom this other player is targeting. Are they targeting you or me?" She said.

"I would say they're targeting me." I said after a moment.

Seeing her face with a look of confusion, I couldn't help but chuckle.

"I love it when you make that face." I paused before continuing. "Your father and Duke Whiteguard are trying to get the two of you betrothed. That explains why his father is buying the support of multiple nobles."

"That doesn't explain why they would be targeting you." She responded as she tried to hide her blush.

"Do the math." I paused as I held up two fingers. "There are only two people who, in terms of status, are worthy of being betrothed to you."

"But you are already engaged, officially." She responded.

"Yes, but it's as simple as converting her into a mistress or a concubine." I said.

"The fact that she is my best friend. Means that I would be less than likely to oppose it." She finished.

"The question remains." I paused.

"How much do they know about us?" Olivia finished, cutting me off.

"Let the games begin." I said with a cruel smile.

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