
Reborn As a Vampire

Zell and his classmates are in the middle of a test when a strange gas fills the room, causing them to all succumb to slumber. They wake up in different places and different shapes: one girl became an elf, and Zell is reborn as a vampire, but most became humans. Adapting quickly to his new form, Zell begins exploring his newfound capabilities and soon realizes he has an insatiable bloodlust. He begins to hunt humans for sustenance and slowly discovers his lust for power over them as well. He starts enslaving women who cross his path, living out his sick fantasies as he feeds on their blood. He begins to build up an empire of terror across many countries, destroying any resistance along the way. Meanwhile, Zell’s former classmates have all found their own paths in their new lives, but none know what ultimately became of him until...

Mrhekko · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Getting Stronger

Zell was now wandering in a forest that was close to the mansion. He was looking for a place to settle down. It was time to forget his past life. He didn't want to die alone in the wilderness.

He looked around for a suitable place to live. He found a spot in between two trees. It was a good location with a clear line of sight to the mansion.

He laid down under the shade of the tree and began to rest. He closed his eyes to sleep.

Just then, he heard footsteps coming his way.

Zell stood up. He looked around for whoever was approaching him, but there was nobody nearby.

Whoever it was, was getting closer.

He stepped away from the tree and peered into the darkness. The sound got louder until it finally stopped right next to him.

He heard a soft whisper.

"Hello, Zell."

Zell's heart skipped a beat. He didn't know who it was.

He slowly turned around. All he could see was a shadowy figure.

"Can I ask who you are?"

A moment passed before the figure stepped into the light. It was Elisabeth!

Zell felt his breath catch. She was even more beautiful than he imagined.

"Hi Elisa," he managed to say.

"Hello Zell" she replied smilingly.

She was wearing a red dress that complemented her fair skin. Her blonde hair was tied in a bun behind her head.

She gave him a quick bow and said, "I came to tell you that dinner will be served soon. I hope you'll join us."

"Sure, I'll be there in a minute."

Elisabeth turned around and disappeared in the darkness.

Zell didn't know what else to say, so he simply followed her advice.


Dinner was being served on the veranda. There were several guests attending the dinner. They included Elisabeth, her parents, as well as several servants who attended to their needs.

Everyone was seated around the dining table. Zell sat across the table from Elisabeth.

The servant placed the food on the table before everyone.

Zell didn't taste normal food anymore and everything except blood was bland, the only thing that could satisfy his hunger was blood and he had gone without blood for several, he was afraid that he would lose control once again but he couldn't just ask someone for blood.

Zell pretended to like the food. He tried to act natural and relaxed.

Elisabeth and her parents were the only ones who seemed to notice his discomfort. Elisa's mother, Sirene, appeared genuinely concerned about him. She inquired about his health and whether he was still feeling weak.

Elisa's father, Armon, kept a watchful eye on him, although he acted nonchalant about it.

Armon was a tall man with dark hair and eyes. He was much older than Elisabeth, but he looked younger.

All these people felt like family to Zell now. He knew he needed to get along with them, especially since he would need to stay here for a while.

Eventually the meal ended and everyone left the table.

Elisabeth invited Zell to sit next to her. He agreed.

"Zell, thank you for attending dinner. I'm sorry about my father's behavior earlier. It's just that we have never met anyone from another kingdom before, and he was concerned."

"No, it's fine," he told her apologetically. "I understand why he's acting the way he does."

Elisabeth laughed. "Yes, he can be quite dramatic sometimes."

Zell remained silent for a moment, thinking of how to respond. After a few seconds, he decided to speak. "I am in the same situation as yourself. I'm not from this kingdom either."

Elisabeth immediately got up and embraced Zell.

"Thank goodness! I thought I was going crazy!" she exclaimed.

Zell was surprised by her reaction.

Zell saw her bare neck and since they were alone his instincts took control over his body, and he bit her, he didn't know that a vampires bite was something people get addicted to because of the pleasure.

Elisabeth moaned softly and shuddered when Zell sucked her blood. Her arms wrapped around him tightly as she trembled uncontrollably.

Zell held her close against his chest as he drank her blood.

After a while, Elisabeth released her hold on him. She looked up at him and blinked rapidly. "What happened?" she asked.

Zell was taken aback. He hadn't intended for this to happen, all he wanted was to feed, but then her scent filled his nostrils and her blood tasted so delicious, he lost himself in the moment.

He didn't know what to do. He was afraid to tell her that he was a vampire.

Elisabeth noticed his uneasiness and said, "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about our little secret. We can just forget today ever happened." Elisabeth said this since she wanted to hide that she liked it, or maybe she was embarrassed by her weakness?

She quickly added, "But if you don't want me to tell anyone, then we should go somewhere private."

Zell nodded and led her back upstairs.

"Do you mind if we use my room?" he asked.

Elisabeth smiled. "Of course."

Zell opened the door and they both entered.

Elisabeth slid onto the bed.


Zell woke up early. He rose from the bed, dressed, and went outside. He walked through the garden towards the mansion, he was hungry and thirsty.

There was no one in the garden.

He walked inside the house and found Elisa in the kitchen. She was preparing breakfast.

"Good morning, Elisa," he greeted her cheerfully.

Elisa smiled and replied, "Good morning Zell. Have you eaten yet? If not, I can prepare some food for you."

"Thank you." Zell said gratefully.

Elisa poured him a cup of water from the pitcher on the counter.

"Here, drink this, it will give you energy," Elisa said as she handed him the cup.

Zell took a sip. The cold water quenched his thirst.

Elisabeth made him scrambled eggs and bacon. She knew this wouldn't satisfy his hunger but it would help keep him alive until lunch.

Zell ate hungrily, devouring the food without any hesitation. Elisabeth watched him eat with fascination. She had never seen a vampire this hungry before.

After finishing his meal, Zell excused himself.

"Thanks, I'll take care of the dishes," Elisabeth told him.

Zell nodded. He left the kitchen and walked upstairs. He wanted to test something.

People meditated in his last life and got stronger and were able to use "chi", of course, Zell knew this was fake but it didn't have to be in this world, and maybe just maybe this would make him develop his vampirism.

Zell was worried since he hadn't grown stronger during the whole week since he and his classmates died.

So he decided to try it, it was worth trying, and he wanted to get stronger.

He sat cross-legged on the floor facing the balcony. He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. He breathed deeply and steadily, he felt like he was melting into the floor.

His consciousness began to expand, he felt his mind-expanding as he became one with the universe.

He saw a black sky with stars all over the place, he explored the place with his eyes and then he spotted a red star that was barely visible, he started going towards the red star at a speed he couldn't comprehend.

His mind got overflowed with information about meditating and growing stronger through it.

This star was a manifestation of his vampirism he could make this star grow and unlock new abilities, even evolve into a higher species.

He wanted to try expanding the star but he didn't have time.

Zell opened his eyes, his vision blurred, he shook his head in order to regain his focus.

Zell was confused by his experience. He wasn't sure what he had experienced.

Maybe he was imagining things, he thought.

He stood up and wandered out of the room and headed for the courtyard.

Zell was surprised to see Elisabeth standing in front of the fountain. She was staring at the water, her hands clasped together at her waist.

"Hi Elisa," said Zell, unsure of what to say.

Elisabeth turned around and smiled. "Good morning."

"Is there anything wrong?" Zell asked.

"No, nothing. I just wanted to come here and take a look at the fountain."

Zell thought that this was strange, he wasn't sure what she was talking about. He sat down next to her.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"Yeah, just thinking about something," she said evasively.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, I made you some blood." Elisabeth said.

Zell's face lit up. He thanked her and took the container from her.

Elisabeth watched him as he drank the blood she was remembering what she felt when he drank her blood.

It was something unexplainable, it was a feeling of warmth, of bliss, and of contentment.

"Does it taste good?" she asked.

"It's delicious!" Zell exclaimed.

Elisabeth smiled. "I'm glad."

Zell drank his fill.

"I'll go fetch some more," Elisabeth said.

Zell nodded.

Elisabeth left the courtyard and headed for the kitchen.

Zell finished his second cup of blood but he still felt unsatisfied, and Elisabeth was out of prepared blood.

This was a chance for Elisabeth to feel bliss again!

Zell approached Elisabeth and bit her neck.

Elisabeth moaned softly when Zell sucked her blood. She wrapped her arms around him tightly as she shuddered uncontrollably.

After Zell drank her blood, he realized what he did.

He felt ashamed. He didn't know what to say.

Elisabeth looked at him with a smile that conveyed her feelings and said, "Don't worry about it. I enjoyed it."

Zell was relieved to hear that.

Zell drank more blood from her and then they parted ways.

After lunch, Zell was feeling tired. He laid down on his bed and closed his eyes. He was surprised to find himself fast asleep.

When Zell woke up, it was evening.

He looked outside the window and saw that the sun had set.

He wanted to meditate before he went to get his fill of blood.

He sat down on the ground cross-legged and entered a sleep-like state.

He was going to grow a lot stronger today!

He started controlling other stars into the red star and the red star started growing rapidly. He controlled the star's mass to increase its size and density, making it bigger and denser.

The red star continued growing rapidly. It grew larger and brighter. He could feel that he would make a breakthrough soon!

Right before the breakthrough, he woke up.

Zell was surprised to see that it was going to be harder than he thought to get stronger.