
reborn as a tree in an apocalyptical desert

Dying 5 years before earth’s apocalypse Nothing I can do, right?!?!?!?! Wrong!!!!! Reincarnated in a world with time dilation so now I have 500 years to prepare, But I am a tree… In the middle of a dessert… At the start of an apocalypse?!?!?!?!

ShahafZ · Games
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7 Chs

The Gift , The Rift system

Tree, tree, tree…

I Think I have gone mad.

I just died, turned into a tree.

discovered the earth is going to end, with all my family, and all that, in five years or, is it 500 years?

I don't get time dilation…

But even if I could do something, I can't, because what can a tree do...

System initiialzaition!!!!!

<The plant Romeos is now being integrated with the Rift system.>

<Congrodulation This is a gift!!!>

<Commence Detection of world energy!>

<Energies detected: mana (super high), Divine (minor)>

<upgrading local energy type (mana) energy>

<local energy level are as follow: mana(supercharged)>

<locking local energy for minimum level type: mana(supercharge)>

<warning local energy (mana) level is found to be at medium and above, foreign threat detected(maximum)>

<warning multiple interdimensional organization mark this planet as high priority energy harvesting site, be prepared for an attack from foreign forces>

<warning high threat has been upgraded to (evacuate) all sentient life has been recommended to evacuate>

<reaserching refuge planets>

<refuge planet found: opening rift near every sentient species >

<searching sentient species>

<warning you have been found to be sentient please enter the rift near you for the refuge planet, the rift will close in 30 minutes>


This doesn't sound good, but wait, the rift is found to be near me but i can't get inside, because I am a tree, I can't move...

Well Technically I am not even a tree, I haven't even germinated yet but that is not the point, the threat level is so high how will I survive, let alone save the earth and my family.

I need to become stronger!!!

Or go through the rift to a refuge planet…

I have 30 minutes to figure out how to move myself