
Reborn as a trash noble

Jude wakes up as the youngest son of a Duke.

Zlatan_Exca · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Chapter 9

"Although she's stronger than me, I think I know her well enough to keep her occupied for a couple of minutes. Hermain force is magic, while mine is split off.....whoooaaaaa, let's go"- said Sky, as he glanced towards Jude with a strange glint in his eyes:

'What is he thinking of doing by holding the spear the other way around?'

While this question was running inside everyone's mind, Jude was smiling looking at Thalia, she looked cute with that stiff expression. She looked as if everything was under control, and this strange antic from Jude didn't bother her one bit, but jude managed to notice her long ears twitching.

'It seems my mana circulation is getting better as well. I can see further and clearer'.

Although the match had started only Eleonor and Sky moved, they both knew their role, the match would end in a couple of minutes, they did that. If that didn't happen whoever had the upper hand between them two would close the match.

Eleonor was certain that Thalia would win easily, the day and half she had spent with Jude, she noticed he wasn't as strong as the other participants, at least not when it came to body's raw strength and mana circulation, which would basically transform humans into super.humans. Although she did find him strange, the talks that they had were too little to form a concrete opinion of him, so for now, she decided to not judge him, all she could do was trust in the power and confidence of Thalia.

Sky on the other hand was certain that Jude could pull it off, not because he knew how strong he was, or how weak thalia was. Honestly, when it comes to raw strength and mana power, he was no match for Thalia, she was not one, not two, but a multiple level above him. The confidence of Sky came from the unexpected form Jude opted at the start of the match. He looked like a kid that didn't know how to use his weapon, but that couldn't be the case, he saw him swing it around before, and he was definitely a master, his wielding techniqyìwes,the basics one, were a lot better than himself, who had trained in the arts of the spear from a very young age. This simple fact was enough for him, he believed too much rationality diverted man from his passions, from his freedom.

Thalia on the other hand was a little bit surprised, although she didn't show it she was on high alert, she couldn't lose this match and make herself, and her royal family look weak and pathetic in the eyes of the others. At least now, she had won. In the future, she was bound to lose once or twice, she knew that no matter where she went there would always be someone nìbetter than her. Nevertheless, this pessimistic view didn't hold her back, instead it worked as fuel to burn her passion towards being the best of the best.

It was then that Thalia saw Jude's hand telling her to make a move. She looked around and saw Eleonor and Sky already battling it out. The match would end when either of the two in a team lost. But she knew that those two were almost equally matched, so the results fell on her and Jude's shoulders.

She crouched a little bit, and circulated mana in her legs, to power up her speed.

At the same time mana flowed from her heart toward her arms and eyes, she needed to power up everything.

She launched herself towards Jude who had a confident expression on his face...…until he looked to the side and his face distorted.

'Why did he make that expression, is something wrong?'

She turned her head slightly, enough to see in the same direction.

'There's nothing.'

She turned her head back. All this took not more than a split second, but it was enough for Jude on the other hand to close up the distance between them, and he swung his spear as if it were a big hammer. His aim was her head, more precisely her temples; he swung with full force, forming a diagonal line twice: the first one from bottom left towards up-right, and the second down toward her head.

'Her big eyes look cute, but she is too gullible, how could she fall for that cheap.ass trick. Not even commoners fall for that, and to think she has been trained from experienced fighters from a young age'.

There was a connection, unfortunately, her reflexes were fast enough to slightly dodge his swing.

'Now that's what I'm talking about. She can spread and concentrate her mana to almost all her body, while I can barely do it with my legs or arms.' thought Jude.

'He's going upwards, I need to move back fast, that was so stupidly careless'.- Thalia pursed her lips, and then bit them.

Just as she was about to do so, she felt a big hand on her shoulder.

"Huhh-Huhhhh"- she was startled once again.

"Hello there"-said Jude in the most careless way.

Just after saying this, he pulled her towards him, and made her go slightly behind him.

Although she was surprised and showed no reaction at the start, making it easy for him to pull her, she soon after got her act together,and stopped him from pushing her. It was easy for her to overpower him. But just as she was about to slash her sword backwards, to make him retreat, and so she could as well get some space. Instead she felt something stabbing her in her back.

He wasn't able to thrust his spear completely in her back cause of two reasons: one, his strength while thrusting backwards wasn't much, and the second, Thalia's body was all covered by mana, so it was almost like an impenetrable shield. Jude had only managed to make her bleed by since only the tip of his spear had dug in.

'Fuck I overestimated my strenght'.

Jude had in fact overestimated his strength. He thought that by hitting her in this position the match would be over, but he was only able to make her slightly bleed.

'Well then this match is over'-thought Jude as he tried to retreat by injecting mana in his legs, It was oìunfortunelty too late, since Thalia had already been swinging, and he had bet on his last attack.

All Jude could do was par that sword attack. The only way to do so was to give some sort of support to his spear, his strength alone wouldn't have been able to stop it, and he could possibly lose his spear from the rebound.

'This is going to hurt'- Jude put his left arm under the spear which was now positioned horizontally to par Thalia's attack.

As soon as the attack connected Jude felt a stinging pain on his left arm, exactly where the spear had blocked the sword.

Although it hurt they were both able to get away from one other.

They both swept a quick look to their partners, and they saw flying particles of mana, some of orange colour and some of green.

"At least they're enjoying this"- Thalia looked towards Jude who had said this and nodded.

They both got into fighting stance, but this time, Thalia didn't bat an eye, and closed the distance between them. Jude expected that and let her get close. He knew as of now he couldn't beat her, especially now that no matter what she would strike him with all her strength, It's' almost as if she's coming towards Jude with her eyes closed.

'If I can't win, I need to make sure she doesn't as well"

Jude let her get close and strike him in the shoulder, he knew she would control her strength once she connected her hit, and wouldn't cut off his shoulder,

"Although in a real life situation I would be dead….'.

Jude directed his spear towards her neck, of course he would stop in time.




Just as he predicted they both stopped, and the match was over as a draw.




Okay so I'll be busy for my exams till thursday. I'll try to write, but if yo don't see an upload for the next days don't worry I'll be back on Thursday, and afterward we're chill.

Thank you for reading, for the powerstones and for the collections!!!!!!

Zlatan_Excacreators' thoughts