
Reborn as a trash noble

Jude wakes up as the youngest son of a Duke.

Zlatan_Exca · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 1

I opened my eyes, it was my third or fifth time trying to do so, yet I couldn't.

I knew my body was tired, it was screaming to me to not move, yet i had to do it, a strange feeling inside my heart, it felt like all of my chest area was burning, from what i didn't know. You could say it was curiosity that led me to feeling this atrocious pain. I had to, and finally I did it: dark, it was completely dark, I couldn't see a single particle of light.

Maybe I hadn't actually opened my eyes, it was an illusion created by my mind, performing some sort of defensive mechanism to prevent me from moving.

No, this wasn't it, the moment I "opened" my eyes I could finally feel my arms, I could move them.

It was painful, maybe i hadn't done so in a long time, or maybe i was seriously hurt.

By the way i don't remember anything, that's why i'm moving all these hypotheses. What I can confirm is that my mental age must have matured enough for me to realize this improbable situation, in other words, I'm certain that I am not a kid, a new born child, that's what thinking, for the past few days, brought me to. The black hole in this argument is that I'm not sure for how long I've been in this situation. Did i Start thinking recently, every time I tried to open my eyes, to move, how much time did it actually pass?

I touched my eyes, the eyelashes were long, I could feel them. I wasn't able to see anything though. Maybe i was blind.

I put my hands down, it was suffocating having to use just that tiny amount of energy.

A sudden idea popped into my head, maybe it was dark, it was night, and for that reason I couldn't see anything.

Let's wait, sigh….

I actually heard the sigh, which means my ears are starting to work again: of course you would have guessed, but i wasn't able to hear anything as well.

I waited,...

And waited….

And waited….

I have no concept of time, so i don't know how much time has passed, but meanwhile i was finally able to easily move my legs and arms, and if i focused hard enough, i could actually see the outlines of my hands, which means i'm not blind.



More time passed, and finally I heard some faint footsteps, I could feel them getting closer and closer.

Another sound, maybe the doors being opened, reached my ears, and finally…light, the sound of curtains opening entered my ears.

I turned my head. There was a beautiful girl with red hair, she looked to be in her early thirties, wearing a maid outfit.

"My lord, it is time to wake up. You should hurry and get up".


I tilted my head, was she talking to me?

"Me?"I asked as I pointed to myself.

I saw her rolling her eyes. She come closer to me and said:

"Yes!!! You"" Who else is here?!"

Although her tone might have sounded rude, for some reason I was smiling. I could feel that she was someone I got along with, so maybe I should tell her that I don't remember anything.

I do find it strange that although I don't remember anything, I can be this calm.

Even when I felt all that pain, I was able to subdue it, almost as if there was something inside of me storming to dominate that feeling.

"Come on hurry up…it is an imp…"-

"Who are you?"- I interrupted her. I think this urgent situation was most important so I decided to hurry it up.

"Oiii,i will actually kick you.."-

"I'm not kidding"

She stopped and looked at me. She got closer, till our eyes were on the same level.

Her red eyes sparkled for a second.

"Y…You who are you?".

'The fuck, is she actually serious.'

Something inside of me grumbled, but it was soon replaced by the urgency of knowing my current situation.

"That's what i asked you uuu mmm…."-

"Claire, my name is Calire my lord".

"Umm ummm, Claire, i'm your lord, but who exactly am I?".

"sighhhhh, I need to contact the Duke, in a hurry"-she mumbled.

"Sighhhh, you're the youngest son of one of the four dukes of our Empire, you are Jude Skylark".

"Oh and I forgot to add, this is your last day as the son of a duke, you have been disowned".

She said this while smiling.


One part of me was getting irritated by that smile, it was screaming to me to catch her face in my hand, and smash it to the ground.

I was getting really irritated and this thought made me move my arm and touch her face.

She slapped it away. Of course she did: looking at myself, I could feel that I was weaker.

But I didn't think she could slap it away so easily.

My hand was red, it was actually bleeding. I could see my ripped skin.

'It hurts, fuckkkkk, what was that??'

"You really think that you could touch me without any ounce of mana?"

Mana? mana, mananamanananananananamanananaaamna

My head went into chaos.

I looked up to shake my head, this hurt more than that attack of hers.

I looked down, and my eyes opened fully:

I was holding her throat, and lifting her up in the air.

She was struggling, like a filthy worm that had been just captured by a bigger prey.

But just as I got conscious of this, my arms trembled and she fell through my hands, I wasn't able to hold her in the air, I didn't have any strength.

In all of this another part of me was screaming to leave her be, it was almost as if it was trying to tell me that it was my fault for her reaction.

'Fuck, do I have a double personality or some shit.'

But contrary to my expectation I never felt "someone" itching me from the inside after this.



Claire's Pov:

After I hit him, he looked at his hand. It was ripped pretty badly, that must've hurt, yet why does he look like he's analyzing something that he has seen for the first time?

He looked up and shook his head.

What is this, is he dizzy? I know he is weak but I didn't even use that much power in that strike.


Suddenly, in a split second, maybe even less, his green eyes glowed brightly, and in that particular fraction of a second, his eyes became all white, as if he was knocked out, or as if he was possessed.

In the next split second, I saw him smiling at me, a smile that told me to know my place, that I was beneath him, that I should've bowed down.

I was hanging in the air the next fraction; I couldn't breathe, but I would've rather died than to continue to look into those eyes that in the meantime became black, fully black.

Nothing could've been distinguished in those, they were like black holes, everything before them was destined to be destroyed. While looking at them, I had an epiphany.

Those eyes are both "destroyer of worlds" and "creator of worlds", it is a paradoxical thought, but looking at them, it feels like i'm seeing everything yet nothing, and then everything, and then nothing again, in a continuous, returning and eternal cycle. It was painful, not being strangled, but knowing that this pain will return in the future.

Eternal return of pain, I don't want it, do I have to die to achieve peace?

But of course it is human nature to be scared of death, of everything that could dethrone his central position in this universe. What would happen once everything that we, humans have created, is destroyed, and is given a new meaning, a completely new meaning, from subordinating ourselves to false human chains such as religion, politics, social rules and morale, to creating our own and individual system.

That's what those eyes have achieved.

'I can feel it, i am free, i am free form this shitty fucking world, i will create my own, i will be the master of myself, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes ,yesssss

I can feel it.'




Jude's Pov

'Fuck she's dead.'



Hello guys.

I know my wiriting is shit, but i have some cool ideas, I think, so if you can understand what I'm trying to convey then we're chill....

It should be a daily upload, but have no clue, life is life, so I don't know what'll happen tomorrow.

Thank you for reading and have a nice and fulfilling day.

Zlatan_Excacreators' thoughts