
Reborn As A Trap In A Woman Dominating World

"Hahaha, people of your world are really funny, do you all long to travel to other worlds? Why are all the books written in this genre?" Seated high on her throne, the young girl laughs heartily while holding her phone, her pale golden eyes shimmering with tears of laughter. With waist-long pure white hair, a knee-length white dress, white open-toe sandals, and a hologram-like white halo behind her, this divine young girl, who seems as if she stepped right out of a fantasy novel, is a true deity from another world. Mike's "fortunate" encounter with this somewhat frivolous goddess is due to three reasons: his frail health and tendency to fall; his addiction to staying up late without sleeping; and his poor, unhygienic diet... As a result, he's often in a sub-healthy state and quietly meets this otherworldly goddess in his spirit form during the still of the night. "Wanting to travel or be reborn in another world depends on the mood of this deities here. It's not just as you wish... Well, your world is indeed utterly boring." "Yeah, if you say so..." Still not recovered from the shock of his sudden change, Mike, now in spirit form, sits cross-legged in front of the goddess, bored and listlessly watching her fiddle with her phone. "Let me see your browsing history, wow~ cross-dressing, foot fetish, masochism..." "Stopppppppppp! Don't read that out loud!" It's like the ultimate humiliation to have one's browsing history read aloud, something so embarrassing that people often instruct their friends to destroy their computer hard drives immediately after their demise. "Hahaha ~ Don't be shy~ I quite like you. How about visiting my world? Pfft..." "Go ahead and laugh..." Watching Mike turn his head away unwillingly, the goddess laughs so hard she slaps her milky thigh. She stands up from the throne, casually tosses her phone aside, and walks over to Mike with a cat-like grace, closely examining his face, now flushed with embarrassment. "You're quite the beauty. I'll add a little surprise for you..." "What are you muttering about?" Mike didn’t understand why she would describe him as a "beauty" This so-called goddess's personality is truly detestable. He wonders what kind of world she rules over... He doesn't know if he has a choice, but if possible, Mike would prefer a world without suffering and sadness, where he could enjoy life to the fullest. "Alright! I've chosen your new identity in my world. From now on, your name is Ronnie, sounds like 'Loli,' right? Cough cough, the language will adapt automatically, and I'll also give you the ability to see others' levels... Let me think, what else~ what else~..." The white halo behind the goddess flickers as she wears a rare, serious expression. Unsure of his fate, Mike really can't laugh at this moment, mainly because the goddess seems too unreliable! "Just to let you know, my world is ruled by women, and one's status is determined by their level of magical power. I'll always be watching you, so make sure to bring me some entertainment, my 'little Loli'~"

Milly_Tuna · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Chapter 2: Succubus Academy

"My name is Leoni..."

'Why do I feel like this demon sister's gaze is so unfriendly... Ah, no, that's not right, it should be harboring evil intentions, with no good intentions at all!'

The process of accepting a new name went smoothly, but the new identity, not so much. Leoni, somewhat timid, kept stepping back, but the demon sister, with a wicked smile, kept stepping forward. The demons passing by also gathered around to watch the excitement.

At this moment, Leoni was like a fish on the chopping board, unable to escape the demon sister's palm no matter how much he struggled. He had seen such scenes in movies and TV shows before.

'Is the next step to strip me naked and force me to do something shameful in public?'

'Though wearing these clothes was almost like wearing nothing at all…'

After stepping back a few steps, a pair of delicate and warm hands suddenly landed on Leoni's shoulders. Leoni shivered from head to toe, knowing without looking back that there must be a demon sister with a wicked smile behind him.

"Where are you running to, little brother Leoni?"

"I... I have to go to class..."

Suddenly, the demon sister behind him exerted force with both hands, pulling Leoni into her embrace. In that instant, Leoni's neck came into contact with something really soft, and the demon sister adjusted the angle, smoothly sliding Leoni into her "groove".

Leoni, who had never seen such a scene before, was now in a daze. He used to dare to take photos with girls in female cosplay at comic conventions, but the people in this world are too enthusiastic!

'But maybe it's because they are all succubus...'

"Don't tease him anymore, it's almost time for class!"

A loud and decisive voice showed the newcomer's swift and decisive manner. Her thick black hair fluttered behind her head, her scarlet eyes were firm and bright, and the half of her chest garment was adorned with many pale golden tassels.

Wearing a silver hair accessory and with a serious and solemn expression, the succubus sister approached the crowd surrounding Leoni with hurried steps. She pushed aside the succubus who were "happy to see the excitement" and wrapped her arm around Leoni's waist at that moment, looking like a noble and upright princess.

'Her attire was different from the others, surely this succubus sister must be a person of high status.'

"I'll take you to class, don't wander off."

"I just came out of my room..."

Hearing Leoni's quiet rebuttal, the succubus sister smiled sweetly. Leoni also just happened to look up at this charming moment, and he suddenly realized that this sister, who had saved him from distress, was the same one who had urged him to change clothes at the door.

"They haven't seen a male succubus here for a long time, they're just very curious about you, there's no malice."

Relieved, Leoni finally had the heart to take a good look at this "Succubus Academy".

He was just in the dormitory area, where all the succubus who study and live in Succubus Academy reside. This place had everything for dining, entertainment, reading, and studying.

Exiting through the brownish-red wooden door, he entered a public area with two conspicuous signposts pointing to two areas: one was the teaching area and the other, the administrative area.

As the names suggest, one was for classes and the other for the administrative offices. Surprisingly, the succubus in this world also had to attend school, and their infrastructure was so... "modern".

The whole Succubus Academy was decorated like a noble school, with floral decorations and gentle paintings echoing each other everywhere, and different patterns carved on the load-bearing columns and wooden furniture.

After entering the teaching area, it wasn't divided into small classrooms as Leoni had imagined. Instead, it was directly divided into "A, B, C, D" four levels, with each level of succubus sharing one large classroom.

The succubus sister led Leoni into the large classroom marked "D". As expected, Leoni, who had just crossed over, was a low-level little succubus, unlikely to cause much of a stir for the time being.

"Behave and attend your class, I have things to do..."

She ruffled Leoni's hair carelessly, treating him completely like a little brother. However, he didn't dislike this feeling.

The course was entirely self-study. It was more like some special corporate induction training rather than a traditional class.

From how to elevate a succubus's rank to future job content, Leoni listened in a daze. He was indeed in the Demon World, but... succubus was actually a profession!

No, it's more accurate to say that the succubus community had specific job content and regular performance reviews. Succubae who failed to meet the standards would be punished!

According to the succubus lecturing at the front, the operation of the Demon World relied not only on the circulation of necessary goods and universal currency but also on a large amount of magical energy to support the stable operation of all demonic technologies. Moreover, to survive, demons needed to regularly absorb a certain amount of magical energy.

Among all demonic races, succubus had the strongest affinity for magical energy. They could even act as carriers of magical energy, allowing it to freely enter and exit their bodies.

Thus, succubus naturally became the "magical energy movers" of the Demon World. Besides obtaining the magical energy they needed for survival, succubus were tasked with creating value for the Demon World. This meant venturing into the human realm to bring back magical energy, aiding in the development of the Demon World.

Most of the magical energy in this world, over ninety percent, resides in the female individuals of intelligent species, in other words, women.

So... the thing that "D" level succubus have to learn is... how to please women, how to make women more comfortable, how to extract magical energy more efficiently!

'Is this really something that can be discussed in public?'

Leoni was trembling with embarrassment because of the course content, but looking around at the succubus sisters, they all seemed very interested.

But on closer inspection, this was a succubae's classroom, so it wasn't entirely inappropriate to discuss such matters. If there was anyone to blame, it would be the unnamed goddess who had arranged this identity for him.

At the end of the first day's classes, Leoni staggered out of the classroom, feeling feverish all over. If he didn't adapt to this lifestyle quickly, he would eventually be too embarrassed to step outside.

All Leoni wanted now was to hurry back to his room to rest, to relax his overstimulated brain, and to realign his worldview from his past life.

If he remembered correctly, this was his room. Leoni opened the door, walked into his room, closed the door, leaned against it, and took a long breath, instantly relaxing his tense nerves.

But when he opened his eyes again, he was startled into a cold sweat, even yelling out loud,


"Oh... you're back, huh? And why do you always get so startled so easily?"

The succubus sister who had rescued him from the crowd of succubus girls earlier was lying on the cherry pink round bed, her legs playfully swinging in the air, completely different from her earlier demeanor.

"I walked into the wrong room! I'm sorry!"

"You didn't walk into the wrong room, little brother," the succubus sister said as she quickly dropped her legs and jumped off the bed, "You're supposed to live with your sister here."

' Well living with her wouldn't be so bad...' Leoni just thought, his heart couldn't take much more after so many shocks in one day.

The succubus sister walked over to Leoni, cupping his cheeks in her hands, a sly glint appearing in her red eyes.

"My name is Viola. Please take good care of me from now on."

Viola licked her lips and whispered into Leoni's ear...