
Reborn As A Trap In A Woman Dominating World

"Hahaha, people of your world are really funny, do you all long to travel to other worlds? Why are all the books written in this genre?" Seated high on her throne, the young girl laughs heartily while holding her phone, her pale golden eyes shimmering with tears of laughter. With waist-long pure white hair, a knee-length white dress, white open-toe sandals, and a hologram-like white halo behind her, this divine young girl, who seems as if she stepped right out of a fantasy novel, is a true deity from another world. Mike's "fortunate" encounter with this somewhat frivolous goddess is due to three reasons: his frail health and tendency to fall; his addiction to staying up late without sleeping; and his poor, unhygienic diet... As a result, he's often in a sub-healthy state and quietly meets this otherworldly goddess in his spirit form during the still of the night. "Wanting to travel or be reborn in another world depends on the mood of this deities here. It's not just as you wish... Well, your world is indeed utterly boring." "Yeah, if you say so..." Still not recovered from the shock of his sudden change, Mike, now in spirit form, sits cross-legged in front of the goddess, bored and listlessly watching her fiddle with her phone. "Let me see your browsing history, wow~ cross-dressing, foot fetish, masochism..." "Stopppppppppp! Don't read that out loud!" It's like the ultimate humiliation to have one's browsing history read aloud, something so embarrassing that people often instruct their friends to destroy their computer hard drives immediately after their demise. "Hahaha ~ Don't be shy~ I quite like you. How about visiting my world? Pfft..." "Go ahead and laugh..." Watching Mike turn his head away unwillingly, the goddess laughs so hard she slaps her milky thigh. She stands up from the throne, casually tosses her phone aside, and walks over to Mike with a cat-like grace, closely examining his face, now flushed with embarrassment. "You're quite the beauty. I'll add a little surprise for you..." "What are you muttering about?" Mike didn’t understand why she would describe him as a "beauty" This so-called goddess's personality is truly detestable. He wonders what kind of world she rules over... He doesn't know if he has a choice, but if possible, Mike would prefer a world without suffering and sadness, where he could enjoy life to the fullest. "Alright! I've chosen your new identity in my world. From now on, your name is Ronnie, sounds like 'Loli,' right? Cough cough, the language will adapt automatically, and I'll also give you the ability to see others' levels... Let me think, what else~ what else~..." The white halo behind the goddess flickers as she wears a rare, serious expression. Unsure of his fate, Mike really can't laugh at this moment, mainly because the goddess seems too unreliable! "Just to let you know, my world is ruled by women, and one's status is determined by their level of magical power. I'll always be watching you, so make sure to bring me some entertainment, my 'little Loli'~"

Milly_Tuna · Fantasy
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29 Chs

  Chapter 11: Unique

Viola sat on the edge of the bed with her legs crossed, looking contentedly at Leoni, who was squatting in front of the mirror. Her slender tail was swinging slowly back and forth behind her, a sign of a succubus's good mood.

Every time Leoni tried to stand, his legs trembled uncontrollably, so he squatted in front of the mirror for quite a while.

Trying again with his hands on his knees, Leoni's legs gave out and he fell to the floor. Looking at his haggard reflection in the mirror, he squeezed his legs together with a look of grievance on his face, which only made Viola more satisfied.

"Mistress... can we not do this next time..."

"What's wrong? Your expression of utter pleasure is so cute. I just wanted you to appreciate yourself."

"I can't appreciate it..."

Recalling everything that had just happened, Leoni felt his sense of shame explode. Forced to watch himself in the mirror being overwhelmed by wave after wave of pleasure, he couldn't control his pitiful moans escaping his throat.

Indeed, Viola knew exactly how to make him lose control. Every time she caught him, he surrendered completely to the pleasure.

"Let's see if you've leveled up. You've absorbed a lot of my magic power tonight."

Leoni looked up and saw lv.3. The initial levels were easy to upgrade, but he could only reach level four by absorbing magic power from Viola.

But now, Leoni had a cunning idea. Since he was so popular at the Succubus Academy, if he absorbed magic power from all the Succubus sisters who wanted to approach him, wouldn't he be able to level up significantly?

A mischievous smile crept onto his lips, a smile that only appears when a scheme is successful. However, Viola saw everything and knew exactly what he was thinking.

"Even if you absorb the magic power of every succubus in the academy, you can only reach about level fifteen at most. Beyond that, no matter how much magic power you absorb, there won't be much change."

"Huh? How did you know what I was thinking?"

"Because I've already played out these methods. How do you think I became a top executive at the company? I was the captain of the succubus squad in the Second War between the Worlds."

Viola helped Leoni lie down on the bed. It was late, but neither of them felt sleepy. Leoni, lazily nestled in Viola's arms, whined for a "bedtime story." As a reincarnated being, he was very curious about the past of this world.

The Demon Realm and the Human Realm, although maintaining trade relations on the surface, always had underlying frictions. Both sides deployed considerable military forces, constantly stationed at the border to monitor each other's movements.

The first war between the realms was initiated by humans. At that time, humans believed that the demon race coveted the rich resources of the human realm and frequently sent various demons to scout and establish bases.

After discussions, several human countries joined forces to attack the Demon Realm, and the demons were thoroughly defeated in the frontal battlefield.

As a result of this war, the demons suffered a major defeat. Most of them retreated to the core territories of the Demon Realm, and the outskirts were occupied by humans.

"After that, the demons constantly thought about how to counterattack. The Demon King demanded that each race select a distinctive army and significantly enhance their strength. Our succubus tried almost every method to increase our magic power level, but we still couldn't match those races that lived for combat."

"So, Mistress, did you also absorb a lot of magic power back then? With whom?"

"Jealous? Hahaha, I can assure you, you're the first male I've ever touched like that. When we were fighting, it was just hand-to-hand combat. Even if we needed to absorb magic power, we would choose those demons with stronger levels, so it was all those females who didn't plan to go to the battlefield. Since it was the Demon king's command, they were all willing to help us."

Hearing this, Leoni intentionally snuggled deeper into Viola's bosom, caressing her back with the hand that was wrapped around her waist.

"Hmm~ You're making me ticklish with your touch..."

"Am I that special to you, Mistress?"

Seeing Leoni's head poking fuzzily out from her chest, Viola smiled and kissed his forehead. His grey-white hair slipped through her fingers, soft as the most luxurious satin.

"Of course, my cute little one. I never thought I would lie in bed and have heart-to-heart chats with a male. It's partly about strength, and yes, prejudice... I know it's bad, but on the first day we met, I really looked down on you..."

Leoni could feel it, that look of disdain from Viola on their first night was genuine. Helping him out of trouble was a "guardian's" duty; the initial tenderness was curiosity towards the only male succubus in the academy.

"I admit, it was shallow of me... I decided to approach you because of your looks and personality. But you really didn't disappoint me. We are very compatible, both physically and character-wise. So... I really like you, Leoni, my little cutie. Will you be my 'pet', please? I'm sincerely asking."

"Stop bullying me..."

Leoni and Viola locked eyes, their crimson pupils intertwined with tenderness, reluctant to part.

The next second, they instinctively closed their eyes and leaned in, their lips meeting softly but warmly. However, this kiss was different from before; it wasn't for pleasure, but an exchange of true feelings. Leoni didn't know how he would increase his magic power level to save his life, but at least for his life in the academy, he really needed Viola, in every aspect...

When their lips parted, Leoni shyly averted his gaze from Viola, unable to see her as a lover just yet. Perhaps everything felt too surreal, or maybe he was hesitant and scared to take the next step.

But he was clear about one thing: Viola's words were a confession of love. "Mistress" and "pet" were just unique terms for their relationship.

"You'll definitely be bullied, because you're so cute~"

"Mistress... I'm angry!"

"Hahah~ Go sleep, it's a rest day tomorrow. I'll take you out to have fun."

'Yay! It would be my first time going outside the Succubus Academy'

The thought alone excited Leoni.

'The Demon Realm... what was it like? I am looking forward to the life ahead'