
Origins of the Enderman part 1


POV: Teles

We were a large exploration group that originally had no name, but ever since the terrible incident, we collectively went down in history known as 'The Dead Enders'. Which was pretty insulting if you ask me.

The Dead Enders were one of the largest adventurer groups out there. I was born with these people and my parents raised me alongside them.

I personally loved to explore the great unknown, I liked to keep track of my travels by map, or journal. With our fearless leader Brian, every expedition was as safe and successful as possible.


Brian was not only a good leader/explorer, but he was also an inventor. He loved making these strange machines, I was too young to understand what half of them did.

For example, Brian was capable of creating an android that would protect us from monsters at nighttime.

They were these purple box-like turrets that opened up and shot homing starlike projectiles at their targets. Brian called these machines:

S: Self-protecting

H: Homing

U: Utility

L: Launching

K: Kinetic

E: Energy

R: Robot

Or Shulkers as some call them. These things can't move but will shoot at intruders with their targeting projectiles. Once hit, the target will start floating in midair, and our rangers finish them off from there.


There was an invention of his I still remember, I think it was a pair of wings. The only thing you could do was glide with them, though you could practically fly if you had fireworks on you.

Despite all these helpful tools he made, one of his greatest inventions was these large strange metal ships, these ships were somehow capable of flying in the air!

This made our travels a lot easier! Brian named this vehicle of his 'The end ship' he called it that because he always dreamed of visiting the end of this world, 'the far lands!'

Most of us weren't even sure if the far lands were still around, nor even existed in the first place, but he followed him in the ships anyway, for we were still curious about Brian's dream.

As we continued our voyage in the skies, we finally found a strange island floating above the clouds.

It wasn't the far lands sure, but this was so fascinating that we all decided to voyage over there for a little bit.


We noticed the islands having tall pillars made of obsidian, and in the middle, a fountain made of bedrock. It was the strangest sight we'd ever seen!

However, on top of the fountain was a strange flying beast, a DRAGON??? Its scales were black, and its eyes purple. The dragon was huge, and it attacked us the second we stepped foot on the island made of stone.

I was 12 at the time, so I was too young to help fight it. in fact, they wouldn't let any of the kids fight. So we had to stay inside the ships until it was over.

It was a long hard fight, but thanks to the help of Brian we banded together to defeat the dragon, and our reward was a mysterious egg and a ton of XP.

We decided to settle at the island for a little while, while Brian took the dragon egg and with the Redstone machines, he liked to build, tried to experiment with it. He did these experiments far away from us on the other side of the island so we wouldn't get in any danger.

While Brian studied the dragon egg, we set up castle-like posts where we could both sleep and dock our ships.

There wasn't much to in this biome, it was just ground that looked like cobblestone and strange-looking purple trees everywhere.

We soon decided it would probably be best to leave this strange island soon.


However, that's when things took a turn for the worst!

One day we heard an explosion on the other side of the island where Brian was doing his experiments. All we saw were white shockwaves resembling some kind of explosion.

Once things finally died down we searched for Brian in the wreckage of his lab. When we located him, he surprisingly LOOKED okay, but something was different about him!

Brian was floating in midair and his eyes..... Brian's eyes were just blank white, and they glowed.

Brian quickly acted hostile to us. We theorized that the dragon egg he used corrupted his mind, so he would attack us first, just like the dragon we fought.

Brian however was far stronger than the dragon, in fact, he was basically a god, an unstoppable force.


What he proceeded to do next was just the start of a 'fate worse than death'! For he proceeded to banish us and the island we were on, to an alternate dimension.

A dimension where there was no sunlight, no life, just dark purple skies and a bottomless void below us.

Brian was proceeding to leave. We begged him not to trap us here for eternity, so he decided to give us a fighting chance to leave the end dimension. This second chance was practically impossible to succeed from.

Brian then summoned a new dragon, this one black, with purple eyes. This one looked practically identical to the one we slayed a while back.

This dragon, however, had many twists. Now it breathed some kind of purple lingering acid.

Brian also created some kind of crystal that healed the new dragon and placed all the crystals on top of the obsidian pillars out of our reach.

This dragon wouldn't attack us unless WE attacked it. It was pretty territorial, so the only time it would strike first was if someone new teleported to the island.

"If you wish to leave" Brian commanded us "you must slay this new dragon, but don't expect it to be as easy to defeat as the last one!" He said mischievously as he instantly teleported to the overworld.


Many of the adventurers tried and failed, half of them died. After many weeks of trying to defeat the dragon, we gave up hundreds of us were killed. The dragon soon ignored us when we stopped trying to kill it.

We had to find a way to survive the end, the islands were only made of white cobblestone something we later nicknamed "ENDSTONE".

We called this place "The End" because we felt like this was the place we would be stuck at until we died.

There was no dirt, so we couldn't farm. We had to completely survive off a food source called chorus fruit, fruit that when eaten, makes you teleport randomly.

These fruits didn't taste great either, it was basically the only thing we could eat, so we had no choice but to get used to it.

One positive about it was that it acted as both food and water so we could survive.


Years and years passed, and while being isolated in the dimension, and eating nothing but the chorus fruit, something terrible started to happen.

The radiation that came from the end crystals was constantly exposed to us, it seemed to mess with our minds.

We began to mutate, turning into tall slender black monsters. This happened because we were stuck in this new dimension for so long, being exposed to the end crystals, and the endless chorus of fruit we had to survive on.

All the thousands of chorus fruit we ate soon gave us the effect to teleport freely without eating it, and we could teleport wherever we wanted around the island.

We lost ourselves, having hardly any idea about our past lives. There was one thing we could still do, and that was pick up the Endstone and place them, and even THEN we couldn't do that correctly.

There was one thing we DID remember though, and it was burned into our minds, those glowing eyes of that monster Brian who trapped us here.

Whenever we did manage to teleport and leave the end, we saw humans, they would often look at us out of curiosity, and when we saw their eyes, it instantly reminded us of Brian and what he did to us.

When innocent people looked at us, it caused us to become hostile, attacking and trying to kill them, because we thought they were the same being who turned us into these monsters in the first place!

However, it was never brain, just innocent lives we ended up taking, this information caught on with other people, causing a terrible reputation for us, making them scared to even LOOK in our direction.

This gave us the name "Enderman" because of the pearls we dropped when we died, and the way we teleported. We always hated being called that, but we had no choice. We lost the ability to communicate with humans, we just had an odd way of communicating with each other.

All our ships rusted, and were bleached purple along with the fortresses we built, The ships no longer work now, not that it mattered because we can't leave the end without the dragon vanquished.

The shulkers we stationed at the bases didn't really change much, they still attack intruders, but now they also changed to the color purple.

The chorus fruit turned our hearts into a new organ we call ender pearls, it also made any water we came in contact with us, burn us alive no matter if it was from the ocean or rain.

That was only part of the reason the tribe of the enderman became like this, but me? Let me tell you how I, Teles Fox, survived in the overworld.
