
Reborn As A Survivor... In Minecraft!?!?!?

Imagine being transported into Minecraft, a twisted and different world. What would you do? Cause chaos or make it a better place? The choice is yours. A college student named Takeo gets sucked into a fantasy world that has elements from Minecraft. The world is more realistic and the monsters look like humans. He needs to find a way back to reality and figure out how he got there. This is an unofficial Minecraft adventure novel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~Chapters are usually at least 1000 words to 3000 words long, ~Chapters can be in multiple parts ~Character designs on in my Profile's Cover photo if you wish to know what the main characters look like more specifically (They are beta designs though, things might be changed about them in the novel once introduced) ~feel free to give suggestions in the comments ~enjoy the series!

Spider_Thief · Games
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50 Chs

Building bases and trust part 2


"GAH!!!!" I awoke in a red bed, covered in bandages, I quickly looked around to see that I was in a room with other beds, possibly some kind of small hospital.

I was still in a lot of pain though, so I could hardly move, I guess the adrenalin was keeping me from fainting earlier. I held my head and tried to collect myself, thinking of my next move.

'Where the **** am I?'

'Was I in the city? Who helped me here? I can't believe I almost died, Would I even respawn if I got killed?'

I don't think this world I got transported to isn't a game or simulation, but another world that was based on the game Minecraft... I had to stop thinking when I heard something approaching me, sounds like multiple footsteps.


That's when 2 people walked into the room to see me, and I was shocked to see who it really was, it wasn't Stephen sure because that would just be too easy!

Instead, I see a man that has all the aesthetics of a character from Minecraft called Steve. I'm pretty sure everyone knows about Minecraft Steve, so I don't think I'd need to explain how his simple design looked, but he was one of Minecraft's oldest default skins/players.

Next to Steve was no other than Alex another default who was an alternative option later in the game. However, they too didn't look blocky like how they did in the game.

Now of course their cosmetics are the same, but their figures look realistic as if they were people in real life. I just hope they still are who I remember, but at the same time what were the odds I'd see people like them here!?!? I better just pretend like I don't know em, yeah... that seems like the smarter move!

"Ah looks like you're awake," the sinewy man who I'm pretty sure is called Steve said to me.

"What were you doing fighting all those mobs at nighttime " Alex replied

I was too stunned to speak, after the outcome I had last night. With the bonus of seeing actual video game characters in real life, wouldn't you have a lot on your mind???

I needed to talk if I wanted to stay at the village and increase my survival, so I gave them a brief summary of my problem while not giving them too much information. ( I won't even tell them my full name or previous life or that this is a game-based world)

"Now now, a lot has happened recently, we should start a little slower," Steve replied to Alex's question

"No no, It's okay..." I reassured

"What brings you here around here anyway?"

Luckily I thought up a quick cover story as to why I was hanging around this city on my way over here, didn't want to raise suspicion of course, not that it might matter with how large of a community there is!

"Ok ok, you see, the village I used to live in got run down by monsters, I got separated from my best friend, and I got lost. (So far so good!) I had no choice but to look for a new place to live, It was getting dark, but when I saw your village nearby I tried to run to it for some shelter until daylight. As you can tell, I was kinda bombarded by hostile mobs the other night."

Hopefully, that is a believable story so far, it doesn't look like I raised too much suspicion, but I think it works no?

"Well then, good thing we came when we heard fighting," said Steve "If not you would probably be massacred by those mobs, we had to take you to the infirmary judging by your condition."

(Jeez I'm glad the Steve I met is the one who's a pretty chill guy, and not the silent maniac who kills and destroys everything in the world that I usually know!)

"Yeah, you guys saved my life, thanks!" I replied, "I owe you one!" I hope a promise like that can allow me to stay in this village no? Eh, let's just see what happens next.

I couldn't see myself, but I felt extremely tense, I got one chance here I can't blow it!

|Stop overthinking things! Just go with the flow, they wouldn't kick out some injured guy on the streets, would they?| said ???

"Yeah yeah, you're right, I need to collect myself here!" I responded

"Who are you talking to?" Alex questioned, I quickly turned my head to them and realized I just blurted something completely irrelevant, SHOOT!

Not even my second reply and I already messed up, DANG IT THIS IS WHY I HARDLY TALK!!!! I thought. I needed to lower suspicion so I just went with whatever I could think of and hoped that it sticks.

"Sorry, just have a lot on my mind," I said scratching the back of my head, "umm who might you guys be?"

I technically already knew who they might be, but if not I might as well get introductory out of the way, to begin with, it's one more step into the circle of trust!

They looked at each other and nodded.

"The name's Steven Stonecutter!" Steve said "Most people just call me Steve," he shrugged

"And I'm Alexa Bergensten" Replied Alex. Welp, I was kinda right I guess.

Though these names make them sound more human than when I played the game (or until I changed my Minecraft skin, I wonder how I would look if I kept the default Minecraft skins...)

I better tell em who I am too, no point in trying to hide my identity and overcomplicate things.

"My name's Takeo, Takeo Warren!" I responded, "Nice to meet you!"

|So far so good!| Said ??? I looked a bit annoyed

"Say, can I get some water?" I asked

The doctor in my room took a cup, and got me some water, I took out a pill and dank it with the water I was given, "Thank you!"


"By the way, it seems like someone important is trying to meet you, you wouldn't know Richard by any chance right?" Alex said

I thought for a moment "No, not really, or at least I don't think I do..."

"Well, it seems like he's somewhat eager to see who you are, which is honestly pretty new, he never really tries to greet newcomers around here for no reason." she shrugged


The next thing I know, more people showed up in my room, a man who looked liked like a pretty important person, along with 2 guards and someone who looked like a prophet (or some kind of Wiseman I'm not sure about the customs around here!)

The man introduced himself as Chief Richard, he must be the guy in charge of the village, I wonder why he's here to see me personally though?

Richard was wearing a suit and tie with light brown leather armor around it, he had blue eyes, a toned build, and black short hair, and judging by the shaved beard he had, I can tell he was around 30-35 years old, something about this guy intimidates me though...

"What brings you here kid?" Richard came up and asked me

"I-I was brought here, I was overrun by monsters at night..." I said a bit scared

"And why were you even over here at night?" He followed up

"M-My home... It was sent into ruins, I was on my own for weeks! I finally found a new place to stay, but I was attacked! And I was closest to this town!" I explained

"I see... what village are you from?" Richard asked

So far so good, come on brain think of something! Keep it up!!!

"I'm from a small town called 'Applewood town'" I told Richard (Applewood town? That's the best I could come up with)

"Never heard of that place..." Richard responded

"It's a pretty small and secluded town, I'm not sure it was even around long enough to be put on the map!" I said trying to play all these lies off.

"Sounds like a pretty hard predicament you've been through," Richard said "Do you mind if I run a quick test?"

I started to get nervous, but I needed to not sound like I was hiding things "S-Sure I don't mind, what is it?"

Richard called his prophet over, and the prophet pulled out a stick, it didn't look like any ordinary stick though, something seemed special about it.

The stick was glowing and had a strange aura, was it enchanted?

The prophet pointed the stick in my direction, I couldn't see what was going on, but I could tell that Richard and his prophet were clearly seeing something, what was it!?!?!

They then showed a look of surprise, and they put the stick away. I think I'm screwed, not being negative, but being realistic....

"He's lying" The prophet whispered to Richard.

Richard stayed silent, he was thinking about something for a while. I was sweating profusely! The next thing I know, everyone in the room (besides me) is huddled together.

After a while of conversation, it seemed like they settled on an agreement. Alex proceeded to walk over to me and handed me a golden apple.

"Here eat this and you should be back to normal"

Golden apples had the ability to heal and buff anyone who ate it, I took the golden apple (or Gapple as some people call it) and ate it.

Shortly after I was able to walk on my own two feet. "Oh dang thanks, guys!" I called out to them

'He even talks a bit strange too,' everyone thought

"Listen up, it took a lot of persuasions, but we decided to let you live in our village as long as you need to, but note we will have eyes on you, and any suspicious activity you do will get you banished from here, do you accept our terms," The chief, Richard told me.

Knowing I had no other choice, I accepted, though I felt like their acceptance was oddly a bit easy, was this world throwing me a bone for once?

Was it because I looked human, or had valuable assets? And most importantly what's the deal with that stick thing!?!? Whatever the reason, I can just figure it out later.

"Well then, Welcome to the city of Minemore!" Richard announced to me. "We will give you bonus information regarding our laws and communities later."

So that's what this place is called huh? Not the coolest name not gonna lie, but I'm pretty sure the city's name wasn't Richard's call

"Thanks for having me!" I quickly replied

"Steve, Alex, go show him to one of our empty plots of land," Richard said "You can pay everything off later." He said turning to me

"Got it!" I said as Steve and Alex walked me out of the hospital.

As we left Richard was watching us out the window "Please, don't be another lost cause..." he whispered to himself.

Steve and Alex walked me out of the hospital, I got to gaze upon the city from the inside.

There were tons of buildings, block after block. I could see stores and small businesses of all kinds, like blacksmiths, tailors, butchers, basically any kind of store you need!

I saw a huge building where soldiers were training, I see a town square with bulletins, benches, and many other crowds of people and stores, but is it just me? or do things look kind of rough here?

I feel like things were pretty messy like no one has the time to fix them, and many people look like they're trying to leave this place, I'm not so sure about this... But at this point, I should just roll with it.

We finally reach some free space near the outskirts of the village, and they showed me a plot of empty land. "Here you can build yourself a house in here," Alex explained to me.

I gotta build my own place huh? I guess they haven't built new housing yet, which makes sense since I'm an unexpected visitor. I honestly don't mind building my own place, I could make my dream base and everything!

"Listen, if you want the people here to trust you, you're going to have to show them that you are just another helpful guy adding to the community, and either that's helping the residents out, or improving the village structurally wise, but for now they are going to be pretty wary of you" Steve explained

I nodded for I understood the situation, and as they left I began laying out my items to start building a base for myself.

While still wondering why I was accepted so easily, but that was behind me if I see any red flags I will simply leave.

This is just the beginning of my Minecraft journey (Or whatever this world is called, it's based on Minecraft so I will just call it Minecraft).

It may be a slow grind, but taking it one step at a time to reach my goals, but who knows, was I really stuck here forever? Did my friend get killed in the night? will I continue to survive these conditions? I decided to just not think about it, and focus on my tasks ahead, making a base.


POV Steve:

we were walking back to the village center after showing Takeo his new spot in the village

"I still don't get it, he's an outsider who we hardly know anything about, why let him in our village?" Alex told me

"We weren't able to see it for ourselves, but judging by the report I read, Chief Richard found out that Takeo is one of those legendary Otherworlders." Steve lectured

"Hmm? Do you mean there were more humans who were sent to this world?" Alex replied

"Yep, and it appears the one this guy is from knows a ton about this world of ours, almost as if he was able to simulate everything about the secrets of our Earth!"

"And how do we know he won't go on a rampage like the last guy who came here?"

"Because if he does, we will be prepared for the outcome, either he will be a Chero, or he would be a lost cause, like that Aaron fellow who caused a ruckus a while back"

Now of course not even I know what the outcome of this decision will turn out to be, but I hope I won't have to dispose of someone who knows so much, and maybe he could be a great aspect of the war prophecy, right now, we just have to sit and wait, until he makes a move!
