
Secrets Unveiled

"Afterwards, you were taken from the ruins of your house – which had exploded along with Voldemort – by a man named Albus Dumbledore. He's a famous figure in the wizarding world because he defeated another Dark Lord back in World War Two, and is also the Headmaster of the magical school all magical students in the UK attend. It was he who made the decision to place you with your only living relatives, who unfortunately for you happened to be the Dursleys."

"Now, as far as the rest of the magical world is concerned, you are a hero," I stated. "But the truth is no one knows where you are. I assume Dumbledore did it to keep you safe."

"Safe?" Harry uttered incredulously.

"Yeah. See, even though Voldemort was blown up, his minions still were on the loose. And they were able to blend back into the civilian populace with their master gone, as the Death Eaters had often done their foul work masked and disguised. The few who were caught were punished harshly, though some managed to escape justice by bribing their way out. Keep in mind, most of these Death Eaters were from old and inbred families, and many were rich, which was partly why the magical government had such a hard time against them. Even in a society of spells, gold speaks louder than words far too often," I explained. "And quite a few of the Death Eaters wouldn't have hesitated to murder you in revenge for the defeat of their leader. For whatever reason, Dumbledore thought keeping you out of the magical world was the safest option. I disagree completely, but what do I know?"

"Jesus," Sam whispered. "That's heavy."

"Yup," I said with a nod, before glancing at the clock and wincing at the time. "Wow, half-past six? It's gotten late. I think it's time to call Sam's mom before it gets any later."

"Sam's mom?" Harry uttered in bewilderment.

"Or his dad. Got to get you back home somehow," I said, giving Harry an apologetic look. "I don't want people looking for you if you don't go home. Magical or otherwise."

Harry hesitated, looking at me, and then at Sam. "Do I have to?"

"Yeah. Sorry," I said with an apologetic frown. "At least tonight is Halloween. Anyone who might be curious about your absence will probably think you were out trick-or-treating."

"I'll make the call," Sam said, getting up off the couch. "Um, where's your phone?"

I pointed him to the landline mounted on the wall near the dining room, and he went over to it and dialed his family. That left me and Harry alone for the moment.

"Sorry, this must be a lot to take in," I said apologetically.

"You knew who I was this whole time?" Harry asked, sounding anxious and betrayed.

"I did," I admitted. "I'm sorry for not telling you the truth at the time. But, well, the Statute of Secrecy is a big deal. And I could have gotten into a lot of trouble if anyone found out I was talking to you at all. They might have wiped all my memories of magic. Or worse. And there'd be nothing I could do."

"Why did you, then?" Harry inquired. "Why did you agree to mentor me? To help me? Because I'm famous?"

"Just because I feared the consequences doesn't mean I thought you deserved to keep suffering, not when I could have done something to alleviate it," I replied firmly. "Your fame means little to me. Your wellbeing is more important than that. And when I saw you for the first time… how could I not want to help you?"

Harry looked down at his feet, blushing a bit at that. He wasn't used to anyone showing him such affection, and had no idea how to handle it.

"I'll keep teaching you," I promised. "But now, there's going to be lessons about magic and the magical world thrown in to help you out when you go to Hogwarts."

"What now?"

"Hogwarts. The magical school I mentioned earlier," I said. "Dumb name, I know, but all magical children from the ages of 11 to 17 have to attend the seven-year curriculum to give you a basic overview of magic. It basically covers the equivalent of Middle and High School with a dash of early university level learning. Though be warned, Hogwarts only covers magical subjects. They don't teach math, science, or non-magical history until your third year. And even then, those are optional classes at best."

"The lack of math sounds pretty good right now," Harry said with a chuckle.

"Heh, yeah, I agree, but as much as I hate to say it, math is actually pretty important," I said with a chortle of my own.

"Okay, dad said he's happy to come over to get us and give Harry a ride back home as well," Sam said, walking back to the couch. "He'll be here in ten minutes or so. Twenty at the latest."

"Good," I said. "I'll answer any other questions you two have."

We chatted for a bit longer, with me giving a few more explanations about the magical world until Sam's father arrived in his car and took my two guests. I leaned back in my seat once they were gone, and let out a heavy sigh.

"Not how I wanted this to go," I muttered. "But I suppose no plan survive contact with the enemy. Or Harry Potter, in this case."

I snickered to myself. "At least things won't be boring, that's for sure!"


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