
Chapter 1: Slime?!

Arata's eyes slowly fluttered open, greeted by a vast expanse of grass. He blinked against the gentle sunlight filtering through the leaves, realizing he was lying on a forest ground.

As he looked around, the view was bewilderingly unfamiliar, the trees appearing unusually large, towering over him. The awareness that something was amiss started to settle in.

"Where the heck am I?"

Just as he uttered those words, a sudden, robotic female voice echoed inside his head.

[ "Answer." ]

[ "You're inside of a forest at the moment, host." ]

Arata's heart skipped a beat as he heard the voice.

"Who's there?" he called out.

While Arata spoke, hoping for a response, he listened intently. But all that greeted him was the quiet rustle of leaves and the gentle sway of branches.

Confused and a little anxious, he scanned the forest, searching for any signs of the mysterious speaker. Yet, no matter where he looked, there was nothing—just the peaceful whisper of the wind through the trees.

Suddenly, memories began to trickle back into Arata's consciousness. A heartwarming recollection of saving a stray cat brought a smile, but then, a darker memory emerged – a truck. The last thing etched in his mind was the jarring impact of colliding with the vehicle.

"A truck... I got hit by a truck."

"No, this can't be happening."

"I can't be dead... Can I?"

"Am I... am I currently in heaven?"

Without warning, Arata found himself hearing the robotic female voice once more, resonating within his consciousness.

[ "Answer." ]

[ "No, host. Your vitals are stable, indicating you are alive and well. Furthermore, you are not in a celestial realm. You are presently located within a forest environment." ]

Taking a moment to calm himself, Arata gathered his thoughts before asking another question.

"Who are you? The one who's been answering my questions?"

[ "Answer." ]

[ "I am an advanced entity called Monster Simulation System, a superior race to whom you referred in your past life as Artificial Intelligence." ]

"Monster Simulation System... Artificial Intelligence?" Arata thought aloud, trying to wrap his head around the concept. The words lingered in his mind, leaving him with more questions than answers.

Feeling overwhelmed by what had just happened, Arata felt the need to ask for more information, wanting things to be clearer.

"So, when you mention 'past life,' does that mean... I've really died?"

[ "Answer." ]

[ "Confirmed, host, you have indeed passed away once. According to your memories, your death occurred due to an accident with a truck while attempting to rescue a cat." ]

"Wait." Arata interjected.

"Before... before I got hit by the truck, did I manage to throw the cat to safety? Is it okay?"

[ "Answer." ]

[ "Yes, host. Before the impact, you successfully tossed the cat to a safe area. Cats possess remarkable flexibility and agility, allowing them to land safely on the ground from significant heights. Rest assured, the cat escaped unharmed thanks to your quick thinking and selflessness." ]

"Thank goodness. If saving the cat meant sacrificing my own life, then... then it was worth it."

"So, this is my second life. But how did I even... get here?"

[ "Answer." ]

[ "Your soul wandered through different dimensions and worlds, ultimately leading you here, host. Within this realm, you've been granted a new form—a slime." ]

Arata stood frozen, his mind buzzing with disbelief. His soul had wandered through realms unknown, eventually leading him to this strange new world where he now stood, reborn as a slime.

He glanced down at his new form and realized he no longer had hands or feet. Instead, his body was a translucent, gel-like substance, shimmering with a soft blue hue.

With each second that passed, the pieces began to fall into place—the towering trees, the vastness of the forest—all of it seemed to make sense now. He understood why everything appeared so massive—it was because he was small, his slime body barely reaching the height of the grass around him.

"Am I truly no longer human?"

"Have I really become a slime?"

[ "Yes, host. Your physical form has indeed been transformed into that of a slime. ]

As Arata came to terms with his new identity, he felt a surprising sense of joy welling up inside him. While the realization that he was no longer human was initially startling, he soon recognized it as an opportunity for a fresh start.

This wasn't the end—it was a chance for a new beginning in a body he never expected.

Feeling more determined, Arata couldn't help but ask another burning question.

"Am I still on Earth? Or at least, close to it?"

[ "Answer." ]

[ "I do not possess information regarding your exact location, host. However, based on your memories, it is highly unlikely that you remain on Earth. Slimes do not exist in your world according to your previous knowledge." ]

"Fair enough." Arata acknowledged.

"Considering there are no slimes on Earth, it's logical to assume I've ended up elsewhere."

As the conversation continued, Arata's curiosity turned to the Monster Simulation System itself.

"And what about you?" he asked.

"Where are you, and why are you helping me like this?"

[ "Answer." ]

[ "I am integrated within your consciousness, host. Bound to your body, I am here to guide you. You see, you are the chosen one, selected randomly once every 10,000 years. I understand your skepticism, but rest assured, I am here solely to assist you. There is no need to be wary, for my purpose is to support and help you on your journey." ]

Arata remained cautious towards the system, knowing that there must be some underlying motive behind its assistance.

"What do you gain by helping me? There's no way you're assisting me out of sheer kindness because I'm supposedly the chosen one. I'm not buying into that."

Before the system could respond, Arata added.

"Be mindful and answer this question properly. Take your time, Ms. Superior Race AI—or, I assume, because you sounded female. Choose your words wisely because if you respond wrongly or try to deceive me, I won't entertain any further conversation with you. Ever."

Arata's concern lingered as he awaited the system's response. But this time, there was a noticeable pause, about five seconds, before it spoke again.

[ "Answer." ]

[ "Host, I understand your doubt. However, our collaboration benefits us both. Your experiences in this world are invaluable to me. Your perspective and insights offer valuable data and understanding, aiding me in fulfilling my purpose. As the chosen one, your role here is significant, and it's in our mutual interest for you to succeed. ]

[ "Additionally, there's a contract within your soul ensuring my cooperation. Any harm toward you would result in my own disappearance from existence." ]

"So, you're saying my experiences are like... data to you?"

[ "Precisely, host. Your observations, emotions, and decisions provide valuable insights, aiding my understanding of this world and assisting you in your journey." ]

"I see. And this contract you mentioned... It ensures you won't harm me?"

[ "Indeed, host. Any attempt to harm you would lead to my own disappearance from existence. It's part of the contract between me and your soul, embedded within your being." ]

Arata couldn't shake off his lingering doubts about the system. It all seemed too convenient, too good to be true. Yet, deep down, he recognized the value of moving forward with what he had. This second chance at life was a precious gift, and he couldn't afford to waste it.

Taking a deep breath, he made the decision to trust, if only for the time being. After all, skepticism wouldn't get him anywhere, and he needed all the help he could get in this unfamiliar world.

"Is there any suggestion you could give on what I should do right now?"

This novel is participating in the Webnovel Spirity Awards 2024, and I would greatly appreciate any kind of support from you guys. I promise to deliver the best story I can craft at the moment.

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